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my art thread... of less than average anime chibi style magnitude


So if anybody asks you, you belong to Man on Earth
ok, I want to make comics when I grow up.
this is the character Aqua from one of my future comics... Redd Steele (unfortunately, I hadn't known at all about the game when I thought of it)
these are some pictures of characters of my other future comic Para.
this is a picture of the 2 main characters: para and norm (paranormal, get it?) norm is para's adopted (alien) brother.
piggyback! :)
this is "the pyromaniac", she has no official name as of now.
the pyromaniac!
this is another character, Jack the Ripper.
close up of him showing his swords/claws/hand thing.
and finally, a concept for a one piece character. kaku from cp9 + 3 rumble balls.


Edit: added link, fixed a typo.
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Re: my art thread... of lesser anime chibi style magnitude

I like the Skatin' picture, its cool. Just whats with the piggyback pic?
Re: my art thread... of lesser anime chibi style magnitude

what about it? got something against aliens? ?_?
Re: my art thread... of lesser anime chibi style magnitude

Why're you calling these 'chibi'?

:( your anatomy is lacking
Re: my art thread... of lesser anime chibi style magnitude

lesser chibi. as in less than others. I should change that, shouldn't I?

as for anatomy, I guess I've been told that before. better work on that.
Re: my art thread... of lesser anime chibi style magnitude

lesser chibi. as in less than others. I should change that, shouldn't I?

as for anatomy, I guess I've been told that before. better work on that.
I meant that none of it's the right type of super-deformed to be chibi. :|
I think you're headed in the right direction. Your art is pretty good, it's just that the anatomy is off. For example, your assasin's arms look slightly off to me, size wise. I like your second picture of Aqua better for some reason, although her name is a bit hard to read (namely the q) and her hand seems just bizzare. Maybe its the thumb... its angle makes it look sort of broken to me. On Jack, his mech hand seems somewhat oversized; is that on purpose?
I like your style though. Sorry if I'm not much help; art isn't exactly my forte.
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