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moon-panther vs. Negrek

Well, Acheron, I fear it's time for you to move over and make room for someone else in the spotlight. This isn't really how I'd hoped for you to go out, but... it'll have to do.

Start with a fake out. Then, if you have enough energy, fire off the very best hyper beam that you can muster. If you can't manage that, then try for a will-o-wisp. If you're not fainted but haven't even got the strength left for that, well... give 'em your very creepiest laugh and a big Cheshire grin.

Fake Out ~ Hyper Beam / Will-o-Wisp / Evil Laugh
moon-panther vs. Negrek, Round Eleven

Pre-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: You won't get rid of me so easily!
Riza's Commands: Fly up + Sunny Day/Agility ~ Dive down + Heat Wave/Agility /~Foresight

Team Negrek (3/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Acheron (M) [Stall]
Move Mod: +Magic Coat
Health: 36%
Energy: 6%
Status: Special Attack +4, Special Defense +2; ready to keel over but very proud of himself
Acheron's Commands: Fake Out ~ Hyper Beam/Will-O-Wisp/Evil Laugh

Arena: Moonbeam Meadow

A open meadow that is bathed in moonlight. Butterfree and Beautifly can be seen flying about peacefully. Near the Meadow there is a pond that Lotads and Goldeen are be seen swimming.

Round Eleven: Begin

Another burst of red light ushers a little brown bird onto the field. Riza the Pidgey stretches her wings and glares at Acheron, her tiny breast puffed up in what she hopes is an intimdating display of indignance. Before she can act, however, Acheron puts on a turn of speed that looks nigh impossible for such a tired Pokémon. The Sableye rockets through the water, leaps onto the shore and charges wildly at Riza, sending the startled Pidgey into a panic. She backwings hurriedly in an attempt to get away from what she assumes will be a crushing blow, but she cannot escape from Acheron's... relatively light slap across the face. The impact is minimal but Riza finds herself completely stunned all the same, and it is all she can do to keep from falling over as she tries to relax and slow her thundering heart.

The burst of energy takes its toll on Acheron; the Sableye, now all but dead on his feet, sinks to the ground and just lies there. He watches Riza as she continues to sit on the ground with her eyes closed and chest heaving. Eventually the tiny bird seems to calm down, tension sliding off of her face as she relaxes every muscle she can. She looks so serene, so peaceful, so zenlike... it'd be nice to chill out like that, Acheron muses. But his trainer wants him to earn that rest before he can have it, and so earn it he does.

Riza is so zoned out that she does not notice the bright light building up in front of her. Acheron tilts his head back so that he can open his mouth while still lying down, and each of his knifelike teeth glitters and shines in the light of the glowing, orange ball forming between his jaws. The sphere of energy pulses and spins as it grows steadily larger, getting bigger and bigger until it is even larger than Acheron's wide head. Without warning the ball of light expands into a wide beam of intensely concentrated power, sharply lighting up the nighttime meadow and blinding several Butterfree and Beautifly, stunning them and causing them to drop into the pond. Only when the searing blast of raw energy completely engulfs her does Riza realize that she is under attack, and she begins to screech and flail about in a desperate attempt to get out of the way. Before she can struggle to one side of the beam, however, it stops abruptly.

Riza, heart pounding all over again, opens her eyes just a slit and squints over at Acheron. All of the light is gone now, the meadow returned to its previous level of gentle darkness. Acheron's dark purple body is a little difficult to make out at first, but as her eyes readjust to the darkness she can see him at last. The Sableye is lying perfectly still in the grass, too exhausted even to finish his final attack.

Round Eleven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 87%
Energy: 97%
Status: Speed +2; well, that was bad, but it could've been a lot worse...

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Acheron (M) [Stall]
Move Mod: +Magic Coat
Health: 36%
Energy: 0%
Status: Knocked out due to fatigue

Arena Status: A hole several feet deep sits in the center of the field, and another, smaller hole sits near the pond. A few feet away from this hole, several rocks of varying size and shape sit at the water's edge. Two Butterfree and two Beautifly are floundering around in the water in a desperate struggle to get back into the air. Below them a cluster of frozen Goldeen sits at the bottom of the pond. The ice surrounding the Goldeen is slowly starting to thaw.

Lotad Trauma Count: 3
Beautifly Trauma Count: 3
Goldeen Trauma Count: 5
Butterfree Trauma Count: 2

Ref's Notes
-Hyper Beam's damage was drastically reduced due to Acheron's low energy.
-Acheron fainted on the second action.
-motivation what motivation I know not this motivation of which you speak
-Negrek sends out and attacks first next round.
I think I'm going to give my magby, Igneous, a bit of time in the limelight.

Okay, Igneous, show me what you've got! No need to get fancy just yet: give her a thunderpunch, then brick break, then thunderpunch again. If she has any clones and you can reach her, faint attack instead. Finally, if she flies up out of range of most attacks, see if you can't set up the most awful uproar ever and annoy her even at high altitude.

Thunderpunch / Faint Attack / Uproar ~ Brick Break / Faint Attack / Uproar ~ Thunderpunch / Faint Attack / Uproar

Alright Riza, let's get rolling! I want you to cause some status to the lava baby there. Begin with a Attract to cool his jets, then start kicking up some mud for a few mud slaps. If the Attract didn't work the first time, use is again. You can do this babe~

Attract ~ Mud Slap/ Attract ~ Mud Slap/ Attract
moon-panther vs. Negrek, Round Twelve

Pre-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 87%
Energy: 97%
Status: Speed +2; well, that was bad, but it could've been a lot worse...
Riza's Commands: Attract ~ Mud-Slap/Attract ~ Mud-Slap/Attract

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Watching the air in front of him warp and shimmer with heat
Igneous's Commands: Thunderpunch/Faint Attack/Uproar ~ Brick Break/Faint Attack/Uproar ~ Thunderpunch/Faint Attack/Uproar

Arena: Moonbeam Meadow

A open meadow that is bathed in moonlight. Butterfree and Beautifly can be seen flying about peacefully. Near the Meadow there is a pond that Lotads and Goldeen are be seen swimming.

Round Twelve: Begin

Although she has calmed down somewhat now that Acheron is no more, Riza still feels a little on edge--she doesn't know what sort of opponent is in store for her next. She does not have to wait too long to find out: brilliant red light illuminates part of the dark meadow across from the Pidgey, quickly twisting and solidifying into the shape of a red, roughly human-shaped creature with a beaklike snout. The little Magby exhales a cloud of smoke and a few embers as he materializes and then looks at his surroundings, curious and eager.

Riza is quick to distract her new foe, fluttering over to him and landing as close to his heat-radiating body as she dares. Though her fairly rigid beak prevents her from showing him much of a smile, she does her best to look coy and flirtatious as she compliments him. Boy, he sure looks a lot stronger than that Acheron guy! If she's not careful, why, he could probably knock her out in one hit. If he wanted to, anyway. But he looks way too sweet and adorable and gentlemanly to pull anything like that.

Igneous blinks. He hasn't even done anything other than look around, and already this Pidgey is heaping compliments on him? Not that what she's saying isn't true, of course. Obviously he is quite amazing... how kind of her to notice. It sure would be terrible if he hurt the pretty, polite girl bird after she said such nice things about him, but Negrek wants a thunderpunch and, well, he probably should disappoint his trainer on the very first turn of his very first battle ever... besides, he thinks, trying to rationalize it a little further as he pulls his fist back for a blow, he is just about the strongest, awesomest guy ever. Maybe a little demonstration of power will impress her! Electricity pops and snaps around Igneous's hand as he throws it forward, hitting Riza square in the chest and sending her sprawling. Riza shrieks as the electrical energy tears through her body, frazzling her nerves and compromising her muscle function.

Riza remains supine on the ground and gives Igneous the most flabbergasted look she can manage; Igneous lowers his hand, ashamed. What was he thinking? How could he do such an awful thing to poor Riza after she was so nice to him? He shuffles his feet as he walks up to her, intending to apologize profusely. Before he can get the words out, however, Riza struggles to her feet and then flutters her wings furiously in the damp grass, kicking up a few clumps of wet dirt and flinging them into the Magby's eyes. Igneous's hands fly up to his face in an attempt to block any further flying soil, but the damage is done; while the mud-slap was certainly not the most painful earth-based attack he can imagine suffering, his vision is now cloudy and his eyes sting. It seems a little odd that Riza would attack him after being so friendly just moments ago, but then again he did just clobber her... he probably deserved it, then.

Judging by the expression on Riza's face, she definitely seems to think that Igneous deserves every single grain of soil that's currently digging into his corneas. And perhaps a little more after that--she kicks up even more mud, once again scoring a nice, clean hit on the fire-type's face. Igneous whimpers now as his vision grows steadily worse and his eyes start to sting even more, and he rubs fitfully at his eyes. When he squints blearily at Riza again, she seems to have settled down somewhat. She still looks quite ruffled and affronted, but look (assuming that he's seeing things properly) seems to say that maybe she'll forgive him. Maybe. That's all that Igneous really wants to hear; he smiles weakly at her and then resumes wiping his eyes.

Round Twelve: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 75%
Energy: 88%
Status: Speed +2; Paralyzed (moderate); doing her best to feign interest in her opponent

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 94%
Energy: 94%
Status: Accuracy -2; Attracted (moderate); sowwy, pretty birdy OwO

Arena Status: A hole several feet deep sits in the center of the field, and another, smaller hole sits near the pond. A few feet away from this hole, several rocks of varying size and shape sit at the water's edge. Two Butterfree and two Beautifly are floundering around in the water in a desperate struggle to get back into the air. Below them a cluster of frozen Goldeen sits at the bottom of the pond. The ice surrounding the Goldeen is thawing.

Lotad Trauma Count: 3
Beautifly Trauma Count: 3
Goldeen Trauma Count: 5
Butterfree Trauma Count: 2

Ref's Notes
-The first Thunderpunch paralyzed Riza.
-Igneous was too smitten/ashamed to attack on the second and third actions.
-moony attacks first next round.
Well well well my dear Riza, seems you've succeeded in wooing the young lava baby. Very good, now let's do some bit of damage here.

I want you to Captivate the little one for the first two actions, then follow up with a Facade as the finisher. But we have to play this right or we may lose the dear's affection.

I want you to try to charm the boy silly with Captivate so his Special Attacks won't hurt that much if he ever hits you. This should ensure a better future for you babe. As for the last action, I want you to put on a show, saying that you'd like to show him your strength in your last move of the round. Tell him is a show of strength just for him so he'll be flattered by your action, rather than hurt by your force and possibly snapped out of the attraction.

You can do this honey~

Captivate ~ Captivate ~ Facade
Commands from Negrek

All right, Igneous, if you want to try and make it up to the pidgey, why don't you give her a present? And we'll make it in the shape of you, of course, because that's what she wants. Create a substitute just for her; a 10% one should do.

Next up, take some time to get the grit out of your eyes, the better to see your beloved (not to mention that I bet they're uncomfortable as is).

And finally, she wants to impress you with some big attack, huh? Then show her you're worthy with a big attack of your own--fire punch! If she's too weak to move and you don't want to attack, though, instead use confuse ray to create some pretty lights for her entertainment. Everybody loves pretty lights!

Substitute (10%) ~ Clear Eyes ~ Fire Punch / Confuse Ray
moon-panther vs. Negrek, Round Thirteen

Pre-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 75%
Energy: 88%
Status: Speed +2; Paralyzed (moderate); doing her best to feign interest in her opponent
Riza's Commands: Captivate ~ Captivate ~ Facade

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 94%
Energy: 94%
Status: Accuracy -2; Attracted (moderate); sowwy, pretty birdy OwO
Igneous's Commands: Substitute (10%) ~ Clear Eyes ~ Fire Punch/Confuse Ray

Arena: Moonbeam Meadow

A open meadow that is bathed in moonlight. Butterfree and Beautifly can be seen flying about peacefully. Near the Meadow there is a pond that Lotads and Goldeen are be seen swimming.

Round Thirteen: Begin

Eager to make up with the lovely Riza, Igneous sets about making a present for her. He takes a deep breath and then exhales sharply, spilling a whole mess of smoldering embers onto the damp, dewy grass at his feet. The embers hiss and steam slightly as they pile up into a Magby-sized mound. Panting a little after all of that exhaling, Igneous prods and moulds the mound of coals intoa vaguely humanoid shape with a misshapen, lumpy head, and breathes on it one last time. Two of the coals in the construct's "head" flare a little brighter than the others, giving the eeries appearance of glowing, pupilless eys. The Magby grins, gives the substitute a little pat on the head and then turns to wave at where he's pretty sure Riza is sitting. As soon as he figures he's waved enough to draw her attention to his thoughtful, handmade gift--he can't see her face to know what she thinks about it, but surely she must love it, right?--he winks away, disappearing from the meadow to parts unknown.

Riza frowns at the substitute Magby she's been left with. Clearly this thing isn't that silly little Igneous; its expression (if one could call it that) is all glowy and creepy, not dopey and fawning and with that ugly excuse for a beak like the original. Still, it... almost looks sort of alive... maybe she can manipulate it while Igneous is away. She hops cautiously toward it, but she only makes it a few paces before her legs seize up painfully and she trips and crashes into the ground. All attempts to captivate the bizarre, smoking clone are completely forgotten as she struggles with her own muscles, trying desperately to get up.

Safe in his special hiding place, Igneous is able to wipe dirt and mud out of his eyes unmolested. That Riza... such a spirited girl, she is. Hopefully some of that "spiritedness" will have gone away after she sees his present, and she won't be inclined to throw even more dirt at him. With his eyes more or less clear again the little fire-type turns his attention to the Pidgey and the substitute, checking to see how they're getting along.

As far as Igneous can tell, Riza really does like his gift--she's being so nice to it. How sweet! Riza, deciding that she can flatter this thing just fine from right where she is thank you very much, is doing her level best to floor the coal construct with bold-faced lies, or rather compliments, about how flawlessly made it is and how pretty it is. Poor Riza nearly wears her little lungs out with coy chattering, but it does her no good. Igneous's double simply stares into space with its eerie, fiery eyes.

Igneous continues to watch and wait as Riza's mood turns sour and she quickly tires of his "present". Stupid, really, she should've known it was just an ugly pile of burning red rocks and she should've just smashed it to pieces before. Well, screw Igneous and his gift; they're not worth the headache. All that trying to be nice to them has gotten her is pain, paralysis and an embarassing pratfall to boot. With a high-pitched screech Riza scrabbles to her feet and runs forward, not even giving herself enough time to take off before she throws herself at the substitute. She scratches and batters away at the offending mannequin, scattering the hot embers and only just keeping enough of her wits about her to remember not to touch them for too long. The substitute disintegrates before her fury, and when Riza stops and hops back a few paces there is nothing left but a few wisps of steam sprinkled around her where the embers are sizzling away in the grass. She shakes her wings and legs a few times as she glares around her. Good--she doesn't feel quite so stiff and crampy after that little "stretch".

Igneous... doesn't really know what to think about this, and he puzzles over what he's just seen as he is forced to reappear in the normal world again. On the one hand, it was rather rude of Riza to up and annihilate his special present; on the other hand, that was really really wicked cool. He knew his Riza was pretty and strong and all that, but... wow. Igneous sure is lucky that she loves him and doesn't totally want to kill him, because if she did then... she would totally kill him. Still, impressive (and unnerving) as that was, he can't help but feel a little inadequate. He's the man in the relationship, after all; Riza is perfectly entitled to kick copious amounts of ass like that, but he's supposed to be the tougher of the two. He doesn't really want to hurt Riza again and risk more dirt in his face or going the way of his substitute, but he's got to show her who's in charge here. Just this once. So he strides forward, doing his best to look as manly and macho and awesome as he can, and drives a flaming fist right into Riza's throat. The Pidgey makes a grating gagging noise as she cops a hit straight to the larynx and falls over, coughing and choking. The damp grass she comes to rest in puts out the little fire that had started in her neck feathers before it really has a chance to catch, but not before it has a chance to burn the skin underneath. Igneous shuffles his feet nervously. Whoops. If Riza's murderous expression is anything to go by, that was not quite the right way to assert his masculine authority.

Round Thirteen: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 62%
Energy: 73%
Status: Speed +2; Paralyzed (mild), Burned (Moderate); furious and starting to look a little less attractive, but not feeling quite as stiff

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 84%
Energy: 83%
Status: Attracted (mild); um, Riza? Ehehe... Riza? That was... I just... uh... don't kill me... eep!

Igneous's Substitute: broken

Arena Status: Dying embers left over from Igneous's substitute are scattered around Riza. A hole several feet deep sits in the center of the field, and another, smaller hole sits near the pond. A few feet away from this hole, several rocks of varying size and shape sit at the water's edge. Two Butterfree and two Beautifly are floundering around in the water in a desperate struggle to get back into the air. Below them a cluster of frozen Goldeen sits at the bottom of the pond. The ice surrounding the Goldeen has thawed about halfway, and one of them is almost free.

Lotad Trauma Count: 3
Beautifly Trauma Count: 3
Goldeen Trauma Count: 5
Butterfree Trauma Count: 2

Ref's Notes
-Riza was fully paralyzed on the first action.
-Negrek attacks first next round.
Attack Orders from Negrek

Negrek said:
We will be having a little talk about your attitude towards women after this battle, young man. >:(

Uh-oh, Igneous, that didn't go too well! I think we'd better get some water on that burn to soothe it a bit before Riza gets angry enough to come after you. The fastest way to do that is to seismic toss her into the pond and aim for a butterfree so she has a nice soft landing; that should clear her burn right up. If you think that's a really bad idea, though, instead you can try distracting her with some pretty lights.

After that, I think you'd best give Riza some time to cool down; that bird's not built for swimming, but just to be sure she doesn't come after you, keep her out in the water by nudging her away with a couple of secret powers. If she isn't in the pond on your second action, try tossing her in then instead. On the last action, if she's out of range of your secret power, set up a barrier to give you some defense against her attacks.

Seismic Toss (into pond) / Confuse Ray ~ Secret Power / Seismic Toss (into pond) ~ Secret Power / Barrier
DQ warning for moony. I would need your attacks by tomorrow, but since the forum's been dead for long periods of time these past few days you can have another day and a half.
Oh god I thought I posted in this eek D:

Um. First use Facade, hive him a good whoopin' for hurting you! Then stay away from him and use Air Slash. Try not to make eye contact!

Facade ~ Air Slash ~ Air Slash
moon-panther vs. Negrek, Round Fourteen

Pre-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 62%
Energy: 73%
Status: Speed +2; Paralyzed (mild), Burned (Moderate); furious and starting to look a little less attractive, but not feeling quite as stiff
Riza's Commands: Facade ~ Air Slash ~ Air Slash

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 84%
Energy: 83%
Status: Attracted (mild); um, Riza? Ehehe... Riza? That was... I just... uh... don't kill me... eep!
Igneous's Commands: Seismic Toss/Confuse Ray ~ Secret Power/Seismic Toss ~ Secret Power/Barrier

Arena: Moonbeam Meadow

A open meadow that is bathed in moonlight. Butterfree and Beautifly can be seen flying about peacefully. Near the Meadow there is a pond that Lotads and Goldeen are be seen swimming.

Round Fourteen: Begin

Riza pulls herself to her feet as Igneous watches, drumming his fingers together nervously. Ooh, he's stepped in it this time. He really doesn't need Riza (and his trainer, for that matter) upset with him, so he makes his way over to Riza, picks her up and gives her a big hug. The Pidgey screeches as she finds herself pressed against the Magby's intensely hot body, and she struggles valiantly to get away; before she can make any progress, however, Igneous spins around and heaves her forward, sending her sailing out over the meadow and into the pond. She hits the water several feet from shore with a splash, spraying the four butterfly Pokémon still trying to flop their way to the other side. Riza goes under but surfaces seconds later, gasping for air and floundering around ineffectually. Igneous, still worried, cranes his neck and looks out into the water. He hadn't meant to throw her quite that far, instead aiming a little closer to the shallows. He frowns and sits down in the grass, hoping that her burn feels better and that she'll be able to make it out okay.

Maybe her neck is feeling a little better, but Riza still seems to be quite upset, judging by the looks of things. Igneous can't hear her shouting too well over the splashing and the water constantly getting into her beak--her "Igneous, you sorry little bastard, what the hell did you throw me into the effing water for?! I'm going to kill you!" is more or less indecipherable by the time it gets to Igneous, and so he decides to interpret it as "Igneous, my darling little misfit Igneous, my poor dainty throat, oh, how it pains me so!" Perhaps she needs a little more time to cool off? The Magby holds his arms out in front of him and shuts his eyes, attempting to feel out the natural energy of the nighttime meadow he stands in. His hands begin to glow a pale green; the glow stretches out into a beam that shoots out across the water, colliding with the struggling Riza and dunking her under the water on impact. The beam of secret power pushes the panicked bird down and back toward the center of the pond.

Then the beam stops immediately and Igneous drops his hands, now clearly frightened. Now he's really done it; Riza is underwater (ugh, what a terrible place to be!), and Igneous hasn't exactly gotten the impression that she can swim all that well. He jumps up and cries out to her, hoping that she can hear him. To his relief, Riza surfaces again a few seconds later with another gasp. After thirty seconds of spluttering and clearing her lungs Riza flails and screams anew, and this time her sentiments are clear and simple enough for even Igneous to make out: "YOU EFFING SUCK!" Igneous pouts; that's not very nice! He's beginning to think that the confusing, verbally-abusive Pidgey isn't such a great first girlfriend after all; still, if she drowns, it'll be his fault; he sits down again and holds his head, wishing he knew what to do right now. Women, water... why can't things just make sense?

Round Fourteen: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 52%
Energy: 61%
Status: Speed +2; Paralyzed (mild); flailing around in the pond with waterlogged feathers, more concerned with keeping her head above water than anything else

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 84%
Energy: 71%
Status: Attracted (light); Look, I was just trying to help you, what do you want, woman?! You want me to jump in there and get you?! Er, wait, no... uh... just... don't drown! Lifeguaaaard! D:

Arena Status: A hole several feet deep sits in the center of the field, and another, smaller hole sits near the pond. A few feet away from this hole, several rocks of varying size and shape sit at the water's edge. Riza is in the pond about halfway between the near shore and the center. The two Butterfree and Beautifly have managed to fight halfway to the far shore. A cluster of frozen Goldeen sits at the bottom of the pond. Two of the Goldeen have worked themselves free of the melting ice and are now hiding elsewhere, but the other three are still more or less stuck.

Lotad Trauma Count: 3
Beautifly Trauma Count: 3
Goldeen Trauma Count: 5
Butterfree Trauma Count: 2

Ref's Notes
-Igneous didn't want to risk throwing Riza too far out into the pond, so the distance he threw her and thus the damage done were reduced; she was still far enough away that she couldn't make it back to the shallows in time to attack with Facade.
-Secret Power takes its short grass (poison) form in this arena.
-Non-seabirds don't swim well, and the water is weighing Riza's feathers down; she can keep herself afloat for a while (with some energy expenditure), but moving back to shore is going to be difficult. And wet feathers + half submerged in water = no Air Slash. :/
-Igneous was too upset to attack on the last action, although his attraction is still weakening.
-Being in the cold water for three actions has more or less healed Riza's burn.
-moon-panther attacks first next round.
*curses under breath* This isn't going as planned...not at all.

Alright honey, this is the game plan for now. You need to get yourself out the the water some how. Either climb on a surviving Lotad or somehow swim to shore. Once you get back on land, I want you to fly into the trees and hide away from him. Out of sight, out of mind. Once you are well hidden, use Ominous Wind. How can he know that you did it when he can't see you?

But if for any reason you can't hide on the second action, then use the hide action on the last command. We need to keep you out of harm's way for now.

Now, one last word. Curb the swearing and be sure to thank the nice lava baby for curing your burn. He was only trying to be a good boy-friend, so be sure to act nice.

Get out of the water ~ Hide ~ Ominous Wind/ Hide
Man, this just isn't your night, is it, Igneous? We'll just see if we can't sort out these girlfriend issues once and for all, even though you're totally too good for Riza you little misogynist you.

All right! Start off by captivating Riza; she's a little lost right now, but surely your cherubic visage will inspire her and give her something to swim towards, right? Alternatively, she's too ticked off at you right now to be captivated, but hey, it's worth a shot, right? And with this, you've shown her your affection, and if she keeps on ignoring you or attacking you, it's clear that she really doesn't reciprocate.

Hopefully you've got the last of the lovie-dovies out of your system at this point and you're ready to get this fight back on the road. If that's the case, I imagine that Riza's back on shore and nice and wet at this point, so a thunderpunch should work just great. If she's still floundering, slam her under again with another secret power. Or, if you just can't bring yourself to attack, captivate.

Now, I'm not sure how effective Riza's hiding is going to be since she's still paralyzed and also dripping wet, which is going to make it hard for her to fly. If she's still within your reach, thunderpunch. If she goes for the trees, keep an eye on her, then go over and blast the general area with a heat wave to set the foliage, at least, on fire. We'll smoke her out! If you can actually see Riza, go ahead and concentrate the attack on her, but otherwise just spread it out and concentrate on setting as much on fire as possible. I mean, you're a fire type--it's about time you got the go-ahead to BURN STUFF, am I right?

Captivate ~ Thunderpunch / Secret Power / Captivate ~ Thunderpunch / Heat Wave
moon-panther vs. Negrek, Round Fifteen

Pre-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 52%
Energy: 61%
Status: Speed +2; Paralyzed (mild); flailing around in the pond with waterlogged feathers, more concerned with keeping her head above water than anything else
Riza's Commands: Get out of the water ~ Hide ~ Ominous Wind/Hide

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 84%
Energy: 71%
Status: Attracted (light); Look, I was just trying to help you, what do you want, woman?! You want me to jump in there and get you?! Er, wait, no... uh... just... don't drown! Lifeguaaaard! D:
Igneous's Commands: Captivate ~ Thunderpunch/Secret Power/Captivate ~ Thunderpunch/Heat Wave

Arena: Moonbeam Meadow

A open meadow that is bathed in moonlight. Butterfree and Beautifly can be seen flying about peacefully. Near the Meadow there is a pond that Lotads and Goldeen are be seen swimming.

Round Fifteen: Begin

Igneous nibbles at his fingernails as he watches Riza flounder and struggle her way to the shore, short wings clumsily slapping the water in an awkward attempt at a stroke. He wants her to get out of the water okay, but not if she's still furious with him... perhaps turning on a little charm of his own will win her over again. He jumps up and down and waves encouragingly at her with both arms. "You can do it, Riza baby!" he calls. "I love you! I believe in you! I swear I would totally swim out and help you if I didn't think I would die, really!"

Riza scowls as she keeps fighting into shallower and shallower water. The going is painfully slow but steady, and she has thoughts of what she's going to do to that awful Igneous when she can reach him to keep her going. As she draws closer, however, she can make out more of what Igneous is saying. If she weren't so busy swimming for her life she would sigh and shake her head. Is he still that smitten with her? Really, how pathetic can this guy get? The Magby continues to cheer as she inches toward the shore, and the more Riza hears, the more she can't help but feel... just a little flattered in spite of herself. Sure, Igneous is clearly an idiot, but it feels nice to be admired. Make no mistake, she will kick his little smoking tail, but... she might be merciful and not utterly destroy him in one fell swoop. Maybe. Since he's that dedicated and all.

Riza reaches the shallows after an exhausting swim and flops forward onto the muddy bank, exhausted. The weight of the water caught under her feathers makes standing up, let alone flying, too great a feat to attempt at this point; she just lies there with her eyes closed, hoping that Igneous will just be estatic that she made it out safely and leave it at that.

The thunderpunch that hisses through the air and slams into her back dashes those hopes in short order. Riza screams and thrashes erratically about as the electricity runs rampant through her wet body. "That's what you get for yelling at me! How's this for 'effing sucking', huh?!" the Magby snaps. Hey, if Riza can hit him for making a mistake then he can hit her for the yelling, right?

All thoughts of "being nice" run straight out of Riza's head at that point. Steam rises from her partially-dried feathers as she struggles to her feet; she still doesn't think she can muster the energy to fly right now, but she can sure as hell aim a vehement kick at Igneous's legs and then scurry away toward the forest on foot. Her muscles ache and she's really very tired, but her desire to get away from more thunderpunches and into relative safety keeps her little legs pumping until she is able to dive behind a long row of scraggly bushes and obscure herself from view. The little bird hunkers down in some brown, fallen leaves and takes several deep breaths, glad at a chance to rest on dry land.

That little kick, as it would so happen, is the straw that broke the Camerupt's back. That's not fair! Igneous snorts with anger, a few embers dribbling out of his beak and landing in the mud before him with a faint sizzle. All he ever did was try and help, try and show his appreciation, and she just walks all over him and beats him up. And then the one time he really stands up for himself it's "too much abuse" and she kicks him and walks out on him? Nuh-uh. It doesn't work that way. If this relationship won't work both ways then there isn't going to be a relationship, pure and simple. Now fully intent on breaking it off with Riza, Igneous strides toward the stand of trees with a malicious glint in his eyes. He knows the Pidgey ducked into some bushes, but he isn't sure exactly where she is right now. Oh, well. If he can't give Riza herself a piece of his mind, the entire forest is just going to have to get a piece of his mind.

The heat wave roars out from Igneous's body, blazing flames and superheated air blasting out in all directions. The meadow's short, damp grass is blown flat and singed, but otherwise relatively unharmed; that is more than can be said for the forest. The bushes, saplings and dry leaf litter at its border flare up instantly, hungry flames rising up from bases and branches and quickly spreading further back into the wood. Old branches catch and carry the fire to healthier parts of the trees, then snap ominously and fall to the burning floor to ignite even more leaves. Before long all of the forest that faces the meadow is ablaze and the wildfire races backward. The dark, serene night is filled with cracking, popping and roaring, smoke rises up to obscure the stars and encroaches on the moon, and ground level is suddenly bathed in an angry orange glow.

When the wave of heat and fire first hits the bushes Riza screams again. She sprints back out toward the meadow immediately and throws herself onto the ground, rolling on the dried-out grass in a bid to extinguish the small flames burning merrily on her back and tailfeathers. When she is satisfied that she is no longer lit up like a candle she stands one more time. She shuts her eyes painfully tight as she concentrates, fighting to keep the roaring blaze and its hellish heat out of her mind until she can punish that little demon over there. A familiar moaning can just barely be heard over the sounds of the fire, faint at first but then rising to a crescendo as more and more agonized, disembodied voices join in. The wind around the meadow picks up, although it doesn't seem to disturb the burning forest or fan its flames; instead, it ignores the inferno entirely and rushes across the clearing, battering Igneous as if with invisible, ghostly fists. Riza falls foward after she lets the ominous wind die down. Her heart is racing anew, the acrid scent of thick smoke is filling her nostrils, she's hot, she's exhausted... she's absolutely miserable, and all she reallywants is a chance to rest.

Igneous winces as the howling wind hits him, but all in all isn't terribly fussed about it. He is, for the time being, far too absorbed in the growing fire to care much about what stupid Riza is doing. Fire... such a big fire... such a pretty fire... fiiiiiirrre... buuurrrn...

Round Fifteen: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 26%
Energy: 53%
Status: Speed +2; Paralyzed (light); panting on the ground several yards from the fire, a few wisps of smoke and steam rising from her body; hey, at least she's dry now, right?

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 78%
Energy: 54%

Arena Status: A hole several feet deep sits in the center of the field, and another, smaller hole sits near the pond. A few feet away from this hole, several rocks of varying size and shape sit at the water's edge. The two Butterfree and Beautifly have finally reached the opposite shore and are sprawled in the mud, spent. A cluster of frozen Goldeen sits at the bottom of the pond. The three frozen Goldeen are about halfway free of the ice.

Also the forest is on fire.

Lotad Trauma Count: 3
Beautifly Trauma Count: 3
Goldeen Trauma Count: 5
Butterfree Trauma Count: 2
Foliage Trauma Count: OVER 9000

Ref's Notes
-Captivate only reduced Riza's special attack by 1 since she's still very annoyed with Igneous. The reduction also went away entirely after Igneous, you know, shocked her and set her on fire. *sings* Caaaan you feeeel the loooove toniiiight...
-It took Riza the whole action and then a bit to get out of the water, and she was still far too wet to fly. She hopped into the cover of some nearby bushes instead.
-Heat Wave's damage was reduced because it didn't hit Riza directly.
-Negrek attacks first next round.
Body slam her to the ground and stay on top of her to prevent her from getting up and flying out of reach. Then let some heat waves rip into her point-blank.

If she protects or detects, chill; if she's still in reach but you aren't pinning her for some reason, body slam; and if she's managed to get out of easy reach but you think you can still hit her with it, heat wave, or if she's really high up and far away, just chill and wait--so long's she's paralyzed, she can't stay up indefinitely.

Body Slam / Chill ~ Heat Wave / Body Slam / Chill x 2
Alright Honey. It looks like we might not make it to the end victorious, but that doesn't mean we're going to end this sitting down!

Riza, I want you to use Facade. Just start thrashing, pecking, and kicking. May as well give him a lot of pain while he tries to keep you to the ground. If your lucky, you might scratch the lava baby's eyes out in the process.

Facade x3
moon-panther vs. Negrek, Round Sixteen

Pre-Round Stats

Team moony (1/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 26%
Energy: 53%
Status: Speed +2; Paralyzed (light); panting on the ground several yards from the fire, a few wisps of smoke and steam rising from her body; hey, at least she's dry now, right?
Riza's Commands: Facade ~ Facade ~ Facade

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 78%
Energy: 54%
Igneous's Commands: Body Slam/Chill ~ Heat Wave/Body Slam/Chill ~ Heat Wave/Body Slam/Chill

Arena: Moonbeam Meadow

A open meadow that is bathed in moonlight. Butterfree and Beautifly can be seen flying about peacefully. Near the Meadow there is a pond that Lotads and Goldeen are be seen swimming.

Round Sixteen: Begin

Igneous wastes no time in punishing his angry, contrary ex, dashing forward with a scowl on his face and his arms flung out wide like an airplane. Before Riza can pick herself up or roll out of the way the Magby leaps into the air, shoots upward for several feet and then crash-lands right on top of the little bird, his greater weight driving her into the ground and leaving a very faint Pidgey-shaped impression in the now powder-like soil. Riza gags as she feels the air being knocked out of her body and flails wildly, trying her hardest to drag her talons across Igneous's uncomfortably hot belly and peck at his throat and the bottom of his face. Her furious scrabbling, while inhibited somewhat by the smothering presence of Igneous, is nevertheless quite effective, opening a few nasty cuts in the Magby's red and yellow skin.

Her foe is unwilling to give any quarter, however, and so he digs his claws into the ground and holds on as tightly as he can, pressing Riza even further into the ground. His body temperature spikes suddenly, and the squashed Riza panics; images of the inferno still sweeping across the woods behind them spring to her eyes as Igneous grows hotter and hotter, and she tries to squrim out from underneath him. She is unable to budge so much as an inch, however, and so there is nothing she can do but sit and take it as a blast of hellish heat and flame explodes from Igneous's body, scalding her and setting the grass around the duo alight. The point-blank barrage of fire is more than the beleagured Riza can take, and she passes out beneath Igneous.

Igneous feels his opponent's struggling cease and so rolls to one side a bit, keeping an elbow on one wing just in case. He prods Riza's singed, smoking form a few times, and finally picks himself up when he gets no response after thirty seconds. The Magby gazes around what used to be a meadow, now an expanse of smoke and orange flames that grows worse as it stretches on into the blazing forest. Tree trunks can be heard cracking and failing, the weaker ones snapping and falling into the flames below. The flames Igneous has just ignited race toward the rocks by the lake and quickly surround the Beautifly still pinned there, and he can hear it squeaking in agony as the heat and fire draw closer.

Now convinced that it is no longer safe to remain in the area, the referee gives Negrek a hasty nudge. She mutters a quick congratulations to Igneous and recalls him, and Riza disappears into her Pokémon a second later. The ref and battlers quickly vacate the burning meadow on the backs of large flying-types, leaving it to the fire and forestry departments to sort out.

Round Sixteen: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team moony (0/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Riza (F) [Keen Eye]
Health: 0%
Energy: 43%
Status: Knocked out!

Team Negrek (2/3 Pokémon Remaining)

Igneous (M) [Flame Body]
Health: 62%
Energy: 40%

Arena Status: A hole several feet deep sits in the center of the field, and another, smaller hole sits near the pond. A few feet away from this hole, several rocks of varying size and shape sit at the water's edge. The two Butterfree and Beautifly have finally reached the opposite shore and are sprawled in the mud, spent. A cluster of frozen Goldeen sits at the bottom of the pond. The three frozen Goldeen have finally all worked themselves free and are scattered around the pond, cold and terrified.

Also the entire meadow is on fire.

Lotad Trauma Count: 3
Beautifly Trauma Count: 3
Goldeen Trauma Count: 5
Butterfree Trauma Count: 2
Foliage Trauma Count: OVER 9000

Ref's Notes
-Body Slam scored a critical hit.
-Facade's damage was reduced because Riza couldn't move very well.
-Riza fainted on the second action.
-And so, after many long months, several delays and some ugly abuse by the RNG ( :( ), the match is over and Negrek is the winner. She gets $24, Acheron gets 3 exp and Igneous gets 2 exp. moon-panther gets $6, Halan gets 1 exp and 1 battle toward happiness evolution, Atlanta gets 1 exp and Riza gets 2 exp. I get $15 for reffing. And everyone gets $500 invisible bonus dollars and +50 awesome points for utterly raping this meadow. Good game, you two.
Great battle, moon-panther, and many thanks for reffing, Kratos!

*flees Smoky the Ursaring and the SPCP*
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