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Frontier Town Nina's Place

The Floragato reached under her hat and retrieved a small sheaf of printed papers, glossy with expensive ink. When splayed out on the table, they were clearly invitations to the Frontier Town Gala.

"I got a proposition for y'all. I jus' hope you'll hear me out."

Felin eyed the gala tickets with eyes drawn to slits and the startings of a grin tugging at her lips. She had heard musings about the gala before, but hadn't shown much interest about. In the past she would have jumped at the chance for something like this, but what was the point without any achievements to her name in this foreign world?

No. It wasn't the Gala that enticed her even now. What caught Felin's interest and held it in place with a dagger was what Sonora might've wanted out of it. Working with an outlaw came with risk, and risk always tantalized Felin.

"I've been hearing you out the moment you joined our table," Felin said, quirking a smile. "Of course, whether or not we can help depends on what you'll ask of us."

Sonora's whiskers twitched.

"This gala will be the largest gatherin' of silver-pocketed bastards in town since the first bigwigs came out here to sit pretty in their fancy houses. The birds mean to impress them enough to get 'em to buy up more land, build more properties, sink their gilded grip further into this place. If that happens, Ignatius will be one step closer to bein' the ruler of his own li'l kingdom, just like his mama set him up to be. I mean to put the biggest rock under his wheels as I can."

There was determination in the cat's eyes, and cool anger underneath.

"I know of a few ways I might do that. Can't say much more, not here and now, but I give ya my word we ain't fixin' to injure nobody. What matters is that the bird's reputation lies in tatters, that's the whole size of it."

She tapped the invites with one paw pad.

"These won't get me or my guys in, our good looks are just too recogniseable. But they'd get you in. And then you'd have all kinds of opportunities to give us an openin'."
There was an uncertain feeling. Like a ghost had come back to haunt her.

This isn't why you came here.

did you come here, then?

Isidora put her hat back on. She didn't have personal experience in clearing ambiguities from requests like this, but she had picked up a few things. The foundational beats of how something like this should go. "Before I agree, there's some things we have to clear up. Just to make sure we're on an even playing field." She leaned forward and took a small moment to put her thoughts in order, figuring out how to best put her concerns into words. Then she began.

"For starters, I don't think you've properly considered our stake in all this. Our only goal as a group is to understand why we're here and do something about it. To that end, this town has welcomed us with open arms and gave us an inn big enough to fit us all in it, funded by none other than the mayor's own son. If we follow through on your request, even if it's just the four of us, there's a chance we put that into jeopardy."

Isidora tentatively pushed her invitation an inch closer to Sonora. "However. When it comes down to it, we don't technically owe any obligations to the mayor either, if you get me. Our interests only align as far as he can help us towards our goal. So if you can offer us something to beat him out there, we're all yours. And I can't imagine you came here with nothin' unique to bring to the table."

The sneasel gave a small sigh, allowing some amicability through the veil of professionalism. "I know that's a lotta words to say 'what's in it for us,' and I'm not trying to speak for everyone, but it's important we both understand the conflict of interest here. Last thing either of us wants is the mayor coming in last second with an offer we can't refuse. But no matter what, you have my word I'm not letting a peep of this out to anyone I don't trust. And from the sounds of it?" Her gaze darkened to match Sonora's. "You bet I don't trust that mayor."
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Felin cupped her chin and heard Isidora out. Unlike her, she pulled her own invitation close to show intent. A small grin split her lips, and she kept some space between her and the ticket. She was interested, but hasn't been sold on board yet.

"If there's one thing you and I agree on is that this town's fluffed up self important prinplup can shove his beak up his ass, but..." Felin let the silence settle and glanced at Isidora. "Isidora here's right. Much as I'd enjoy screwing over the mayor and prevent rich slimes crawling in to push the local folk out of what they're owed, it's going to be quite the headache to cut off the rope he's providing before we fully have our paws on the ground."

Not to mention, if Cloudy brought them here to save the world then meddling in a petty dispute like this wouldn't matter to them in the long run.

"We need a guarantee this won't screw either of us over."
"Hmm." Sonora skewed her mouth to one side.

"Well I ain't got much to pay ya with, if that's what you're vacillatin' about. We've had a few big hits, but there's never much left by the time the next job comes around, between survivin' as a crew and what ends up back in reg'lar folks' pockets. I can't outbid the bird. Fella's got a bottomless account, if'n you take my meanin'."

She eyed Felin, cautiously.

"King Crown-face has a lot of clout, but if he loses face hard enough at the gala, he'll lose his crown, too. Even if the cards don't quite fall as I'd like 'em, I doubt he can stop y'all from lodgin' at the Haus like I hear you are, or get any folks to boot you from yer new jobs, or stop ya takin' board missions, or whatever. Besides..."

She grinned, and the spark returned, even under the subdued, tense energy.

"Folks here ain't so bad. Why'd I be speakin' so plainly and at ease in a public house such as this, 'less I was darn sure I wouldn't get told-on by some sycophantic paw-licker?"

The outlaw winked, and leaned back in her chair as if to say I'm at home, here.
Felin eyed Sonara and held a single finger over the ticket in front of her, as if considering. Finally, she slid it towards herself. The message was clear.

"Alright, count me in. I could use the stimulation," Felin said, mouth parting in a grin. It shrunk, and she cast a glance at her drinking companions. "What do you guys think? Are you on board, and should we tell some of the others?"

Felin knew the proposition might prove tough even as she said that. "Every one of us come from different walks of life. Not everymon will want a part of this at all."

Some of them might outright discourage it altogether, but this wasn't Felin's first time taking jobs from outlaws. All that mattered was whether or not the job aligned with her principles, and her idea of a good time.

She smiled as a certain shuppet came to mind. "One of the mon I met didn't even know battling could be fun till she tried it the first time. She was such a sweetheart."
"What do you guys think? Are you on board, and should we tell some of the others?"

"I'm in," Ridley agreed, plucking one of the invitations from the table. Helping to wreck a fancy party sounded like it would be entertaining, and he liked Sonora so far. It was possible she'd taken the gang of newcomers as easy dupes and was lying about her intentions, but from how disappointed Sonora had been when their little group had spoken disparagingly about humans Ridley thought that she'd been genuinely looking for heroes. That, or she was an absolutely fantastic actress; either way, the ride seemed like it would be fun, and Ridley was willing to go along with it.

Ridley wasn't overly worried about the concerns Isidora brought up. He was grateful for the assistance Frontier Town had offered while he was still finding his feet in this new world, and he liked being around his fellow travellers, but he felt no specific obligation to stick around in Frontier Town long-term. This was only one small place in a whole world, and there was nothing to suggest that the answers Ridley was seeking were more likely to be found here than anywhere else.
Sonora grinned, the spark turning into a gleam.

"Well, alright!" she breathed. "That's almost more'n I'd dared hoped for when I heard y'all had fallen into town."

She eyed Odette and Isidora, hopefully.

Just as they were about to answer, the Floragato caught some signal in the background noise of the saloon – could it have been the braviary call from just outside? – and her ears flattened back.

"No pressure, darlings, but I gotta make myself scarce in the next thirty seconds, so I need an answer."
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Isidora tapped a claw rhythmically against the table with eyes closed in contemplation. Maybe I shoulda been more direct... "Well it's not really money I'm so much interested in, but information. I think you know a few things that might be useful to us. But I get it, it's hard to compete with someone like that."

Though seeing the other members of her party start agreeing, it started to push at her. Never liked Fodric's empoleon either anyway...

"No pressure, darlings, but I gotta make myself scarce in the next thirty seconds, so I need an answer."
"L-look, I just want to make sure this isn't a one-way transaction, is all," she tried to clarify, somewhat flustered. "I'm not trying to make it hard or anything, it's just important that sometimes you just can't make guarantees, and..."

She furiously shook her head and snatched the invitation off the table. "Screw it, I'm in. You just owe us one, okay?"
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"This gala will be the largest gatherin' of silver-pocketed bastards in town since the first bigwigs came out here to sit pretty in their fancy houses. The birds mean to impress them enough to get 'em to buy up more land, build more properties, sink their gilded grip further into this place. If that happens, Ignatius will be one step closer to bein' the ruler of his own li'l kingdom, just like his mama set him up to be. I mean to put the biggest rock under his wheels as I can."
"Oh, so, gentrification," she said simply. "Love it. Love it, love it, amour."

we ain't fixin' to injure nobody.
Eyes still on her invitation, she nodded at that little tidbit alone. The less carnage, the better. Showing up to a new world and helping an outlaw murder a bunch of innocents was hardly on her to-do list.

"Well I ain't got much to pay ya with, if that's what you're vacillatin' about. We've had a few big hits, but there's never much left by the time the next job comes around, between survivin' as a crew and what ends up back in reg'lar folks' pockets. I can't outbid the bird. Fella's got a bottomless account, if'n you take my meanin'."
Truth be told, she didn't care very much about payment. If there was a corrupted official in power, she'd be game to fuck up their day for the low, low price of a cannoli and a kiss on the cheek.

Wait. Shut up, she thought, blinking rapidly. Clearly her recklessness was still in the way.

She was even less inclined to accept payment if the money was going back to the citizens. Some Robin Hood-type shit she wasn't looking to interrupt because she decided to take a bite out of a penguin.

Still, she wasn't one to blindly walk into an offer like this. Well...not for the third time at least. But, for all she knew, Sonora was lying through her teeth, and Odette wouldn't know any better unless she could see the Big Bird herself. However, if Sonora was telling the truth (and frankly, it really did seem that way) being willing to sell out working-folk's land was bad enough. But Odette felt like she needed more. What other questionable shit had this Ignimbrites dude done to warrant a swift kick in the birdy testicles?

"Speaking as a citizen, clearly of which you are," she said, eyeing Sonora up and down again as she lounged in her chair, "can you spare a dumb foreigner a very abridged lowdown of what makes Mayor Ignaughty such a fantastic target for a hit like this? Aside from the obvious wing-rubbing with other snot-beaks and your occupation? Catch me up to speed on who we're really going to be fucking with here."

Just as they were about to answer, the Floragato caught some signal in the background noise of the saloon – could it have been the braviary call from just outside? – and her ears flattened back.

"No pressure, darlings, but I gotta make myself scarce in the next thirty seconds, so I need an answer."
Her ears perked at birdsong that lingered just a tad louder over the saloon background noise, and she watched as Sonora's ears fell back. Well. So much for a lowdown. How convenient.

"Fucking gods," she muttered under her breath. 30 seconds wasn't enough time to think, but she really had no choice. "I'm gonna pray he doesn't dismember mawiles in his basement." Or that you're not pulling my fucking leg. "But who am I to back out of the opportunity to steal a crown? Fine."

She'd have to play it by ear at this point.
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Sonora nodded, and tapped the invites with a claw.

"I'll get word to you about what you gotta do before the Gala. Just showin' up is half the plan."

She stood, and gave the four other 'mon a small bow, and tipped her hat to them.

"It's been a pleasure," she drawled. "If this all goes well, I'll owe you folks a heck of a favour."

Then the Floragato slipped into the crowd of patrons, and despite her distinctive appearance, she became lost from view in moments.
Felin watched Sonora leave, chuckling as she faded from view.

"I like her," she said to the others. Her gala ticket drew her eye and she gave it an intrigued look before sliding it into her cloak.

"It's been fun having drinks with y'all, but I'll be heading off now." Felin hopped down her seat and casually walked away out the door.
Isidora tried to pick up the remaining pieces of her pride as she stuffed her invite into her bag. Maybe it's a good thing I'm bad at this...

Well, she definitely didn't feel comfortable sitting around two humans. "You both have fun, I'm off too." She gathered her glasses, one near empty, one near full, and curtly got up from her seat, fighting the temptation to throw another glare. With her backs turned to them, she added: "We should probably discuss this sometime later. See ya." Then she brought her drinks up to the counter, thanked Nina, and left.
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Huffing, Odette set down her teacup. "Well, that's enough nonsense for me today. I'm gonna go chew on some metal."

She paid her bill and sauntered out. "Peace be with you all while you still have it."
Well, if he'd just agreed to help fuck the mayor over, then this seemed like a good time to start learning what the political situation in Frontier Town actually was. Ridley tucked his invitation under his disguise for safekeeping and followed the other three out.

Ch01: Three Mustelids and a Cat [Rodion, Lyle, Silver, and Sonora]
Over the last couple of days, Rodion had made a habit of visiting the Sun Stone Saloon every evening to have some drinks with Lyle. He and Lyle had ended up getting along surprisingly quick, and Rodion wondered if perhaps he and the Cyndaquil had more in common than he initially thought. But that was something to think about some other day, as during this evening Rodion and Lyle had decided to change things up and try out the drinks at Nina's Place. After bumping into Silver along the way, they convinced him to join them, and before they knew the three were all seated at a table at Nina's Place. Rodion took a sip from the beer he had ordered, and after a moment to savor the taste, shot Lyle and Silver a small smile.

"You know, this place ain't too bad. The seats are alright and the beer's almost as good as the Sun Stone Saloon, despite being a lot cheaper."

Rodion's nose wrinkled upon noticing the smell of tobacco coming from the table next to him. He narrowed his eyes and briefly looked over in disgust to see a few Pokémon smoking, before turning back to Lyle and Silver.

"Even if they'll have to do something about the smell before I'd consider coming here regularly," the Buizel said. "I'll never understand why Pokémon in Forlas like smoking this 'tobacco' when it smells so disgusting."
"I mean, I've heard of 'mons setting plants on fire to make pleasing smoke back in my world, but I don't remember ever seeing anything like this," Lyle said. "I'm honestly surprised that everybody here seems so unfazed by it since something definitely smells strange about the smoke here."

What was the story behind this 'smoking' anyways? Was it addictive or something? Since it seemed rare for the Pokémon who were burning tobacco to be satisfied with doing so once. Was it even healthy for these 'mons to be breathing in all these fumes?

Lyle looked around at his surroundings before turning to his drink with a quiet tsk.

"Though hey, at least it's not as much of a dive as the Wanderin' Zera," he said. "Might explain a thing or two about how the customers put up with with the smell."
“Hmph. I don’t get what’s the deal with smoking, either,” commented Silver, shrugging. “Where I come from, young idiots begin smoking because of peer pressure or just for the thrill of looking more ‘grown up’. And yeah, it’s as dumb as it sounds.”

The former human gazed at his non-alcoholic cider and swirled it in his paw, holding his head in his other paw. So many thoughts were crowding his mind, and they were almost as deafening as the surrounding noises.

Many rumors circulated around the incoming gala, as well as controversial opinions. Namely, the whole deal about the mayor doing shoddy business to claim most of the land for himself.

‘What a greedy arsehole…’

Silver didn’t even know why that topic bothered him so much. Perhaps because the whole deal reminded him all those business parties he had to attend to while under her watch? Heck, he wouldn’t be surprised if she pursued such businesses, too. After all, that would have been completely on-brand for a yakuza who sought only power and domination.

Grumbling to himself, Silver shook his head and pushed those thoughts back to the depth of his mind. No matter the world, politics was always such a headache-inducing topic, and he only wanted to relax and decompress.

“…I gotta say that this cider is good.” He sipped some of his drink. “Not as good as nightshade tea, but it has a nice fruity flavor.”
"I'll have to try that," drawled the fourth 'mon at the table. She hadn't been there a moment ago, had she? The Floragato grinned. "The fruity stuff's gettin' better every year, what all that berry research comin' along."

She winked at the three mustelids and tipped her hat.

"Ain't the first time this week I've found a crop of you strangers-from-beyond in my drinkin' house. And y'all were part of the crew that already met my crew, if memory serves. Still, as this is our first meetin' – my name's Sonora. And y'all?"
Rodion looked over to the fourth guest at their table with a raise of his brow, before his face fell into a visible frown.

"Bold of you to just join us here like nothing happened, Floragato," Rodion said, not mentioning Sonora's name on purpose. "Unless hitting 'mons with Sleep Powder and leaving them alone in a desert with no supplies is normal here in Forlas."
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