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Remember remember the 11th of december.

Gosh Elder scrolls V is coming out. I'm going to go into a gaming coma when it comes out and only emerge when I have a weeks worth of growth on my chin and a dungeon tan that actually reflects light.

I'm already on my second oblivion playthrough.
Hooooly crap november is too long to wait. I just placed a preorder for the collector's edition of Skyward Sword. In a short few days, (23) I'll have the game, a golden wii motion plus remote, and an orchestrated CD of zelda music from various games.

I can't wait :DDDDD
Sonic Generations and Skyward Sword? There go my plans of doing anything for NaNo this year.

(Although I'm going to suck horribly at Skyward Sword. I hope there's a walkthrough up quickly.)
*drools* Just a few more days. Can't wait. I've been reading up on the new stuff for Skyrim, soooo happy they fixed that damn leveling thing... GRR I'M LEVEL 80 AND CAN STILL GET KILLED BY A GIANT RAT! /notreallybutyouknowwhatImean. But it looks like they smoothed over the level mechanics, plus the graphics are just plain BEAUTIFUL! Plus the constelation system instead of picking all your stuff in one massive uber fixed pre-game story is gone. (You know how many times I wanted to kill the Emperor just to move the damn group along?) Weird though to think that it's set 200 years after Oblivion though.
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