I accepted a mission where it is required to have a Shellos on my team. I did what I usually do for those missions - take my main character, my partner, someone I want to train, and the required Pokemon (Shellos in this case) - and it still won't let me! Ragh! My only guess as to why on Earth it's not working is because I have a western Shellos and I need an eastern... don't see why it wouldn't specify, but whatever... my question is, is it even possible to get an eastern Shellos, or has my game just completely goofed? I've only ever seen them in Beach Cave, but they're not recruitable. I checked GameFAQs and Serebii, but the guides weren't complete and Serebii... is Serebii. They all said only Beach Cave, if anything at all. Anyone have any idea what's going on here? Should I just quit the mission? It's only 50 points and some money (most of which Chatot's going to take anyway, greedy bird), but I don't like quitting missions if I don't have to.