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Pokemon nicknames.

On my Emerald I have

Oh man, I'm so pimp.
"Vuvivu" the Spinda (yeah, I actually put the quotation marks there)
Almost the same as a Luvdisc from PMD, who I was going to name <3 but there was no <, so I didn't know what to name it anymore, so I just named it VUVIVUTU x3

KNOPNJKL (or something like that) the Kakuna (...I don't know either
I remember loads of names like that, pretty much named the same way as VUVIVUTU.

Martini the Larvitar - ...I was naming things after booze, and I don't recall why.
I remember a Barboach I named beer, because I smelled Root Beer when I caught it x3

Mama Luigi the Mudkip
FFFFFUUUUU the Diglett
Lulz the Burmy

I usually name my Pokemon after characters from shows, or fancharacters. My most recent is Giroro, who just evolved into a Charmeleon. :D

Now I just need a Tamama. But I wanna train Giroro a bit more.
My pokemon's nicknames are so irrefutably screwed. Lets see...
These are all 1 year (or more) old, btw..

Aerodactyl - Aelxstraza (Probably from Warcraft).
Alakazam - Murrain
Arcanine - Arcanyre (Arcanine + Pyro ..?)
Arcanine - Zynos ('Unno..)
Azelf - Tremor
Charizard - Vaelastraz (Moar Warcraft rip-off).
Crobat - Alacrity (Woop woop..)
Dugtrio - Tyrvypszeo (Ok, no f*ing clue..)
Espeon - Rizhauxzer (Partially named after the awesome Acisej). xD
Espeon - Silentide (lurv) ~♥
Espeon - Espen
Feraligatr - Fyguro (Be fyguro'd if I knew..)
Garchomp - Gyzaeorosz
Gliscor - Brutality
Gliscor - Envenom
Groudon - Omeorosz (I think I was thinking "osmosis", I think..)
Gyaradoz - Gyaurazosj
Heracross - Zyhexarasz
Jolteon - Dispersion
Jolteon - Dispertide
Lapras - Vlyenaxdae
Leafeon - Acerbic
Leafeon - Faleon (An old name I use)
Lucario - Lucidity
Lucario - Vehemence
Ludicolo - Dishhead (LOL! For the record I hate these things, quite obvious what I wanted to name it).
Metagross - Galvheizyn (Galvanized Iron ftw..?)
Mismagius - Prodical (Cute pokemon, but weak as shit...) ><
Ninetales - Vulpecular
Rampardos - Rahmyordis (No idea, but I like this name.. lol try googling it).
Regice - Ditherage (Dither + Rage)
Regigigas - Gigauriosz
Ryperior - Vylapditae (probably derived from delapidate, just to prove that I didn't mash random letters).
Sceptile - Splenaticz
Scizor - Furore (Because he's a noisy, metallic-bastard)♥
Sharpedo - RavagerX (wow, an actual NORMAL name).
Smeargle - Vyaersz
Suicune - Scheuryszu
Tangrowth - Silvyneszu
Togekiss - Doctriausz
Toxicroak - Dishearted
Tyranitar - Schaefterz (Love this name)
Umbreon - LunAremiss (Probably made at the same time as this).
Umbreon - LunartideUmbreon - V-Jolt (My favourite part from Resident Evil 1)
Umbreon - Umbers
Umbreon - Felbreon
Umbreon - Ziro (From an old, yet kewl fanfic)
Vaporeon - Vaopraghen (lol?)
Vaporeon - Vaptide
Vaporeon - Seethe
Weavile - Emeriss (From lolWarcraft).
Weezing - Toxidu
Weezing - Toxidus

Those are my 100's.
And apparently... I don't like penises.. because all of these pokemon are either female, or genderless. (Rofl).

It also seems like I nicknamed a few of my pokemon so that I didn't forget their Hidden Power. (and I still couldn't remember!). ,xD

Houndour - Groundour (Gound)
Treecko - Silensone (Rock?)
Cyndaquil - FalciFlam (Falci = Falcate = leaf??)
Venomoth - Brimotsone (I don't know if it's rock or fire, or what the hell..)
Magnezone - GroundLock (*cough-ground*). >>
I haven't yet but I plan on naming all my pokemon with normal words starting with the letter it starts with. So like, Eggnog the Empoleon and stuff.

My friend named her Riolu ChuckNoris. it was funny.
When I get Platinum I intend to name my party after either World War II leaders or philosophers. I don't usually nickname, though, so I don't think I have anything else to share :3
Sometimes my Pokemon's nicknames actually make sense, but some of them are kind of...strange. Well okay, maybe not that weird but you can call them unique.

Dragonfire-Flygon (from this one show I saw)
Oniontchi-Meditite (from Tamagotchi)
Why2783-Wynaut (lol XD don't ask me why...)
Sitty-Skitty (just took the 'k' out of it..)
Sandelia S.-Sandshrew (okay...this wasn't my creation. it was my friend's)
Clayride-Claydol (again, same friend)
Pichu Sis.-Pichu
Pichu Bro.-Pichu
Ghostbust.-Duskull (short for 'Ghostbusters')
Goin Batty-Zubat (ah, my personal favorite)
Moar names:


(LG) Articuno-
ITSTAIL (This video)
Regirock- Zakum (Yes, from Maplestory)
(E) Kyogre- Shamu
Dialga- Lazulidon
Palkia- Amethantis
Giratina- Onyxius (Inspired by Onyxia of WoW)
Heartan- Magmus (Shares this name with a 5-man instance boss in WoW)
Tropius- Nixon (Don't even ask)
Ludicolo- Umbrelaela (Ella, ay, ay, ay. Yes, that song.)
Lileep- Castor


Gardevoir- Dudelady
Metagross- Steve
Roserade- MaiBffRose (IDK)
Suicune- Poseidon
Flygon- Sandra (2x the meaningfulness of a meaningful name)
(S) Registeel- Hyperion
(E) Registeel- Omega
(E) Regice- Delta
(E) Regirock- Alpha
Cloyster- Tanzanite
Nidoqueen- Baroness
Kangaskhan- Khaan (KHAAAAAAAAN!!!)
Sneasel- Nocturnus (Shade of the _______)
Delcatty- Waffle
Regigigas- Genesis

Possible names:

Gyarados- Scylla
Milotic- Charybdis
Magmortar- BLAM
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Gyarados- Scylla

name stealer

Also I change my team way too often.

Warlock the Alakazam - Just got him this morning. I looked up suggestions for names on Google and saw someone suggest Merlin. And I thought "hey that's stupid", but my mind stuck on magically inclined names. So I decided on Warlock.

Tsunami the Vaporeon - Kinda speaks for itself.

Artemis the Scizor - Name of the Greek goddess of... hunting? Something like that? Dammit I don't remember.
whenever i name my pokemon, i use either a part of their japanese name or the whole name. this was an exception for one leafgreen team that i migrated to diamond. those nicknames are kinda...odd.


Zaru - Infernape (m)
Muku - Staraptor (f)
Kabigon - Snorlax (m)
Okutan - Octillery (m)
Kirin - Girafarig (f)
Nyuu - Weavile (f)
ASHA - Blaziken (f)
GURAINA - Mightyena (f)
MIRAMI - Sableye (f)
TASU - Cacturne (f)
HADER - Sharpedo (f)
NEITEIO - Xatu (f)
Klusje - Charmeleon (m)
Valk - Fearow (m)
Toxique - Nidorina (f)
Jarro - Weepinbell (m)
Piedini - Hitmonlee (m)
Kikker - Poliwhirl (m)
Biida - Bibarel (m)
Slave - Bibarel (m)
Rakki - Blissey (f)
Rin - Cherubi (f)
Mikara - Murkrow (f)
Roozeru - Buizel (m) (this is my fav. nickname. i <3 it)
Ruka - Lucario (f)
Iwaku - Onix (f)
Lun - Machop (m)
Sensei - Hitmontop (m)
Het Aap - Mankey (m)
Muis - Pikachu (f)
Rongeur - Nidorino (m)

yes, i do have two bibarel. Biida is the good one. he's not an HM slave. Slave is that bibarel.
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Since no one guessed on Platinum Status thread, I must put them here:

Chuck the Machoke
Sam the Bibarel
Pollux the Staravia
Nick the Steelix

Here's where they came from (no cheating on the other thread with this >()

Chuck=Chuck Norris
Sam=Sam Beaver (from Trumpet of the Swan)
Pollux=a star in the constellation Gemini (the other is Castor)
Nick=nickel (a metal, not a coin)
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