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Never Ending Cheat

... a naked pervert with leopard spots tattooed all over his/her body. Proceed to talk to said pervert. He/she will then... (i know where most of you are following my train of thought ;D)
The underworld, where darkrai tyranically rules and deals out pain and misery. A little cute Misdreavus will approach you and...
Darkrai, who will approach you and ask why you didn't change your name to Steve. The Bobs will be angry, and they will form an angry mob. You must then...
...You win! (Not). Really, you are sent to a land full of purple Sneasels, all of which are eating a tin of kippers...
...which are expired, thus killing all the purple Sneasels due to food poisoning. Then you escape by jumping into a...
Pelippers beak, who will fly you back to the underworld, dumping you off and flying away to take the souls of the Sneasels. The Sneasels are angry, and blame you for their death, so to escape alive you must...
Clamperl's pearl, as it is magical and will soothe the Sneasels souls. To defeat the Clamperl and steal its pearl you must...
a glitch that will start a cutscene where the clamperl explodes in an enormous fireball, which wasn't actually programmed into the game. to escape with the pearl unharmed, you must...
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