Starting OR again after obsessively catching Pokémon in X for several days.
Uh, does anyone happen to know how many Shards of each color there are available in the water routes, both hidden + visible? Serebii seems to suggest there are unequal numbers (unless they're all equal once you get ones from Mirage Spots, etc)
ETA: It looks like there is one shard for every Pokémon that evolves via Fire/Water/Leaf/Thunder Stone, plus an extra Yellow Shard for some reason. This is including the Mirage Spot shards. So, 4 Red, 4 Yellow, 5 Green, 6 Blue.
Anyway, my team. I am about to take on the Seafloor Cavern. My team is as follows:

Blaze Kick/Dig/Slash/Double Kick
I couldn't resist using the very same starter I began Pokémon with, nearly eleven years ago, for my "perfect" file... Scorch is a bro. Blaze Kick incinerates things and there is no question about this. Especially when Mega Evolved, he really does awesome things. I've always loved Blaziken and it is amazing to be using one again with all the new power it has gained since the RSE days.

Aerial Ace/Fly/Steel Wing/Quick Attack
Swellow has always been my favorite early game Flying type, second only nowadays to Talonflame. Swellie's attack isn't exactly the greatest, but he makes up for it with blistering Speed and some helpful STAB attacks. I hope he sees a lot of use in the E4.

Discharge/Thunder Wave/Fire Fang/Quick Attack
Drew's Thunder Wave makes him an invaluable partner for catching things with, and combined with Static he can easily cripple opponents in battles. A lack of compatible TMs means his movepool is probably the worst on the team (thunderbolt and flamethrower plz ; ;) but Discharge is strong, especially when he Mega Evolves.

Rock Smash/Strength/Surf/Crunch
It's funny, really, that I'd been planning to use an Exploud from the start and then ran into a shiny Whismur east of Rustboro. Too perfect, if you ask me. Mimzy (named after my favorite LPer's Exploud) has been one hell of a sis ever since evolving into Exploud. Her average Attack and Special Attack stats mean that she can't do much to the opponent, but on the other hand, that she can use many moves due to neither of her Attack stats being terribly low. I plan to replace Rock Smash upon arrival at the Elite Four, but it's actually been really helpful for catching things!

Secret Power/Psychic/Dazzling Gleam/Grass Knot
I put Secret Power on Nicki because I didn't really have another team member who wanted it, but I'm not really missing the space. Two STAB attacks and Grass Knot really make up all the attack power I need. Her Special Attack is the highest on the team (15 points higher than Scorch's), and so she just blazes right through things. A high Special Defense never hurt anything either! It's been a long time since I used Gardevoir. It's nice doing so again, especially know with ~FAIRY MOVES~

Seed Bomb/Sky Uppercut/Stun Spore/Leech Seed
Portobello has the highest Attack stat on the team, and the highest non-HP stat of anything on the team with a whopping 144 Attack at level 46. Stun Spore, like Drew's Thunder Wave, comes in mighty handy for catching things. Leech Seed is fun to use on annoying opponents - I'm pretty sure I used it as part of my Liza and Tate battle strategy. For a long time he was lacking in power since Breloom don't get any physical Grass moves before Seed Bomb at level 44 (!) and Portobello especially has an Attack-lowering nature, leaving Mega Drain (!!) his only Grass attack. Finally, though, Seed Bomb happened, and by Arceus does it make a difference!