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New Moon Pokemon Mafia GAME OVER, Flower Doll the Mafia Darkrai Wins

Re: New Moon Pokemon Mafia Day Two

It's down to one Mafia, Mr Alien, and inspector(?)

I want to see this go down to Mafia and Alien (

to add onto that;


I am a butterfree now. XD

So...lynch or abstain?
Re: New Moon Pokemon Mafia Day Two

I vote to lynch Glace; his claim on inspector is fairly suspicious for me
Re: New Moon Pokemon Mafia Day Two

I think the times over.

The last two brought Glace up to the stadium of the middle of the town. Rizadon came out, telling her "The people have spoken. Glace shall be lynched."

Glace squirmed and squirmed, saying "...I guess if the innocents dont believe me....then this is my fate. However....I am innocent."

Again, no one listens to reason. Rizadon gets out and gets a Pistol.

"I'm sorry lassie, but it has come to this. Live long and propane."

Rizadon shoots Glace, and an inspection shows that Glace was an Innocent, who had a magnifyd glass, as well as an inspector hat.

There they were, one innocent, one Mafia. Defeat might seem certain...but who knows?

Glace is dead. He was Innocent.

24 hour for night actions
Re: New Moon Pokemon Mafia Day Three, The Final Two

Well......The night is over....i guess...

The two awoke to something that hasnt happened since the begining, the two were still left! No kills! The two looked at each other...they knew what the other was thinking....

No one was killed, and since this might just be useless, 24 hours for lynching. I want to see how you will react.
Re: New Moon Pokemon Mafia Day Three, The Final Two

Flower Doll

You are a Shedinja, and your role is alien.

Being an almost invincable bug ghost will get you everywhere! Since you only get hit by super effective moves, when you are in dormat form, if you get hit at night, you will be activated. If you are activated and lynched, then you blow everyone up and you win.

*You can get lynched in dormat form and you can die when getting hit at night twice.

Remember when I said I was healer? I lied. This is why I know you're mafia.
Re: New Moon Pokemon Mafia Day Three, The Final Two

Ok, since its obvious, i'm using RNG to determine who to lynch.

Ya ok is 1

Flower Doll is 2

..........1 is lynched...sorry Ya ok...

Description in next post
Re: New Moon Pokemon Mafia Day Three, The Final Two

The Random Number Gods determine that Ya Ok should be lynched.

Ya Ok has a surprised expression! Flower doll walks up to him, and she's holding a knife right at Ya Ok's neck.

"It's too bad you had to lose. Its too bad that I lost my others...however, i was the Don...Even more....I realized that the Don is DARKRAI! And you know what else? I lied when the Leader was dead. YOU are the leader Ya Ok. You are Cresselia. You never even knew it! I suppose that's how the game works. The leaders are neck and neck. Or should I say knife and neck. And plus, I know you were never activated. For you see, if you were activated any night, then no one would be killed. Unless Mai told who she vig killed, which she did. Too sad she guessed right. And too bad that our terrorist died, since he accidentally got one of the mafia. However, you shall be dead now. Bon voyage, Cresselia."

With that, she cut's Ya Ok's throat....and Mafia win.


Ya Ok is dead, he was Alien.
Flower Doll Wins, she was the Don.

The death queeu soon, as soon as i get it organized

Oh, guys, do you think i should make a sequal, but this time with more members?
You are a Mankey, and your role is Mafia Don

You are the boss of the organization. You have full say on every kill. But since your so quiet, there is a 15% chance that your acion is accidentaly ignore and the next in command will make the kill.

You win if the Mafia kill all the Innocents.

'Ello, all! I was a quiet Mankey with my Anger Point, which I actually picked in an attempt to get alien! Oh, the irony. (also, remember to fear the quiet ones; they may try to kill you all in the middle of the night

Anger Point raises attack to the max if the Pokemon in question is hit with a critical, which is why I roleclaimed as Alien; I figured it was fairly believable. Didn't expect Ya ok to be alien, though (expecting her to be Bulletproof, actually); oh well.

Rizadon, definitely make a sequel! This was fun!

(In addition to the death queue, could you post up everyone's role PMs, especially the ones with added conditions? The curiosity is killing me!)
If Ya 0k was lynched, shouldn't she have w0n? Being alien and all?

EDIT: That makes sense, Fl0wer D0ll. I had a feeling you were mafia, but claiming alien also might've worked. Either way I really c0uldn't d0 anything, th0ugh.

I l0ved the gh0st posting, pers0nally. It was fun.

This is a d00med timeline.
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but Flower doll never tried to kill him, therefore, he was never activated.

i'll post the roles in a minute
Ya Ok
You are a Shedinja, and your role is alien.

Being an almost invincable bug ghost will get you everywhere! Since you only get hit by super effective moves, when you are in dormat form, if you get hit at night, you will be activated. If you are activated and lynched, then you blow everyone up and you win.

*You can get lynched in dormat form and you can die when getting hit at night twice.

You win if you are the last one standing.

You are a Kecleon, and your role is Vigilente.

You are stealthy, able to change your colors, however, you are quirky, and your stats arent raised. (See Serebii) However, thanks to your ability to hide and change to, well, anything, no one will see you as you target someone to kill, to help the innocents. However, since your stats are raised by your nature, there is a 40% chance that the target will stay alive, (if it wasnt a dormat alien) and there is a 35% chance that the target wil collapse to the ground on the next day. When you kill a target, all thats left in the scene are invisible scales.

You win if the Innocents eliminate all the Mafia.


You are a Scizor, and your role is Terrorist.

Your job is to create a bomb or grenade on night zero. A bomb just bombs you (since your so brave you'll also take the bomb attack XD) and a person you pick, however, a grenade will blow up you two plus a random person. However, that person may or may not be a mafia. You don't know who's Mafia, and the mafia dont know your the terrorist. However, you still need to keep the Mafia alive.

Sizz-Lorr (Chief Zackrai)

You are a Shiftry, and your role is Mafia Goon.

A Mafia goon just loves to kill opponents, but cannot since the other higher ranks will. So you decide to kill at dawn, right before people wake up, and right after the mafia sleep, since your so jolly for killing. However, there is a 10% chance you'll be so jolly you'll miss the target.

You win if the Mafia kill all the Innocents.

Flower Doll
You are a Mankey, and your role is Mafia Don

You are the boss of the organization. You have full say on every kill. But since your so quiet, there is a 15% chance that your acion is accidentaly ignore and the next in command will make the kill.

You win if the Mafia kill all the Innocents.

Ok, so i could only find 6 out of ten of the roles, so if you could post your role if its not o here, that'll be good.
Yeah, I never got activated. I'm disappointed >:C

But still, congratulations to Flower Doll. Until you claimed alien, I didn't suspect you would be mafia.
Ok, so i forgot to make a death quee, but i remember most of what happened. if there are any mistakes please notify me.

Night 0;
KMew makes a grenade, killing Mai and him, also Seritinajii on accident.
Flower Doll kills RK-9
Kirby-Chan heals Phantom

Day 1;
Four bodies found, Lynches Kirby-Chan

Night 1;
Flower Doll Kills Phantom
Mai Ghost Vig Kills Sizz-Lorr

Day 2;
2 bodies found, lynches Glace

Night 3;
No Mafia Kill
No activation
A fucking boring night

Day 3;
No bodies found, RNG determined that Ya Ok would die.
Revealed that the alien is the innocent Leader Cresselia, and Mafia don is Darkrai.
Both of which did not know they were Cresselia or Darkrai till the end.
Do you want me to make the sequal now? I'll add a few more people, so it'll b a little bit more fun.

But this time, i think it'll be instead of new moon, maybe White Flame Innocents and Black Bolt Mafia.

i'll make the sequal now.
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Rizadon said:
"I'm sorry lassie, but it has come to this. Live long and propane."

lol, I just noticed this.

Also this has been bothering me a little: When Kirby-Chan was about to be lynched I asked you what would happen if there was a tie via PM, and you said that if there was a tie the last person who died would get to vote... ?
That's normal. What's odd about it?

Also, I see no reason for the White Flame and Black Bolt. There's no real need to have a good story in a mafia game (to me), but whatever floats your boat I guess.
I said the last person who died would vote IF EVERYONE ELSE ALREADY VOTED!

Oh, and sign ups for the sequel are open
I was suspect that Ya Ok might be mafia but I never knew that she would be an alien. great game though. I am going to sign up for the sequel now.
Cool, 8 people in the sequel already! I'll accept at the most 15...or more! thanks guys! X3
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