fka Grimdour, for the curious
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
This is the worst excuse for using shitty does what I need it to.
Example: If I want to make a new text file, on Windows, you can just right-click, go to sub-menu "new" and click text file. But on mac, you'd have to go all the way to textedit of TextWrangler and then Save As to do that.
Why?This is the worst excuse for using shitty software.
This is the worst excuse for using shitty software.
What is "efficiently?"Software should do what you need and want it to efficiently.
Then it's not efficient for them to use it. I have nothing against people using Windows in general; I do have problems with people trying for quite a while to get something done the hard way when there's an easy and obvious solution to fix it. There's a point where it's easier and faster to switch to something objectively better than it would be to keep using whatever you're used to.If someone isn't familiar with a certain OS, they may take much longer to accomplish a simple task and become much more frustrated than they would working with something they were accustomed to, even if that OS is the most efficient on the market.
I find it quick and intuitive, actually, but then again I'm just used to Windows. You're still opening the program, so it's not like you're skipping anything.Why would you want a blank text file that you couldn't edit without opening a program?