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Frontier Town Nina's Place

Corey let out a sigh from under his hat.

“Seems to me like these days people are either deifying humans or demonizing them… Funny… it’s the sort of debate humans are likely to have all the time with each other… either they see themselves as special beyond all other life forms or they’re some kind of poison choking the world… it’s all just so damn dramatic if you ask me…”
Ghaspius let out a saddened noise at Nina's interruption. "Maybe another time then. Would love to hear more 'bout the local stories."

Instead, he turned his interest towards the Monferno. "But wouldn't that mean they also burn out faster?" He asked with a hum. "Candles are beautiful things, though, aren't they?" The Misdreavus let out a chuckle.
"If you ask me, some groups rise to meet challenges not because they're all humans or even led by 'em, but because they have strong convictions and want to follow their hearts." Nova almost had everything loaded. "That Jesse guy didn't solve the Entropic Crisis by himself," he noted, all but directly referencing Adele's mention of Sierra. "No memories and he saw a problem, right? So, he worked with others to fix it."
"I'd probably phrase things a bit less gloomy, but this guy's got the right idea!" He chimed in with a nod. "From what I know, that whole thing with the Mayor was a joint op. Humans and Pokémon working together." His eyes couldn't help but look at Corey for a moment with a smile before looking back. "Anyways, I ain't one of 'em, sad to say. But ya might stumble into one sooner than you'd think!" The Misdreavus let out a boisterous laugh.
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"Humans burn bright when they fly too close to the sun. Leaving folks to dodge the flares in the aftermath. If you ask me, some groups rise to meet challenges not because they're all humans or even led by 'em, but because they have strong convictions and want to follow their hearts. That Jesse guy didn't solve the Entropic Crisis by himself. No memories and he saw a problem, right? So, he worked with others to fix it."
“Seems to me like these days people are either deifying humans or demonizing them…
"But wouldn't that mean they also burn out faster?"

Dakota nodded agreeably, and sighed. He reached inside a waistcoat pocket for a pack of cigarettes, took one, and lit it off of his tail. He offered the packet around to the other 'mon nearby. Adele politely declined – at length.

"Think what you will of humans as people, or of the potential for ordinary pokémon to achieve great things," the Monferno said, in a calm, gentle voice. "Whatever your view, the truth of the matter is that humans are special. They have a prowess in battle that very few pokémon can match, and pokémon that spend time in the company of a human will grow similarly strong, too. Sierra Escarpa was a talented young warrior thirty years ago, but only that. By the the time the Crisis was over, she could flatten a building with a single, concentrated attack. Jesse himself, as a pure human, could achieve feats of magic equal to – or even surpassing – the powers of a Saint."

The primate took a long drag of his cigarette, and closed his eyes.

"So you see, sirs, it is not incidental that Jesse Stranger was human. It was essential."
"Could be." Nova slowly closed up his satchel. "Or, perhaps, it's the other part. That he was summoned because of the crisis. The summoning could've blessed him with incredible power. There's a reason stories about 'chosen ones' are popular."
Dakota grinned, and took another drag of smoke.

"Sure. But then, it passes on to their kids, too. And their kids after them." Another long puff. "It even happens with humans who weren't summoned for any kind of Crisis. Did you know that could happen? Cases like that are actually a majority of all pure humans who find themselves in this world. No grand destiny involved."
"Ya don't say," Ghaspius replied as gaze widened, intrigued. "Well don't that beat all! You'd think there'd be something for 'em, right?" There at least was for their little group.

His face fell, however, as he digested Dakota's words. "But don't that just seem unfair?" Two of his tassels crossed. "That sorta power goes only to the 'chosen', or to the chosen of chosen? What 'bout the ordinary 'mon? Ain't that how ya get stuff like the former mayor? It's almost like royalty." A rare growl escaped his lips at the phrase. "Who even decided that freedom belonged to birthright?"
Corey suddenly let out a bewildered sort of chuckle.

“It’s irony is what it is… Humans as they really are? They’re weak, they’re frail, they’re helpless… at least, compared to most any Pokémon… and yet, throw a human soul into a Pokémon’s body and suddenly you’ve got some kind of super-combo… No wonder it gets to people’s heads so easily… they forget what humans really ought to be… they’re companions to Pokémon-kind, not these selfish dominators and usurpers over them… the whole thing destroys a perfectly harmonious balance.”
Cases like that are actually a majority of all pure humans who find themselves in this world. No grand destiny involved.
they’re companions to Pokémon-kind, not these selfish dominators and usurpers over them… the whole thing destroys a perfectly harmonious balance
Nova's eyes momentarily dulled. The tables, chairs, and barstools blurring together into a gaping purple vortex with a silhouette staring back at him.

"I am the greatest wielder of pokémon. Trainers? There is nothing to be gained from battling alongside pokémon but the pursuit of meaningless victories and hollow dreams."
"But don't that just seem unfair?"
"Whenever I met with something painful or heartbreaking... I couldn't help b̷̟͌u̷͙͗t̷͍͋ ̴͉͋w̸̰̓ő̸̘n̸̪̋d̵̻̑ẽ̴̻r̴̛ͅ ̷̫̆w̵͚͂h̸̤͊y̸͐ͅ ̴̦̚l̴̙̈́i̵̭͒f̸͈̋e̴̠̋ ̸͔͊ẇ̷͔ǎ̸̤s̷̪̍ ̶͕̅š̸͍ȯ̵̠ ̴͇͛u̵̩͒n̸͈̐f̴̜͌ā̶͙i̸̫͋r̵̞̈́.̸͇̚."

His claws scraped against the floor as he forced the thoughts from his head. "The ghost's right. What you're describing is a broken system. One that's ripe for exploiting." Nova paused. "Or it's all a symptom of a greater problem. Something beyond the Entropic Crisis."
Dakota said:
"Whatever your view, the truth of the matter is that humans are special. They have a prowess in battle that very few pokémon can match, and pokémon that spend time in the company of a human will grow similarly strong, too.
Steven had been listening to the exchange with bewilderment. So many names and stories. But as the conversation went on, Steven's concern grew.

"I've never met this Jesse person, but if what you say is true, then... I worry for what's in store for Forlas. Why summon so many of us here when there's already powerful pokemon that could help?"
Nova's eyes widened, mostly hidden by his mask. Did Steven not realize what he just admitted out loud? He'd all but confessed to being summoned. Maybe he didn't outright say he was human, but this monferno seemed ripe to jump to conclusions. He was torn between saying silent and hoping neither visitor picked up on Steven's slip of his nonexistent tongue... and beating them to the punch and putting Steven on the spot to save his own hide.

In the end, survival instincts told him to find a halfway point. Nova was in the paper already, but Dakota didn't appear to pick up any copies. Otherwise he'd have known for sure there were a bunch of offworlders instead of asking around. So, better to cover himself for the time being.

"You mean you haven't always been a beldum? I know they have to work hard to evolve..."
"Ah, goodness, is it that obvious? And here I thought I was getting the hang of things," Steven said with a light chuckle.

Steven recognized the type:null from the meeting at Lucien's. And, now that he thought about it, from the front page of the Gazette, too. Perhaps that's why the odd question caught him by surprise. He'd assumed the type:null (what was his name again? Noveau? Noma? Nova? That sounded right...) was one of their group and was familiar with the whole situation. Maybe he hadn't met any humans of the group yet.

"I was under the impression most of us were given new bodies when we arrived," he said, his eye quirking into a look of puzzlement.
Oh for pity’s sake, he was trying to out everyone else at the bar, too? Where was this beldum’s survival instinct? Or was he just looking for Dakota to follow him around.

“I’ve looked like this since the day I was born,” Nova said flatly.
Corey had gone silent for a moment. The vibes coming from Nova for a brief period had become exceptionally... headache-inducing. There was really no other way to describe whatever strange feelings he'd picked up. It was all too quick, but it was enough to throw him off for most of the ensuing conversation, up until the mention of "New bodies" and "looking like this since the day I was born".

H-huh? I'm sorry, I must have missed something... but I'm pretty sure whatever it is you all are talking about, it's the sort of thing that shouldn't be openly blurted out in public..."
Dakota cleared his throat.

"It's, ah, quite alright. It's already public record that the recent group of arrivals are offworlders, you know. And I did come here expecting to find exactly that – a group of strangers to Sohavenia, perhaps a little confused, either here by some distortion in the world or because they were... Well. Summoned."

"But don't that just seem unfair? That sorta power goes only to the 'chosen', or to the chosen of chosen? What 'bout the ordinary 'mon? Ain't that how ya get stuff like the former mayor? It's almost like royalty. Who even decided that freedom belonged to birthright?"
“It’s irony is what it is… Humans as they really are? They’re weak, they’re frail, they’re helpless… at least, compared to most any Pokémon… and yet, throw a human soul into a Pokémon’s body and suddenly you’ve got some kind of super-combo… No wonder it gets to people’s heads so easily… they forget what humans really ought to be… they’re companions to Pokémon-kind, not these selfish dominators and usurpers over them… the whole thing destroys a perfectly harmonious balance.”
"The ghost's right. What you're describing is a broken system. One that's ripe for exploiting. Or it's all a symptom of a greater problem. Something beyond the Entropic Crisis."
"I've never met this Jesse person, but if what you say is true, then... I worry for what's in store for Forlas. Why summon so many of us here when there's already powerful pokemon that could help?"

The Monferno blew a long cloud of smoke and twirled his cigarette between his fingers.

"You four sirs had several questions and suppositions worth an answer, so I'll try my level best to offer my two cents."

He gestured with an upturned palm to each 'mon in turn, starting with Steven.

"The truth is, nobody in the world truly knows how summoning humans really works, or who does it. Some say it's the will of the world made manifest. Others attribute it to a particular saint or god. Sometimes the reason for their arrival is already evident, but not always. The Entropic Crisis was recognised by Sierra Escarpa before anyone else, but it took nearly a year just to convince anyone besides Jesse Stranger that it was even happening."

Then Nova.

"Systems are things put in place by civilised people. Insitutions, procedures, mechanisms. Humans being what they are? That's just nature."

Then Ghaspius.

"And nature isn't always fair, my friend. At least, not in the sense that you use the word! Each species has its own attributes, including strengths and weaknesses. Such things are not doled out equitably or by our own choice – perhaps I'd rather have your freedom to ignore gravity and phase through solid matter, or you'd rather have my flame always at hand. But alas! We are what we are."

Then Corey.

"Young sir, you seem awfully sure you've got the matter of pokémon and humans entirely figured out. These presuppositions about what's natural and proper... I wonder if you've considered that they may not hold true, in a world other than your own?"

He let the thought breathe a moment, and took another lungful of smoke.

"My family has preserved stories of a world of pokémon and humans," he continued. "In these tales, it is said that at one time, a human took up a sword and slew pokémon in pursuit of martial strength. Countless pokémon. Enough that the hills and forests grew silent, as they hid from him, or were slaughtered. He later came to realise that he had forsaken his responsibility to nature, and cast aside his sword. But you see, he was not especially strong for his kind. He was notable only for his ambition, and his aggression – it was simply the nature of his world that an individual of his species could slay wild pokémon with ease.

"Young sir, you put it to me that humans are naturally frail and helpless, and that they are meant to be companions to pokémon, in... how did you put it? Harmonious balance. Well, I put it to you that humans only exist in Forlas to make use of their great strength. To protect and safeguard this world and its inhabitants. It is nothing less than their moral responsibility to do so."

He smiled to himself, eyes flicking away to look at a memory only he could see.

"That was something Ignatius Voclain never truly understood. More's the pity."
Ghaspius let out a dissatisfied hum. "I don't deny there's differences between 'mons, but there's a large gap between 'floating about' and 'can change the course of history', ain't there?" He shook his head. "It's their 'moral responsibility', but then... what happens if they don't? If they decide ruthless greed and hedonism is the way to go? Who watches the watcher?"

The Misdreavus sighed as he settled into the chair. "Well, might as well as the big question then: what sorta crisis do you think these fellas got summoned for? Ya couldn't have just come here for curiosity's sake."
Dakota raised an eyebrow.

"If there were no humans... would you then ask who watched the gods? The saints? Whichever pokémon were strongest? If all were equally strong, what about children? Something to think about, my friend."

He scratched his chin with an index knuckle.

"I certainly don't know what crisis would preempt a mass-summoning, I'm afraid."
On one hand, he’d been through enough in this world to take to heart the Monferno’s suggestion that this world operated differently from his own… he’d been rather aggressively reminded of that every time he made such a previous error in judgement after all.
Yet, on the other hand, this business of being human having such a profoundness to it… it made him anxious. His power didn’t seem any more superior to those who were Pokémon to begin with… but then, was that because they were all working together all the time? He didn’t like the idea of lording any superiority over others, certainly not based on origin…

“Well, judging by the rumors that have gone around, it seems a few of those humans haven’t been all too responsible with this great power of theirs… maybe that has something to do with all this?”
"All of the above," Ghaspius plainly replied as though there were it some obvious 'truth'. "Even children know to run from their parents when they're powerless against their wrongs."

He sat in silence for a moment before floating up with a bit more of a knowing smile. "But that's enough of that gloomy no-no talk. Since the sprig's outta the sack, lemme reintroduce myself!" He twirled in the air as he said, "Mismagius Ghaspius, at your service! Ain't no human, but I'm out-of-this-world enough, right?"
"And I'll be leaving now." Nova adjusted the saddle bag that held the others' food and began to make for the door.
Dakota dispassionately watched Nova walk away, and took another drag. Not much left of the cigarette by now.

"Hmm. You're an odd fellow, Ghaspius. You're suggesting you were a Mismagius before you were... summoned?"

The primate's expression was hard to read. He could have been sceptical, or perhaps just thoughtful. He turned to Corey and held his own chin pensively.

"What rumours would those be that you mentioned, young sir? Irresponsible humans, you said...?"
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