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Please Rate Our PokéDex?

Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?


So, despite my best attempt to rid the thing of long lists you are saying that it still suffers from the same downfall as pretty much every other Dex out there?
Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?

To say that Pokémon fandom needs another 'dex is like saying the ocean needs more water.
Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?

if you genuinely wanted to get rid of giant lists, you probably should've used a search feature

Looks like it's still less useful than veekun, ignoring that afaik Eevee still hasn't added in Pt data.

Javascript is gross: I should not need to enable javascript to actually look at useful data. Or anything, really. I mean, javascript is really gross. Quite a few people have it disabled by default: it tends to make sense.

Why are pre-evo moves sorted alphabetically? Level-sort would make more sense.

A comparison of DP vs Pt level-up moves would be more useful: I'm rather partial to how veekun handles changes of moves in a given generation.

Are you manually editing these pages? If so, why?

it's better than spp's pokedex but that's like saying something is better than cyanide. I don't see why you bothered, really: it does nothing that Veekun doesn't, other than Veekun's current lack of Pt data and that's probably just temporary, and it's missing quite a few useful features.
Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?

What they all said.

Also, if you want you can add some trivia in it. Not saying it's important, but it makes the whole thing sort of interesting. Plus the list. I hate lists. I prefer a search function.
Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?

The number images next to the type weakness/resistance table are out of place, sloppy-looking and unnecessary; you've used regular numbers/letters everywhere else, so why not there? It also makes the /2 and /4 look like 12 and 14; there's no way you can get an actual division sign there instead? Alternatively, you could use x0.5 and x0.25.

You have spelled "yield" incorrectly in the EV Yield field.

Calling your help section "wtf" sounds a little unprofessional. A little lightheartedness is cool sometimes and all, but seems out of place here.

Overall, I think the tables look quite cluttered as they are. More space between the sections, and perhaps thinking of other ways to arrange the data (the placement of the ability, for example, looks a little odd to me) would make it more inviting and readable. Honestly, though, it probably isn't enough to make me stop using Veekun.
Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?

To say that Pokémon fandom needs another 'dex is like saying the ocean needs more water.
Lol, you brought up necessity, not me. It was a personal challenge as well as an aspiration of mine. Not a creation of necessity. That said, the necessity of your post is tantamount to the necessity of the Dex I designed. Get it?

if you genuinely wanted to get rid of giant lists,
you probably should've used a search feature
That's true, I've not yet looked into to building my own site search yet...

Looks like it's still less useful than veekun, ignoring that afaik Eevee still hasn't added in Pt data.
I didn't think, going into it, that I would best Eevee's Dex, lol, but I tried my best...

Javascript is gross: I should not need to enable javascript to actually look at useful data. Or anything, really. I mean, javascript is really gross. Quite a few people have it disabled by default: it tends to make sense.
While I sympathize, to some extent (I mention on the 'help me' page that I'm not too fond on client-side reliance) I felt it could not be avoided insofar as what I envisioned it would look like and do. In addition the aforementioned dislike for JScript would be personal preference, which constitutes about 8% of my current visitors (assuming they realize they have it disabled/not on).

Gross? I've not heard that word applied to scripting languages before, lol.

I'm thinking it may be possible to render the buttons instead as part of a form which, when clicked, reloads the page with the value of the sorrounding div having display: none; switched... I'll experiment with that and see if eliminating JScript in that right is possible; thanks for forcing me into a position where I'd have to explore alternatives :D

Why are pre-evo moves sorted alphabetically? Level-sort would make more sense.
Indeed it would.

A comparison of DP vs Pt level-up moves would be more useful: I'm rather partial to how veekun handles changes of moves in a given generation.

Are you manually editing these pages? If so, why?
Errr... Are you getting that idea because of last modified date? Its the last modified date for the script /monster/ and not the page /monster/dustox if that's what you are getting at. Its the same date on the page for all
/monster/ pages if you hadn't noticed, while you were noticing.

Manually editing those pages would be insanity, but it somehow appears that making another Dex automatically qualifies me to be as such...

it's better than spp's pokedex but that's like saying something is better than cyanide. I don't see why you bothered, really: it does nothing that Veekun doesn't, other than Veekun's current lack of Pt data and that's probably just temporary, and it's missing quite a few useful features.
You don't like JScript. Prevo level sort, instead of alpha. DP/Pt move comparison instead of seperate lists. Improved Sitesearch. Aside from the aforementioned problems, to what do you refer to here?
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Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?

So why did you decide to waste time with a redundant Pokedex rather than something useful? :/ There're plenty of other things you could spend time on that would be interesting and actually possibly useful.

Why is Javascript necessary for what you need to do?

I did ask if you were manually editing it. Emphasis on 'asking': I've noticed a tendency for these types of projects to be done wastefully.

The search is really quite an important thing for a Pokedex. People sometimes use them to look for "what does foo learn at level bar" or "what level does foo evolve into baz", but it's usually more for "help I need something that can breed with foo and learns these particular moves". It's in that area that make online Pokedexes actually useful, but people usually don't mess with that.
Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?

So why did you decide to waste time with a redundant Pokedex rather than something useful? :/ There're plenty of other things you could spend time on that would be interesting and actually possibly useful.
It becomes relevant when I begin to tackle other projects. While the necessity of having accomplished this chore is, alone questionable, it becomes more obvious, later, that not having a PokéDex to base these other things off of would make them seem... Incomplete. Savvy?

Why is Javascript necessary for what you need to do?
I suffered from the delusion that it was the only way, I suppose. However, you've put me in the position to attempt accomplishing the same goals without employing that technology, as previously mentioned.

I did ask if you were manually editing it. Emphasis on 'asking': I've noticed a tendency for these types of projects to be done wastefully.
Right. Well, as it stands I doubt I'll walk away from here with a single kudos or word of congratulations for finishing this chore, however worthless it is viewed by everyone here, but I can assure you that it plays a part in a larger vision.

The search is really quite an important thing for a Pokedex. People sometimes use them to look for "what does foo learn at level bar" or "what level does foo evolve into baz", but it's usually more for "help I need something that can breed with foo and learns these particular moves". It's in that area that make online Pokedexes actually useful, but people usually don't mess with that.
Its not like there no search at all... Its just relatively worthless... Ok, I give.
Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?

Lol, you brought up necessity, not me. It was a personal challenge as well as an aspiration of mine. Not a creation of necessity. That said, the necessity of your post is tantamount to the necessity of the Dex I designed. Get it?

It is relevant to the topic at hand.

Consider pie. A certain slice of pie might be the best goddamn slice of pie ever baked, but if you eat the entire pie and then eat more pies exactly like it, then you'll get sick no matter how good the pie is. Web sites, thus, are like pies. The internet suffers from repetition. You can take any phrase from a Wikipedia article and run it through your favorite search engine to get dozens of copies of that article on other sites. The thing is, it's not illegal (as long as the mirrors follow the GFDL); but it clogs up the 'tubes quite badly. The same goes for multitudes of sites, be they Pokémon or of other interest, that parrot the same information without making themselves distinguished. It's nice to see something new once in a while.

Judging by your replies, however, I see you have something more than a generic pokédex planned. I take back my remark, although it woulda been nice if that was known from the start. Consider me intrigued.

Yeah, and I agree with everyone else about JavaScript. You should not make any assumptions on the part of the client other than the fact that they have a (standards-compliant) browser. The same goes for things like Flash, Java, ActiveX, etc. With regards to sorting a database, there's nothing you can do in JavaScript that you can't do server-side.
Re: Please Rate Our PokéDex?

Originality. It would be pretty much impossible to name all the Pokedexes on the net.

You're doing this for fun/whatever. If you have that patience to do the work for a Pokedex you have the patience to think of something original and do that.

Or you could make your Pokedex unique somehow...
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