• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

My Introduction


Lord of Darkness
You may address me as Nightmane. I am an immortal being that resides deep within the underworld. I have taken an interest in dark type Pokemon, mainly Houndooms and Absols. I love wolves for their awesomeness.

I came across this forums looking for a good place to hang out and talk. The roleplay sectioon looks kinda dead, but I could be mistaken. I am an avid roleplayer and a writer.

I enjoy Dragonball but I am not sure if that matters much. My favorite Dragonball character would be Goku (gt form). I also enjoy other animes, but Dragonball and Pokemon are my top two.

I think thats about all. I chose Nightmane because I am a boy, not a girl. From what I hear, mares are female horses. Please do not call me Nightmare, but Nightmane.

Hopefully, I get to meet everyone. Oh, and I am an artist as well. :)
Hello, I'm Frostagin, the local frost dragon/scone giver.
Here are said scones. They double as weapons.
I'll let LuckyLapras and Absoul (or whoever comes) take care of the rest.
Hello, I'm Frostagin, the local frost dragon/scone giver.
Here are said scones. They double as weapons.
I'll let LuckyLapras and Absoul (or whoever comes) take care of the rest.

Thanks! I shall take over now!
Hi! Welcome to the cave! I be the resident Miku fan/psychedelic colours giver/Lapras/Noob team builder (I'm managing it. Don't worry). I have already given you your psychedelic colours and now here is this long list of things which I forget over time.

  • Should you need any help VM or PM anyone or join TCoD's Welcome Mats
  • Great, I'm forgetting them already, um
  • Don't press Ctrl+W, Alt+F4 or F12
  • Always remember stuff. It helps. A lot
  • I have a feeling the RPing section probably is dead. =/
Wow, Nightmane. You remind me a lot of me. I have all the same interests as you- well, I don't really like DB, but I love Team Four Star. I do write and draw, as well as roleplay (although I don't do it as much- if I do it at all, it's on Bulbagarden).

Anyway, I'm Mohacastle, the local Red Scale giver and random writer. Here take a red scale, which is useless, and trade it for something that is not useless.

And by random writer, I mean I write about random stuff.

You must be pretty dang confused by now, huh? Yeah, I guess I'm not too organized. That's an understatement, I'm all over the place. Get used to it.
Oh man, I'm actually posting here and not just lurking. This is unexpected.

Welcome to the site, Nightmane. As one of the older RPers on the forums, I'd like to point out that it goes through expected cycles of activity - we should eventually have some more RPs crop up. Don't worry about its seeming inactivity - or make a RP yourself, if you like.
Welcome! I'm Scootaloo, the resident Sonic/Zelda Majora's Mask/Final Fantasy IX fanatic! I hope you have a great time here at TCoD!
Hey! I've been sick, but a late welcome to you, fellow Absol lover. Foam sword, tea and cod, and the works, etc.
You've been sick? Is that why I haven't seen anything from you...

meh. Either way. Yes, we at TCoD take pride in all having some kind of impaired gift to give noobs. 'Tis how we do things around here.
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