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Pokemon: Rebel Theory Sign Ups (3 spots)

You can always be yourself with us, man. We won't give a shiza. *takes long sip of sparkling grape juice*
We starting now, but I'll leave those three un-taken slots open for anyone who wants to join during the course of the RP...
(Just a note on Abyss: He's not actually one of the Rebels yet. But I've got an idea....*shifty eyes*)

Just saying this so that this doesn't get driven too far in the ground.
I have a grand finale for my character oh and btw he is darker skinned so you know. I'll pm you Sweet Silver when you say we are getting near the end(about to kill/capture or what ever to the head honcho)
Name: Delilah
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pokemon Fused with: Zoroark
Pokemon Team:

Whimsicott [Thorn] [F]
Mischevious like her ability, Thorn looks cute but is quite powerful. She and Emer are the only ones to have been with Delilah since before she joined Team Xana,and though they are both attached to her dearly Thorn worries about her trainer's new personality. Though Thorn enjoys the new excitement and doesn't mind being a villian, there are some things Delilah has done that have made her long for the earlier, simple days.

Salamence [Emerald (usually called Emer)] [M]
Emerald has always had a thing for power, and though his ego could be a weakness he does not have such a high opinion of himself for nothing. He and Thorn are the only ones to have been with Delilah since before she joined Team Xana, and Emer approves of his trainer's new, more direct way of dealing with problems. He has grown strong since they joined Team Xana, and is constantly looking forward to the next challenge.

Krookodile [Eva] [F]
Fast and bit of a kelptomaniac, Eva is a true predator at heart.

Bronzong [Mirror]
Mirror doesn't have much of a personality; he watches all and does as he is told.

Milotic [Arachne] [F]
Arachne is rather vain, and is always looking to prove that fact she is, indeed, the best.

Chandelure [Whisper] [F]
Much like Mirror, Whisper is mainly seen observing, though she has more of a personality and enjoys "playing" with others.

Description: Zoroark - A regular human female of her age, her ears are pointed and she has bloodred claws in the place of fingernails. She has the eye and mouth markings as well as the eyes, hair and teeth of a Zoroark - she is a full carnivore and "talks" with the help of illusions.
Houndoom - Regular human female with shoulder-length, straigh black hair and small curving horns. The bone-stripe markings of a houndoom appear on her back and her upper arms and legs. Ears and canine teeth are slightly more pointed than normal, eyes are bright red, and she does have the pointed tail.

Personality: Among the upper-level admins who know her true nature, there are whisper's that in order to give Delihlah the full illusory powers of Zoroark, her mind became almost more Pokemon than human in payment. Not to say she lost any of her mental capacity as far as intelligence goes (her sharp intellect has always been her greatest gift) and although Delilah is very skilled at acting (and ability that lets her play and manipulate with others) she cares not for any life besides her own and seems frightenly cruel, even to those who want the world to end - in those whispers, there's always a word that continues to be repeated.

History: Delilah joined the team out of curiosity, simply having nothing better to do. Controlling the world sounded, quite simply, fun. The Xana scientists were very pleased to find she had a Zoroak - how endless the possibilites with someone who had the power of illusions, they though with glee. Indeed, Delilah awoke with those powers, and proceeded to kill everyone in the room, claiming boredom. And hunger.
Through her time serving Team Xana she has gained respect from some and fear from all - she has never failed a mission. At the request of those in command of Xana - for some unknown reason she still has loyalties to the team and its leader - she keeps herself a secret by appearing mainly in the form of a Houndoom morph, even to other team members. What would be the point of secret weapon that couldn't be kept a secret?

Reason for Joining Team Xana: Curiosity
Reason for Rebelling: N/a
Other: She is constantly working on her ability to control illusions, other than making herself appear different she has great difficulty. The scientists say it is possible for her to have complete control, though they are unsure if there are any eventual limits to her power if she lost control - human emotions are powerful and even though Delilah shows almost no sign of them, there is always a breaking point.
Also, Xana.
I don't think you will have to change too much! hope you get accepted and get on the rp. Also check out my pokemon rp Pokemon-return of shadows(and if you like RE then I created rp for that also)
I actually think I prefer this better, gives much more focus and potential with character development. So thanks. Changes are mainly found at the end of personality, other, and of course in reason for rebellion. Also, didn't feel like redoing the sprite pictures.

Name: Delilah
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pokemon Fused with: Zoroark
Pokemon Team:

Whimsicott [Thorn] [F]
Mischevious like her ability, Thorn looks cute but is quite powerful. She and Emer are the only ones to have been with Delilah since before she joined Team Xana,and though they are both attached to her dearly Thorn worries about her trainer's new personality. Though Thorn enjoys the new excitement and doesn't mind being a villian, there are some things Delilah has done that have made her long for the earlier, simple days.

Salamence [Emerald (usually called Emer)] [M]
Emerald has always had a thing for power, and though his ego could be a weakness he does not have such a high opinion of himself for nothing. He and Thorn are the only ones to have been with Delilah since before she joined Team Xana, and Emer approves of his trainer's new, more direct way of dealing with problems. He has grown strong since they joined Team Xana, and is constantly looking forward to the next challenge.

Krookodile [Eva] [F]
Fast and bit of a kelptomaniac, Eva is a true predator at heart.

Bronzong [Mirror]
Mirror doesn't have much of a personality; he watches all and does as he is told.

Milotic [Arachne] [F]
Arachne is rather vain, and is always looking to prove that fact she is, indeed, the best.

Chandelure [Whisper] [F]
Much like Mirror, Whisper is mainly seen observing, though she has more of a personality and enjoys "playing" with others.

Description: Zoroark - A regular human female of her age, her ears are pointed and she has bloodred claws in the place of fingernails. She has the eye and mouth markings as well as the eyes, hair and teeth of a Zoroark - she is a full carnivore and "talks" with the help of illusions.
Houndoom - Regular human female with shoulder-length, straigh black hair and small curving horns. The bone-stripe markings of a houndoom appear on her back and her upper arms and legs. Ears and canine teeth are slightly more pointed than normal, eyes are bright red, and she does have the pointed tail.

Personality: Among the upper-level admins who know her true nature, there are whisper's that in order to give Delihlah the full illusory powers of Zoroark, her mind became almost more Pokemon than human in payment. Not to say she lost any of her mental capacity as far as intelligence goes (her sharp intellect has always been her greatest gift) and although Delilah is very skilled at acting (and ability that lets her play and manipulate with others) she cares not for any life besides her own and seems frightenly cruel, even to those who want the world to end - in those whispers, there's always a word that continues to be repeated. Psychopath.
Even then, there is a part of her that is screaming to be rescued. A part of her that wants to feel again, a part of her that she ignores. But that part of her is slowly getting stronger.

History: Delilah joined the team out of curiosity, simply having nothing better to do. Controlling the world sounded, quite simply, fun. The Xana scientists were very pleased to find she had a Zoroak - how endless the possibilites with someone who had the power of illusions, they though with glee. Indeed, Delilah awoke with those powers, and proceeded to kill everyone in the room, claiming boredom. And hunger.
Through her time serving Team Xana she has gained respect from some and fear from all - she has never failed a mission. At the request of those in command of Xana she kept herself a secret by appearing mainly in the form of a Houndoom morph, even to other team members. What would be the point of secret weapon that couldn't be kept a secret?
And that's when the problems set in.

Reason for Joining Team Xana: Curiosity
Reason for Rebelling: No matter what she did, she was never recognized. Always told to keep secret. Sent on boring and pointless missions like some sort of useless grunt. This did not settle well with her. News of a rebellion reached her ears. It sounded interesting, and soon she discovered she longed to get revenge on those who had mistreated her.
Not to mention that the small part of her that could still feel knew that this was the path to eventual redemption.

Other: She is constantly working on her ability to control illusions, other than making herself appear different she has great difficulty. The scientists say it is possible for her to have complete control, though they are unsure if there are any eventual limits to her power if she lost control - human emotions are powerful and even though Delilah shows almost no sign of them at the moment, there is always a breaking point.
Also, to the rebels she continues to keep her guise as a Houndoom morph - her faux personality being sharp witted, sarcastic, but still with a good heart - just in case. It's always good to have an ace up the sleeve, so they say.
Also, Xana.
Name:Fang (Real name is Haruka Masumi)
Pokemon Fused with: Luxray
Pokemon Team:

Lynx (Male Luxray) Lynx is the eldest member of Fang's team, and is generally has his head screwed on, so to speak. He was half of the LuxLight double team, with Lux, another Luxray, who was killed through the fusion process. He misses her dearly, and wants revenge on team Xana. For the same reason, he is fiercely protective of his trainer.

Skream (Female Manectric) Skream is violent and likes to fight. She is also extremely protective of her teammates, reacting viciously if one of them is hurt. (Shiny)

Ether (Male Jolteon) Ether, the most composed of the group, is still fairly young and inexperienced, and looks up to Lynx, but finds Skream irritating.

Description: Fang, since the fusion process didn't go exactly...to plan, gained an almost centaur style appearance, (Excepting of course, she's a Luxray), plus fangs, claws and Luxray's signature red and yellow eyes, although one of her eyes has been gouged out. Her black hair is short and spiky, mirroring the state of her fur. She likes to wear a tattered old leather jacket, with both the sleeves torn off, and a pair of fingerless black leather gloves, each with a cuff made of fur.
(If this isn't allowed, I can change it.)

Personality: Fang is extremely unstable, switching between being a very pleasant person, willing to be helpful, and a dislike of harming others, and being violent, almost like a wild animal, willing to kill for little or no reason, though this side usually only comes out when she feels an extreme emotion, such as in a fight. She was like this even before she became part Pokemon, and so a lot of people avoided her.
History:Because of her unstable personality, she was admitted to a mental hospital, where, because the doctors gifted him to her, gained Lynx in his Shinx form, and also gained her penchant for electric type pokemon.
Reason for Joining Team Xana: She saw the team as a way of escape from the mental hospital. And, of course, they would have gouged out her other eye if she refused.
Reason for Rebelling: She disliked the team's way of running things, and felt she never got the recognition she deserved. And they gouged out her eye.
Other: Because of the whole pokemorph thing, she became unable to digest plants, so she is strictly carnivore.
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Name:Lars Sarl
Pokémon fused with:Gardevoir
Pokemon Team:
A once ruthless creature, now Angel feels great remorse for the evil he once did. He has teamed up with Lars purely for the search of redemption. He likes to use his fists in battle, rather than simply throwing powerful moves from afar.

Once vein and selfish, thinking only of herself, teaming up with Lars simply for he own gains, Cordy has really grown. Lars's former Pokémon, Doyle, the Medicham, sacrificed his life for the good of the team. Before he did, he gave Cordelia his thoughts, which were almost purely of his love for her. Cordelia was driven to tears, and now desperately tries to make herself a person worthy of Doyle's love.

Once a wild vigilante, intent on crushing anything that threatened his community, he met Lars. After a brief scuffle, Gunn decided to work with Lars, to help as many people as he can.

Lars rescued Fred from an abusive trainer who abandoned Fred in a cave for many years. Lars found her, raving and insane. She calmed down, and regained her intelligence. Her trainer christined her Winifred, so she changed the name to Fred in a bid to forget him. Fred has limited psychic powers, still traumatised from the incident in the cave, but her intelligence and keen strategy make her a welcome part of the team.

Once part of a community of Ralts, Kirlia and Gardevoir, West had an abusive father who gave his son no respect. Despite years of yearning for his father's approval, West got none. One day, a meteorite fell from the earth, and West touched it, full of curiosity-he was instantly transformed into a Gallade, as this meteorite was a Dawn Stone! However, his community slit his throat and fled, unwilling to host this strange knew creature. In the period that followed, West became hardened, stronger. He is a welcome addition to the team.

Description:Lars has no legs, just a white cloak where they should be. He glides, instead of walking. His green helmet is spiky, reflecting his once-human hair style. He is green and white in colouration.

Personality:As a human, Lars suffered from a form of Autism known as Aspergers Syndrome. It caused him to be unable to understand the minds and emotions of others. However, once fused with a Gardevoir, he gained the power to read emotions, and finally understand the emotions of others. He regains his calm demeanor, however.

Reason for Joining Team Xana: His father knew that his emotionless son could do everything Xana required, and essentially sold him to them.
Reason for Rebelling:The slow growth of emotions with him.
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