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Paradise Island: The Starters' Tale ((Sign-Up and OOC Discussion

I'll sign up as a human :P

Name: Afuri
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Afuri has very plain, light brown hair and green eyes. She is very tall and skinny.
History: Afuri was born into a rich, well-respected family. They had a large yard that Pokemon were attracted to from all over, and she enjoyed playing hide-and-seek with these Pokemon. She became very good at it, and got the nessecary qualities to be a Field Searcher for the Hunters, which she thought was a very attractive option.
However, her parents divorced when she was around ten years old. She went with her mom, who was the one who had to move away from the house and its large yard into a small house with virtually no yard; there were no Pokemon there. She became very lonely and secluded, teased at school, and her mom couldn't find a job. They were forced into poverty and became homeless.
One night, her mother was killed, and Afuri was forced to live alone. Around this time she was about fourteen. She joined the Hunters after about two months to earn some money, and has been in the buisness for several years now.
Skills: She is a lot more tough than you would think from first glance and doesn't mind getting too messy, as long as she can clean off afterwards. She also has good eyesight and spots things others normally miss.
Position: Field Searcher
Pokémon: Hoeru Wailord (M) Water Spout, Surf, Water Pulse, Rest
Uraj Swampert (M) Earthquake, Surf, Curse, Body Slam
Muku Staraptor-f (F) Fly, Agility, Aerial Ace, Defog
Gya Rapidash (F) Agility, Stomp, Flamethrower, Poison Jab
Rentor Luxray (M) Crunch, Thunder Fang, Scary Face, Roar
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