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Never Ending Cheat

...who is really a phoenix in disguise, and then several Groudon land on the Prime Minister's front lawn. This causes you to...
...kill Red, then use a Weird Stone on both Ho-Oh and Lugia to merge them into Hogia, then you must go kill Groudon, who explodes, and you...
...die from the explosion. the game will go to a black screen that says "the end." you must smash your game out of rage, but not your ds. buy a flash card and download a badly made romhack. put it on your ds. when you turn it on...
...you will have to play a hack of the -totally awesome- PMD Blue, named PMD Yellow, in which you play as a mental Pikachu with a partner Pokemon known as...
...Hogia, who really just wants to de-mentalise that Pikachu. The two of you walk through a place known as Cobalt Cave, where...
...locate Reshiram, who stares at you blankly before handing you a baby Lugia. With this Lugia, you must...
...a lie. instead, bake one yourself. to do so, use a rawst berry and a leppa berry, and put them in a pokeblock maker. out will come cake. give the cake to...
...get a uncurable sickness. You must find the Blue Ariados for the antidote, but then Dialga ambushes you. To escape him, you must...
*Tell him that you are here to destroy time. He will get angry and even more dangerous, turning into Primal Dialga, which will make him crazy and innaccurate. You can escape if you are careful. Now you must help Dialga regain his sanity by...
...Feeding him a poffin made from a Jacoba berry, An Enigma berry, a Starf berry and an old boot, all of which must be obtained in pokemon Red. after it is made, you must...
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