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ole_schooler vs. Legendaryseeker99

Ah, fuck it. We can't win now, so we might as well give u- WAIT
Use Rest! You are fast enough that you can get it in, and your opponent can't Taunt you anyways. Just Chill twice after, unless you wake up early somehow, in which case bombard the enemy with a flurry of Energy Balls, or Giga Drain if you aren't feeling very good health-wise.

Rest~Chill/Energy Ball/Giga Drain~Chill/Energy Ball/Giga Drain
My kingdom for an increased priority move that does not depend on the opponent attacking! This is indeed of the frustration-making. Well, I have no idea if Rest heals all in the first go or a little each action, but regardless, the commands are the same. Use Facade for your first action, and try to do as much damage as possible. Follow it up with another Taunt, so she'll only be able to get one chill in. I'm pretty sure you can taunt a sleeping foe (and you'll have stopped being Taunted); if you can't, use Facade again instead. Finish off with a Heal Bell for yourself.

Facade~Taunt/Facade~Heal Bell
1 vs 1 single
DQ: 1 week
Damage cap: 50%
Banned Moves: Limit 5 chills, limit 3 direct healing moves, no fully evolved pokemon
Arena: The Batcave

Apparently, Bruce Wayne is either running out of money or completely mad, because he's started allowing trainers to battle in his formerly secret lair. It's a dark, dank cave, full of strange gadgets in the corners (many of which can be thrown for 5% typeless damage). There's also some trophies, included a stuffed T-Rex, one of the Joker's cars, and a giant penny.

Round 6

ole_schooler O


Health: 36%
Energy: 23%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Commands: Façade ~ Taunt/Façade ~ Heal Bell
Status: Feeling horrible, but better than Venus. Seeded, Taunted, Badly Poisoned, Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Sp. Def -1

Legendaryseeker99 O


Health: 4%
Energy: 40%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Commands: Rest ~ Chill/Energy Ball/Giga Drain ~ Chill/Energy Ball/Giga Drain
Status: Still Alive, but barely. Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Attack –2, Badly Poisoned

Venus stood on the worst of shaky legs. She could barely stay upright, let alone deliver an attack, thanks to the pain, the pain, the pain. But, a point of hope on the horizon, her trainer had been oh so kind, and had ordered her to use Rest, a move that would send her into the deepest of healing trances. She let herself fall to her knees, and there she simply closed her eyes and let a blue aura cover her body. Soon she began to feel her health returning, but at a cost. She had been quite tired as she had gone down to “sleep”, and now she could feel in her trance the energy seeping away. She began to feel more tired, then exhausted, and finally, she simply slipped away into true unconsciousness. Sabriel had had no idea that her opponent had fainted, and so she was preparing to charge forward again when the referee called the battle to a halt. Sabriel looked up with a cock of the head at Ampharos, wondering how she had gotten such a strange win. But the Poochyena didn’t complain, as she had been just as tired.

End of Round 6

ole_schooler O


Health: 36%
Energy: 23%
(Sabriel) Poochyena [F] <Run Away> @Dusk Stone
Status: Glad she didn’t have to endure anything more. Seeded, Taunted, Badly Poisoned, Sp. Atk +2, Defense +1, Sp. Def -1

Legendaryseeker99 X


Health: 100%
Energy: 0%
(Venus) Mercury [F] <Contrary>
Status: KO’d

Ref’s Notes
-I always ref Rest as recovering all the health at the same time
-So, if I recall, the victorious ole_schooler gets $8, the hard-working Legendaryseeker99 gets $3, and your extremely sexy ref gets $5. Sabriel receives 2 Exp. Points, while Venus receives 1. Good game you two.
Posting because this was never shown as updated. And ole_schooler and Legendaryseeker99 never posted in the Bank, so I assume NO ONE KNEW

EDIT: How much energy did it take to use Rest?
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Huh. Coolio. I hadn't noticed that this had updated (though I think the money from winning happens sans bank posts now). Good match, Legendaryseeker99 (though I'm sorry that ending was kinda lame) and thanks for reffing, Ampharos.
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