• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Original topic titles are too hard to think up to bother.


And meta humour is hard to pull off well, due to being overused and just not an automatic laughter causer.

Oh well. Let's get on with the intro topic.

I am Metallica Fanboy, the (current) newest newbie with a stupid yet maybe catchy nickname. Which I didn't pick with the intent of being funny, but rather, for the lack of option.

To be honest, I came here mostly just to try the ASB. I might tackle the rest of the sections someday, but...

Anyway. I don't have much more to type into this topic. So, have a nice day. And maybe post here.
I came here mostly just to try the ASB

Sorry about that. I like ASB.

Anyway, I'm Blastoise, feel free to call me whatever. Any questions about the forums in general, ask me or some other old crone, any ASB-related stuff should be directed at Negrek, the Bosslady.


Sorry about that. It's just that I've /loved/ Metallica since I was a baby (no joke)

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo Psinao, the randomcat taking up residence here.
HECK FREAKIN YEAH! Huh, no not Metallica, ASB! Anyway, I noticed you already signed up for a bank account, that's a good start. I'll probably be seeing you there soon. Ref ya later!

EDIT: Um yeah, and Welcome! (almost forgot...)
Ooh, ASB is fun! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

I'm Darksong. And I love art and role-playing. :D

I've heard of Metallica but not listened to any of their songs...

Ah, that's all I have to say. Have fun at tCoD!
Welcome to TCoD! If you need me, feel free to Private message me. I might be around the spriting section, occasionally ASB, and Roleplaying most of the time. Enjoy your stay.

Sorry about that. I like ASB.

Anyway, I'm Blastoise, feel free to call me whatever. Any questions about the forums in general, ask me or some other old crone, any ASB-related stuff should be directed at Negrek, the Bosslady.
Taken care of. :P

And Super Effective is awesome.



Sorry about that. It's just that I've /loved/ Metallica since I was a baby (no joke)

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo Psinao, the randomcat taking up residence here.
No need to apologise. At all. It's good to hear read at least somebody here has a musical taste similar to mine.

HECK FREAKIN YEAH! Huh, no not Metallica, ASB! Anyway, I noticed you already signed up for a bank account, that's a good start. I'll probably be seeing you there soon. Ref ya later!

EDIT: Um yeah, and Welcome! (almost forgot...)
Taken care of. :P²

Ooh, ASB is fun! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

I'm Darksong. And I love art and role-playing. :D

I've heard of Metallica but not listened to any of their songs...

Ah, that's all I have to say. Have fun at tCoD!
I am also sure I'll enjoy it. It's why I went there, of course.

Art and role-playing... I can do basic spriting, and I used to role-play (though in a much less serious degree than the one TCoD seems to have).

Well, that's pretty much all the stuff I have any answers for. I also appreciate the willingness to help some of you show, but I'm pretty sure I can handle myself.

And, above all, thanks for the welcomes.
Dude, I'm listening to "The Frayed Ends of Sanity" right now while wearing a Kill 'Em All T-shirt. I think we can get along.

Anyway, welcome to TCoD. I'm glitchedgamer. I like, well, glitches. Possibly a little too much. I'm usually just lurking around this place. You know, maybe I should try out this ASB thing all you people are praising too.
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