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Psymon vs. Empoleon

Hm... a bit tardy, but I always remember just in time.

Just hit with an Ice Beam, dodge the Drill Peck or if you can't, Protect, and then use another Ice Beam.

Ice Beam ~ Dodge / Protect ~ Ice Beam.
Psymon said:
2v2 Single
Battle Style: Switch
DQ time: 1 week
Damage Cap:40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Chills limited to 5/pokemon
Arena: Cerulean City Gym

Due to lack of strong challengers at the present time, Cerulean City has decided to allow battles to take place inside for entertainment for Misty. The gym is mainly a large pool, but has several round platforms for land based pokemon. The pool is cleaned every day so opponents can clearly be seen in the water. Due to the large amounts of water, water type moves gain an extra 2% damage and take 1% less energy.

Dodo (M) <Early Bird>
Health: 50%
Energy: 69%
Chills 1/5
Captivate ~ Drill Peck ~ Captivate
- Refreshed and ready to go! Has 4 clones.
+2 Def
Algodona (F) <Natural Cure>
Health: 54%
Energy: 96%
Chills 2/5
Ice Beam ~ Dodge / Protect ~ Ice Beam
- Still smiling like she owns the world. Infatuated (30% chance of not attacking)
-1 Atk​

The referee wearily waves a hand, and the battle continues once more. It appears the battlers had disappeared momentarily, not for the first time, and the referee was getting damned sick of it. If they were going to disappear, couldn't they disappear permanently or something? Listening to the Trainers' commands not very carefully, she sighs and flicks a flag towards the Pokemon. If this continued it would be a very long battle.

With a flourish, Dodo and clones twirl around and squawk empty words of love at Algodona, telling her how beautiful she is and exactly how nice and pretty and strong she is, and how she must be seriously strong to get into a fight with him. She didn't want to hurt him, did she? After all, the slightest attack would hurt him a lot. Such beautiful Pokemon shouldn't be fighting, anyways, and with a Pokemon as handsome as himself? Dodo fluffs up his feathers and struts about, preening with one head and talking with the other. Algodona sighs dreamily at the sight of her Dodo showing off for her. Hehee.

The Swablu turns in shock to her Trainer. After he (and clones) told her and basically agreed with everything Algodona ever thought of herself? Turning on a small talon, Algodona huffs and glares at her Trainer. She would never do something so.. mean and cold hearted! Attacking Dodo was the last thing on her mind at the moment. After all, she had to concentrate on looking good for her already beautiful Dodo.

Dodo snorts under his breath at the love struck Algodona. Did she seriously think he loved her? From the look on her face, she did.. Ha. A Doduo of his.. magnificence would never love a Swablu. They even only had one brain, too! His clones follow alongside as the Doduos leap up high into the air, higher that what would be natural for a Doduo, normally. The Dodos speed towards Algodona, spinning in circles as they drive their beaks into a solid wall of green energy. What?

It seems Algodona didn't get the chance to leap or fly out of the way of Dodo's sudden attack, and slightly caught off guard, has thrown up a shield of energy. Huh. Slightly dejected, Dodo and clones leap backwards and return to their platforms. Oh well.

Algodona peeks through a shut eye at one of the Dodos, seeing that they're not at her platform anymore. She had been commanded to dodge or Protect, though why she should was beyond her. Why, for any reason, would Dodo attack her? Was she right? He loved her.. Didn't he? In any case, no matter what, it was still a battle and Algodona had to concentrate. Besides, there were five Dodos and the chance of her hitting the real one was pretty low.. Either way, she should still keep her attacks under full strength.

Crying out that she was sorry, Algodona pulls some strength from deep inside of her and a pale white and blue orb of light and energy forms in front of her. Taking aim at a Dodo, the Swablu wills it forwards gently, and slowly at first, the orb stretches into a thin but powerful, concentrated beam of energy. The Dodo yelps as the energy is released into his side, before disappearing and passing through until it strikes the wall across from him. It was a clone, Algodona realizes happily, and chirps a short song.

Dodo pretends to be mildly interested in the fact that he is now one clone down, and catches Algodona's eye. Moving into an extravagant pose, Dodo once again goes into a rage about Algodona's beauty and some of his own finer features. He goes on for a few minutes, with Algodona's rapt attention at his will. He was repeating a few things that he had said earlier, but no matter, every word that left Dodo's mouth was true, in Algodona's opinion. Dodo was wonderful, she decided, and puffed up her wings, very satisfied.

Dodo (M) <Early Bird>
Health: 50%
Energy: 60%
Chills 1/5
-Feeling in control of the battle. Has 3 clones.
+2 Def
Algodona (F) <Natural Cure>
Health: 54%
Energy: 84%
Chills 2/5
- Her head has swelled to the size of Johto and Kanto combined, metaphorically. Infatuated (30% chance of not attacking)
-1 Atk, -2 SAtk​

Referee Notes
-It appears I forgot about Dodo's clones at the end of last round. Haha oops.

-Algodona was so infatuated with Dodo on the first action she didn't attack.
-Empoleon attacks first next round.
Yet another DQ warning for Empoleon. Seriously, it's starting to get annoying, if you're not interested in the battle anymore you could just say so. 24 hours, you have.
DQ count: Over 9000

So. Empoleon is DQ'd.

Psymon gets $8 and I get $5 for reffing.

Empoleon's Algodona gets 1 exp and Psymon's Dodo gets 1 exp.
Well, he did post in the absence sheet... he was a bit vague on to what extent he wouldn't be around, but I'd give him a day or two more to post.
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