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Power Plant Pokemafia

Zero Moment
lightly hesitant to vote because low activity but I think I can get on before EoD tomorrow anyways
oh shoot, i should probably actually check what time EoD is and see if i will be awake

time zone changes hard
yeah think RSP said 12EST but then also said central after but also i think 11 central was thrown around at some point?

maybe i should just play it safe and wake up before all of those times tbh
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idk if i want this to be The Wagon but i'll probably be around before eod anyway so
Ysabel feels not off the norm in either direction, although it would likely help if I payed attention to their meta in Snom, a thing I am commonly lacking in doing
I am still confusion about my read on M&F, so slightly below the null line? idk

Herbe/Cojiro/Trebek? most likely Vs

I'm going to publically state that it would probably not be optimal for investigatives to target me due to role
trying to make sense of these softs of seshas's... privately, because there's no need to share my speculation with the mafia, but crucially, because they may be reasonably easy claims to make as a mobster. although that said, for how quiet it's been so far, it would've been far easier as mafia to stay under the radar

I suppose I can let the ZM wagon slide for now? it wouldn't be good to have a hard wagon on it rolling by EoD if we come up with something better, but if we make it as far as the deadline and absolutely nothing happened, votes on something > votes on nothing
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idk if this means anything or is just confirmation bias
M&F feels more reserved off a cursory impression and less willing to spitball reads than they were in tarot? I'd sort of like to know what gut impressions they have because they were fairly towny with good gutreads
idk if this means anything or is just confirmation bias
M&F feels more reserved off a cursory impression and less willing to spitball reads than they were in tarot? I'd sort of like to know what gut impressions they have because they were fairly towny with good gutreads
well, it's worth bringing up the same thing I said in the aforementioned tarot mafia: I focus on quality over quantity for reads, and there's not been very much at all to read off of.

I will say that I'm inclined to take seshas's softs at face value for the time being -- and again, my reasoning on this matter is unimportant because I'd rather not share it with the mob. and all said, trebek and herbe have been a nice amount of Around for about a several few posts by now, so maybe I can try to get an actual read there

although, come to think of it, I did point out that, in a sleepy day like this, the winning mafia move is probably to be quiet, so... I wonder if there's anyone we need to be dragging out of the shadows right now? either for inactivity or for producing more noise than post
noon tmrw est

11 CENTRAL not est. timezones still hard
without wanting to make this a whole thing, just trying to clarify...

by est you mean edt, right? i.e., 4pm utc

although, come to think of it, I did point out that, in a sleepy day like this, the winning mafia move is probably to be quiet, so... I wonder if there's anyone we need to be dragging out of the shadows right now? either for inactivity or for producing more noise than post
was wondering this myself tbh

we have heard from everyone now but some have been heard more than others

who could fit into that category... vm? flora? hydreigon? maybe raritini? any of you guys got any thoughts to share?

i should also say that i am struggling against my natural inclination to read vm as scummy for his fake scumslip
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