• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Oh look, another new person...

Nova Prime

Queen of Procrastination
...But wait!

I've been here before, I swear! :3 Alright, so it was quite a long time ago, and under a different name, so I don't think that counts, and I don't even think the people I knew are around anymore. But, don't you know it, I've found my way back. Things are different now anyway, so I'm pretty much new anyway. ^^

So that I'm not such a strange person, maybe it can be sharing time?
- From Australia, so G'day, Dingo, and all that.
- My hobbies, in three words; Gaming, Yaoi, Writing/Drawing (that counts as one. >>) And yes, I generally shut up about the yaoi thing...unless you're into that, lol.
- Too poor to splurge on Soul Silver, so have to force my brother to not diverge any spoilers on awesome shiny graphics. Instead, re-completed Colosseum, lol, and had nostalgia.
- Love, love, love to roleplay. Did way back when, still do now. I will jump into some roleplays, make some of my own, and hopefully meet some nice people. 8D There are no good 'Mon RPs out there, that I can find, at least, and feel hopelessly cut off from the 'Mon community in general, so I will nom some of the tasty RPs, perhaps. :3

Yay, now I'm not a stranger, we can be friends, maybe. I can't wait to poke my nose in here and there, see what has changed and whatnot. :D
Hey you might be remembered, a lot of people from a long time ago are still here. Welcome back then!
I've been here before, I swear! :3 Alright, so it was quite a long time ago, and under a different name, so I don't think that counts, and I don't even think the people I knew are around anymore. But, don't you know it, I've found my way back. Things are different now anyway, so I'm pretty much new anyway. ^^

what name was it and when. x3
Hi, fellow RP-er. Welcome. I refuse to give you Tea and Cod, considering you probably got some the first time..................Okay, you broke me. Here.
@Leafpool: Hm...it was a good few years ago, and I'm fairly sure I was called Kawaiiness. ...Or something. >> Ha, I don't even remember that. I saw opaltiger as I was browsing, I remember that name. I remember Tailsy as well?

Thank you for the tea and cod and warm welcome. :D *noms them*
@Leafpool: Hm...it was a good few years ago, and I'm fairly sure I was called Kawaiiness. ...Or something.

that name's not actually familiar to me but if you were still around when I joined I was G-Mew (later ZigZag and Crystalline Pikachu).
A fellow Yaoi fan? =O We need to PM sometime.

Anyway, I'm Ketsu, yada yada, herher tea cod, my fandoms, and I hope you have a good time!

And you're a PRer? Well, you're just in time for the newest Massive Multiplayer Crossover RP! Just head on down to the RP Lounge to apply!
@Leafpool: The name G-Mew rings a distant bell, actually. In any case, I don't mind making new friends. :3

@Ketsu: *huggles yaoi friend* The CoD RP looks like so much fun, I'm toying with the idea of a 'squee sonicboom' and it amuses me. I tell you though, I'm here for one day and I'm already full of ideas for RPs. >< *starts writing*

Thanks for the welcome, guys. :D
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