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Pokemon Uranium

Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

Your sprites are amazing and involuntary twitch said that you are a great spriter as well ^^. You are for sure in, I will add you to MSN.

Aw, I'm flattered.
Thanks, I'll try my best. :>
Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

I saw Rotom on a thread in another forum excact sprite and the owner of the thread was claiming he made it. I dunno...
Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

Sorry, about who/sprite you are talking about =x (rotom?)?
Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

Sorry, but the Pokémon company has actually said on their website that they are not allowed to accept fan ideas for legal reasons. Hate to rain on your parade, but... yeah. :/

I don't sprite myself, JV, but I can see that the game definitely has promise and wish you luck with it. (Besides, I get the feeling that Twitch is pretty picky about fangames, so if you have her support you must know what you're doing. :P)

Maybe you make of your sugimoris for me anyday ^^ and thanks.

I saw Rotom on a thread in another forum excact sprite and the owner of the thread was claiming he made it. I dunno...
I have no idea. I was googling "Fake Pokemon".

I still didnt get who is rotom. The only rotom i know is the official pokemon.
Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

Sorry, your sprites aren´t good at all also, I wont let you be the rival ¬¬. So you are not in.

I've been let down. Guess I can't show some of my decent scratches. Like:

A Psyduck scratch
And... I'm 10.
Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

I've been let down. Guess I can't show some of my decent scratches. Like:

A Psyduck scratch
And... I'm 10.

Its for sure better than your regular work, but it looks like this psyduck was multilated. Train hard and when you get older you will get better.

I have stopped recruiting people at least for the moment, thanks for everyone that tried to help the project ^^. Also, PichuK did her first work to the game =D, its the sprite of the sugimori that PEQUEDARK-VELVET from dA did:



Here is his sugimori:

As soon as I get something new to show you, ill post here =D
Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

(jumps on bandwagon) i'll make some sprites for you if you want, (goes back to send email)
Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

Sorry, guys, but I'll have to be removed from the team. I don't have time to make scratch Pokemon for two games at once.
Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

That ok kryptca also, Im not recruiting more spriters, our team is closed, I will be making an huge update tomorrow, keep posting ;p
Username: Terry. T.
email?: skarmoryhero@yahoo.co.uk
What you want to do: Recolour stuff, make shinies, etc...
Proof of your work:



Let's try again.

That ok kryptca also, Im not recruiting more spriters, our team is closed, I will be making an huge update tomorrow, keep posting ;p

Terry, plz take some time to read the thread before posting, as I said before, IM NOT RECRUITING SPRITERS OR ANY SORT OF WORKER at the moment.

Re: Pokemon Uranium (Recruiting SPRITERS!)

Also, PichuK did her first work to the game =D, its the sprite of the sugimori that PEQUEDARK-VELVET from dA did:

-JV- said:


Here is his sugimori:

Hey I just wanted to point out that while on the sugimori picture of Dhoosnown, those eyebrow things are coming from above the eye. But on the sprite one is coming out from behind the sprite ike it was an ear. I dont know if that was planned but I just wanted to point it out.
Last edited:
Hey, it's been awhile since I visited here.

The thing is that the fan game I was planning on working for recently was shut down due to the creator quitting on the game.

So, what I'm getting around to is that I am currently available to participate in a fan game. You can see all my sprites on my Deviant Art account. I would love to participate in this game but there are a few complications. Zephyr Plusle told me that the sprite limits are 64x64. Is there anyway that could change that to 80x80? If so, then I would love to sprite fakemon for this game.
It's nice to see you're showing interest on joining Uranium's team, as we all here a tcod know, you're a really good spriter(I have checked your dA account btw). The thing is that I won't change the sprite size limit because the game already has around 50 fakemon under those limits and if I change that we would have to revamp all of them (and their backs, trainers etc) because of that =/. Aren't you able to accomodate to these limits? I saw on your dA an amazing Gliscor sprite that was under those limits. If possible, tell me why you don't feel like spriting on 64x64 limits, that would help me out finding a solution for that. I would be really happy if you join the team :D.

Also, thats for all tcoders, expect a major revamp of that thread or a new one at other creativity.

ps: it isn't Zephyr Plusle, it's ZephyrPlusle xD.
I guess it's just lazyness on my part. I'd have resize all my sprites which is a job in itself since I would probably have to re-scratch them. I have tried to resize my already existing sprites in the past and they turned out terrible.

Just a random question, what would you plan on doing with my starters if I could somehow make them smaller and still look good?
well, I normally let the spriters/workers decide what will happen with their sprites, like which route they would appear etc. My only limitation for yours is that they wouldn't be starters =x, I could make some special/side event for them, or they could come from a egg given by a special or not npc.. Also, on your dA the only ones outside the size limit are a few of the final evolution ones.. (the black velociraptor one, for example wouldn't need)
Ok then Tropiking =3, you're in. Well as I promised I'm updating this thread so you can have a better idea how is the game like:

Update contents:

-Professor Bamb'o
-Rival revealed
-New Pokémon
-New tiles
-New effects

Professor Bamb'o:

This is the Tandor region Professor, his name is Bamb'o


Bamb'o is an expert on Pokémon elements, as it's noticable, he doesn't like to walk around using scientist clothes like most of his mates do. He is the hero's father best friend and thats why he choose you to be his trainer assistant. Another boy also step up the challenge, Theo a eleven year old boy who is your friend since the hero was really young.

Rival revealed:


As you could read on the Bamb'o note, you take the test to be a Pokémon trainer together with a Theo a eleven year old boy. Now you're probably guessing, why someone two years younger than the recommended age to start as a trainer is already getting his first pokémon..
Theo is always trying to beat the hero on any possible challenge, because of that he insisted Bamb'o to allow him to take the test and also asked to his father help him with his journey. Even being so young, Theo will prove to be a smart trainer, who know to balance his team correctly. He will be really important for the on-going plot..
Here are some of the first events he will appear:









That event is the Pokémon Personality Test. You take it together with Theo, thats also his first appeareance on the game.








Thats event happens after the hero got the first badge, thats also your first battle versus Theo =p.Thats all I wanted to show you about Theo till the moment.
(All those wonderful dialogues written by Zephyr :3)

New pokémon:

The old pokedexon this thread was REALLY outdated, now we only have quality sprites and I decided to only show the starters so the game will be funnier when played..

I present you, one of our newest additions to Tandor's pokedex, Dunseraph!


It's Zephyr desing and sprite, I really like it =p. He is Tandor exclusice Durnsparce evolution, and is Dragon/Flying.

New tiles:

As time goes, our custom tileset (by ZephyrPlusle xD) is growing as well! I'm now showing you our new cliff/mountain ones which I like a lot =p. Here is a screen (check the rival events screens to check for them as well):


New effects:

Some days ago, I made a custom dark area effect for the caves 8D, take a look:


New menu:

That one is somewhat new, I tried to create something new and which I hadn't seen before.. I know it turned out to be similar to a ring menu, but the octodiamond menu has it's own particularities xD.


(note: it's not slow in game, check the video for a best idea ;p)

Gameplay video:

That's probably the best way for you to check out how is the game, even though it's a little bit old.. anyways, here it's link:


Well that was a big update for sure, mainly for you here on TCoD, plz check the first post, I edited pretty much everything there, I put the new summary, pokedex, screens etc there...

Some criticize would be nice ^^.
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