• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

New to the forum, but deep into Pokemon.


New member
Yeah, 'cause i can give you a good idea of why i'm here. Well, there was a time after i had beaten the E4, and i had caught Uxie, but just not Azelf. Uxie was also the one that would easily fall for Yawn, and Azelf...well, it just wouldn't go to sleep. I gave up on catching it many times, and then would try again, to no avail. Well, one day, i coincidentally found the Cave Of Dragonflies, and it had a Poke Ball thing, and then i bookmarked it. And worshiped it. 'Cause now i had this awesome Azelf, and the site had gotten me it(in a sense)! Then i had Mesprit, and the next thing you know, i had the National Dex. And i was happy, and liked the site and such. Yeah, it is a long story, but i thought it was good, since this is the forum for the rather awesome site, and i'm here, so this was pretty much my whole intro.
Welcome to TCOD! I know you will find it fun and exciting here, a place to be awesome and yourself without anyone teasing you for stuff.

Have a free cat plushie...

You know, you didn't have to catch all of them for the National Dex... just see them.

Well, i didn't CATCH all of them, heck no, i just caught Mesprit to make sure and stuff. *cuddles cat plushie* Hmm...i'll go check my mail for my Zubat/Eevee now.
Hello, I'm Blastoise-the-also-deep-into-Pokemon. Welcome to TCOD and all that.

Would you like some Cod French Fries? Cod is TCOD's #1 export, tied with tea. *nodnod*
Welcome, Waterphire! I hope you enjoy your time here at tCoD. Ignore the "tea-cod" stuff if you want, but you'll be seeing a lot of it here.

I'm also "deep into Pokemon," and had trouble catching Azelf and Mesprit first. Mesprit is my favorite of the three, because it's the "Being of Emotion," and emotion is very important to me.

Currently, my favorite Pokemon is Purugly, followed by Kecleon, Pichu and Hariyama. :D
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