Zora of Termina
forget your high society
- Pronoun
- fucking guess
Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.
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Two deities and a healer!Also Blastoise, I'll be your roomate. YAY DEITIES IN SAME DOR-*shot*
Name: Jeremy "Sparky" Quinn
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Very misanthropic, easily angered when discussing his views. Unfriendly and a bit of a loner, but only because he considers his goals lofty enough that he need not concern himself with the affairs of others.
Side: Evil
Birthday: August 4th, 1989
Power: Electricity
Bio/Backstory: Jeremy grew up in, around, and near his father's animal testing facility. His father, who was only a few screws from not functioning well in society always loved to take his 'little critter' Jeremy around and watch all the animals living their lives and being tested. His father apparently enjoyed or was oblivious to the terrible suffering many of the animals faced, yet it horrified Jeremy.
An entire childhood of this, homeschooled there no less, and a general exposure to some of the more terrible things in society has given Jeremy a skewed (non-normal, not necessarily unethical) view of society. Essentially, he has come to the conclusion that nonviolent methods don't work and has decided that the best thing for the planet, and humans, arguably, is to eradicate the majority of the population.
Recently he had attempted to stop a logging operation by blowing up the loggers and, needless to say, was being pursued by the police. Eventually losing them, he found himself lost in the forest, and eventually stumbled upon the school. Finding the people there to be like-intentioned, although not like-minded, he decided to stay and help the cause.
Other: He has an affinity for Twizzlers. His sins are Wrath and Pride.
Homeroom - Mr. Demat
Social Studies (History)
Language Arts (English)
Study Hall
Dorm with anyone.