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Political Music

honestly the impression i'm getting from watershed here is a sort of "oh, here's a thread... political music? well, i don't really have an opinion on political music... better come up with one so i don't appear foolish... hmm... oh, here's one: all political music is terrible. yeah, let's go with that"

anyway, myself, i can't really think of any songs i listen to that explicitly say "vote for x"... although there are some anti-war songs that are pretty good... dunno if you would consider radiohead "political music" but their sort-of-political album Hail to the Thief is extremely brilliant/underrated
isn't dave a born-again now? ahahaha.

Dave is a fucking moron. I really don't like him.

Radiohead - I don't think they have a message, but Hail to the Thief is not my favourite album by them anyways. That would be OK Computer (another good slab of veiled social commentary).

I think the purpose of art is to hold the mirror up to nature.
Some of the songs are really good, and I'm appreciative of the fact that most of them aren't politically correct (or at least as borderline as possible) despite being political. Or at least that's what I think.
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