• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hello! I'm Lexi. (I'm really just a guy.)

I'm affiliated with DarkAura from another forum. (Which is where she comes from and I run the place.)

So, I like ponies.

Apologies for the troll. :O tcod isn't normally like that, I promise! Welcome to the forums.
There was a troll? Sorry to hear that.

Anyway, I'm Richie, (no matter what my username says,) TCoD's resident DBZ obssesed..person. Hi.
He knows it isnt like that. The troll comes from the same forum, so Connor and I know how that troll is like...

CConnor, In see you made it. Zhe pony thread is in the clubs, I'm sure you know. I'll tell you more on the other forum, seeing as I think you know alot about this forum. Welcome!

EDIT: The troll was here for ten minutes before gettin gbanned...
Lol, no problem. I've dealt with many trolls in the past, no worries. ;)
Thanks for the welcome! I hope I actually stay active and post here often. (Lol I usually join a forum then forget about it. Lmao.)
e: holy fff triple ninja
... Connor? 0.0
Holy crap, son. Like the Connor? Like, the one from BG?

... Yay, reunion! *Confetti*
If you're the Connor I know, then hi again! Arctica here. :3
Yeah. We were talking on the chatbox and TCoD kinda spat out...xD!

Yay, reunion! I'll make the sugarcookies! Ulqi will make the Fromac!

So Connor, enjoy your stay here, and have fun, especially the brony places. =D
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