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Psymon vs. Ruffledfeathers

Psymon vs. Ruffledfeathers, Round Six

Pre-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 37%
Energy: 35%
Status: Special Attack +4; Poisoned (very severe: 5% last round, 6% this); seeded (1% health/action); starting to feel worn down, but pleased
Jibakurei's Commands: Taunt ~ Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball

Ruffledfeathers (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Vena (F) [Chlorophyll]
Health: 9%
Energy: 25%
Status: Speed -1; drained and fading
Vena's Commands: Attract/Giga Drain ~ Giga Drain ~ Chill/Giga Drain

Arena : Seasonal Plain

Seasonal Plain is a rather large field with a medium sized pond in the middle, perfect for Pokemon Battles. There is a Laboratory in the distance. The influence of the experiments from said lab have caused a rather strange effect on the field. On each quarter of the field is a different Season. Each season has it's own affects on the pokemon in it.
Spring: 50% chance of Rainy weather coming into effect.
Summer: Sunny effect.
Autumn:20% chance of blowing over a battler each action.
winter 50% chance of snow, making ice types speed increase 1.5, 50% chance of hail. The pond is frozen solid.
Notes: It takes one action for Pokemon to run from one season into another. Ranged attacks can be fired from one season into the other.

Round Six: Begin

Vena rights herself with the last of her strength, much to Jibakurei's surprise. He'd have thought she'd be gone with the last of those rains by now, but, no... she's still standing. Rather than take any chances, then, he resumes heaping on the verbal abuse the way the clouds resume heaping snow upon the winter quarter behind him. Vena weathers the insults as gamely as she can; there's no denying that they sting, but she's heard them all before--that, and she simply doesn't have the willpower to spare on blind rage. She wobbles unsteadily on her feet as she aims another giga drain at her foe, relishing the brief sensation of Jibakurei's health being siphoned into her.

Even with the ever-present leech seed, however, the attack does little to shore the bellsprout up for what is to come. Now thoroughly irritated and ready to be done with this, Jibakurei expels a final shadow ball in Vena's direction. The ghostly sphere lands a clean hit and knocks the bellsprout back down into the damp grass from which she'd just risen, and this time she stays there. Jibakurei half-cackles and half-coughs as Ruffledfeathers recalls the fallen grass-type, determined to enjoy the moment in spite of his severe poisoning. It's no mulcher, but it'll do.

Round Six: Close

Post-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 23%
Energy: 22%
Status: Special Attack +4; Poisoned (very severe: 6% this round, 7% next); seeded (1% health/action); grinning in spite of his extreme discomfort

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Vena (F) [Chlorophyll]
Health: 0%
Energy: 18%
Status: Knocked out!

Arena Status: The snow and rainfall have ended at last, leaving the field free of precipitation for the time being. The spring quarter is wet and muddy.

Sun (Summer): Indefinite
Snow (Winter): 4 rounds remaining

Ref's Notes
-This was a really easy round to write up and there is absolutely no excuse for it taking so long. I apologize.
-Taunting more than once in a few rounds isn't very effective as opponents wise up to it, and so Vena was only taunted for one action (for what it's worth).
-I'm not quite sure when I'm supposed to re-roll for the spring weather if it doesn't rain. Do I let it last as long as a normal weather condition, or is the 50% chance at the beginning of every round until it sticks?
-Vena fainted on the second action.
-Jibakurei lost 1% health from leech seed at the end of the round, though there was no recipient to take it.
-Ruffledfeathers sends out and then Psymon attacks first next round.
Nothign in spring lasts as long as a weather condition, yeah.

Good boy, Jibakurei. Now, start off with a Taunt attack until it works. If it works on the first action, use Pain split. If she tries to stop you attacking with taunt, attract or a status, use protect. If she tries to Protect, Calm Mind.

Taunt/Calm Mind ~ Taunt/Pain Split/Calm Mind ~ Taunt/Icy Wind/Calm Mind
Psymon vs. Ruffledfeathers, Round Seven

Pre-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 23%
Energy: 22%
Status: Special Attack +4; Poisoned (very severe: 6% last round, 7% this); seeded (1% health/action); grinning in spite of his extreme discomfort
Jibakurei's Commands: Taunt/Calm Mind ~ Taunt/Pain Split/Calm Mind ~ Taunt/Icy Wind/Calm Mind

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Chattering giddily
Vena's Commands: Attract ~ Attract ~ Attract

Arena : Seasonal Plain

Seasonal Plain is a rather large field with a medium sized pond in the middle, perfect for Pokemon Battles. There is a Laboratory in the distance. The influence of the experiments from said lab have caused a rather strange effect on the field. On each quarter of the field is a different Season. Each season has it's own affects on the pokemon in it.
Spring: 50% chance of Rainy weather coming into effect.
Summer: Sunny effect.
Autumn:20% chance of blowing over a battler each action.
winter 50% chance of snow, making ice types speed increase 1.5, 50% chance of hail. The pond is frozen solid.
Notes: It takes one action for Pokemon to run from one season into another. Ranged attacks can be fired from one season into the other.

Round Seven: Begin

Vena's replacement brings little solace to the beleaguered Jibakurei. The purple primate that emerges from Ruffledfeathers's final poké ball grins vapidly in his direction, as if she has already taken in the full measure of his discomfort and is enjoying it immensely. Seedeth continues her grinning as she saunters forward, stepping as lightly as she can across the sodden grass while twirling her tail coyly in one hand. The spiritomb moans and shuts his eyes, well aware of chicanery when he sees it, and tries to keep his thoughts as empty as possible. Empty your mind, Jibakurei, he tells himself, screwing up his spectral face in concentration. Think calming... calming... that... that feels pretty good...

The spiritomb gives an involuntary shudder when he feels something caress his keystone. His eyes snap open seconds later, revealing Seedeth now practically on top of him and running the hand on her tail against the back of his base. The toothy, almost manic grin right in front of his face is startling, to say the least, but Seedeth is quick to shush him and whisper reassuring words in the general direction of what she's pretty sure counts as an ear--relax, take it easy, she's just giving him a little back rub, a sexy beast like him shouldn't be so stressed. Why, she'd even hold him if she didn't think her arms would go right through anything other than the keystone. Her words sound suspiciously similar to those he'd heard from Vena earlier, and he hadn't fallen for it then...

...but then again, Vena hadn't given him a massage.

Seedeth's grin only widens as she watches Jibakurei relax, now held completely in thrall. Attacking, or bolstering his defenses, or... well, whatever he was planning on doing now seems to be all but forgotten. But why stop there? There's no harm in stringing him along for a little while longer, simply biding her time. He's already falling apart as it is; she barely needs to do anything at all. So the aipom sits down, makes herself comfortable next to him (as comfortable as she can be given the ghost-type's creepy, vacant stare, anyway), and continues working her tail-hand around his keystone. Jibakurei shudders contentedly, practically purring like a cat. Calm mind? How could he possibly be any calmer, sitting out on a clear spring (sort of) day with such a pretty pokémon?

The monkey pokémon continues her massage regimen unabated, doing her best to keep a stiff upper lip and not allow herself to be freaked out by Jibakurei's unsettling leer. Unfortunately for her, however, the spiritomb seems to pick up on just a little bit of her tension. Why, he wonders idly, is his wonderful Seedeth so uneasy? Has he done something wrong? He can't remember being anything other than appreciative of her attention... is that it? Is she expecting something in return, then? It would only be fair, after all... his experience with hand-tailed monkeys is decidedly limited, though, and for the life of him Jibakurei can't think of a suitable thank you gift. Realizing that this is definitely going to take some more thought, he tries to shut out Seedeth's continuted caresses in favor of clearing his mind enough to come up with something. It can't be that hard to figure out the sort of thing she'd like, right? The rosy haze in his mind dissipates ever so slightly as he concentrates, and perhaps he notices just a hint of what might be suspicion, but he pays it little attention. Got to get all those dreams of fire and mulchers and dead bellsprout out of his head so he has more room to think of presents.

Round Seven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 13%
Energy: 19%
Status: Special Attack +5, Special Defense +1; Attracted (moderate), Poisoned (very severe: 7% this round, 8% next); seeded (1% health/action); do they make banana-shaped wedding rings, maybe?

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 85%
Status: Not comfortable with the look Jibakurei is giving her

Arena Status: Snow continues to fall over the winter quarter, smothering it with even more frozen water. The spring quarter is wet and muddy.

Sun (Summer): Indefinite
Snow (Winter): 3 rounds remaining

Ref's Notes
-Seedeth's second attract worsened Jibakurei's infatuation; her third attract failed, however, because his infatuation couldn't go any higher at that point.
-Jibakurei was too infatuated to attack on the first and second actions.
-Calm mind lowered Jibakurei's infatuation by one stage.
-Ruffledfeathers attacks first next round.
Let's show that monkey how much you love her! Return the love with Attract. Then use Captivate. Finish with a Chill.

Attract ~ Captivate ~ Chill
Psymon vs. Ruffledfeathers, Round Eight

Pre-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 13%
Energy: 19%
Status: Special Attack +5, Special Defense +1; Attracted (moderate), Poisoned (very severe: 7% last round, 8% this); seeded (1% health/action); do they make banana-shaped wedding rings, maybe?
Jibakurei's Commands: Attract ~ Captivate ~ Chill

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 85%
Status: Not comfortable with the look Jibakurei is giving her
Seedeth's Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Arena : Seasonal Plain

Seasonal Plain is a rather large field with a medium sized pond in the middle, perfect for Pokemon Battles. There is a Laboratory in the distance. The influence of the experiments from said lab have caused a rather strange effect on the field. On each quarter of the field is a different Season. Each season has it's own affects on the pokemon in it.
Spring: 50% chance of Rainy weather coming into effect.
Summer: Sunny effect.
Autumn:20% chance of blowing over a battler each action.
winter 50% chance of snow, making ice types speed increase 1.5, 50% chance of hail. The pond is frozen solid.
Notes: It takes one action for Pokemon to run from one season into another. Ranged attacks can be fired from one season into the other.

Round Eight: Begin

Just when it looks as though the spring quarter is beginning to dry up, dark clouds roll over the area and open up once more. Seedeth flinches as she feels the first raindrops hit her fur, and she sighs as she realizes how wet and uncomfortable that's going to make her recreation. Sighing, the aipom leans back against Jibakurei's keystone and tries to close her eyes for a brief power nap. It's not like the smitten oaf is going to bother her anyway.

...and the gentle words Jibakurei whispers in the resting monkey's ear are certainly anything but bothersome. In a matter of a few seconds and a few sweet nothings, Seedeth suddenly finds her heart swelling with admiration for the poor, beleaguered spiritomb on which she now leans. His pain... his suffering... his abuse at the hands of a bellsprout that needed to be mulched... and now his love, which he feels is fast becoming unrequited now that Seedeth has started to feel tense. Seedeth sniffles and wraps her short arms around the keystone as best she can, swearing that she will never let him go and that he won't have to suffer alone.

These words seem to be enough for Jibakurei for now--at last, he can rest assured that Seedeth does, in fact, love him true. No additional captivation is needed. She loves him, she'll stay with him in the rain and the cold... he doesn't... need... he doesn't need anything... else... Darkness starts to crowd in on the ghost-type's vision, moving in along with the poison that has all but consumed him by now. It is all Jibakurei can do to keep his eyes open and focused on the napping Seedeth, and he doesn't think he can keep it up much longer.

Round Eight: Close

Post-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 2%
Energy: 26%
Status: Special Attack +5, Special Defense +1; Attracted (moderate), Poisoned (very severe: 8% this round, 9% next); seeded (1% health/action); no... no... can't black... out... must... see... my... lovemonkey...

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Attracted (mild); aww, he's so cute when he's feeble. Poor baby...

Arena Status: Snow continues to fall over the winter quarter, smothering it with even more frozen water. The spring quarter is wet and muddy, and rain has started to fall over it once again.

Sun (Summer): Indefinite
Snow (Winter): 2 rounds remaining
Rain (Spring): 4 rounds remaining

Ref's Notes
-Seedeth only recovered energy on her first two chills; she was back at 100% after the second.
-Jibakurei was too infatuated to attack on the second action.

-Psymon attacks first next round.
Psymon vs. Ruffledfeathers, Round Eight

Pre-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 13%
Energy: 19%
Status: Special Attack +5, Special Defense +1; Attracted (moderate), Poisoned (very severe: 7% last round, 8% this); seeded (1% health/action); do they make banana-shaped wedding rings, maybe?
Jibakurei's Commands: Attract ~ Captivate ~ Chill

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 85%
Status: Not comfortable with the look Jibakurei is giving her
Seedeth's Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Arena : Seasonal Plain

Seasonal Plain is a rather large field with a medium sized pond in the middle, perfect for Pokemon Battles. There is a Laboratory in the distance. The influence of the experiments from said lab have caused a rather strange effect on the field. On each quarter of the field is a different Season. Each season has it's own affects on the pokemon in it.
Spring: 50% chance of Rainy weather coming into effect.
Summer: Sunny effect.
Autumn:20% chance of blowing over a battler each action.
winter 50% chance of snow, making ice types speed increase 1.5, 50% chance of hail. The pond is frozen solid.
Notes: It takes one action for Pokemon to run from one season into another. Ranged attacks can be fired from one season into the other.

Round Eight: Begin

Just when it looks as though the spring quarter is beginning to dry up, dark clouds roll over the area and open up once more. Seedeth flinches as she feels the first raindrops hit her fur, and she sighs as she realizes how wet and uncomfortable that's going to make her recreation. Sighing, the aipom leans back against Jibakurei's keystone and tries to close her eyes for a brief power nap. It's not like the smitten oaf is going to bother her anyway.

...and the gentle words Jibakurei whispers in the resting monkey's ear are certainly anything but bothersome. In a matter of a few seconds and a few sweet nothings, Seedeth suddenly finds her heart swelling with admiration for the poor, beleaguered spiritomb on which she now leans. His pain... his suffering... his abuse at the hands of a bellsprout that needed to be mulched... and now his love, which he feels is fast becoming unrequited now that Seedeth has started to feel tense. Seedeth sniffles and wraps her short arms around the keystone as best she can, swearing that she will never let him go and that he won't have to suffer alone.

These words seem to be enough for Jibakurei for now--at last, he can rest assured that Seedeth does, in fact, love him true. No additional captivation is needed. She loves him, she'll stay with him in the rain and the cold... he doesn't... need... he doesn't need anything... else... Darkness starts to crowd in on the ghost-type's vision, moving in along with the poison that has all but consumed him by now. It is all Jibakurei can do to keep his eyes open and focused on the napping Seedeth, and he doesn't think he can keep it up much longer.

Round Eight: Close

Post-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 2%
Energy: 26%
Status: Special Attack +5, Special Defense +1; Attracted (moderate), Poisoned (very severe: 8% this round, 9% next); seeded (1% health/action); no... no... can't black... out... must... see... my... lovemonkey...

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Attracted (mild); aww, he's so cute when he's feeble. Poor baby...

Arena Status: Snow continues to fall over the winter quarter, smothering it with even more frozen water. The spring quarter is wet and muddy, and rain has started to fall over it once again.

Sun (Summer): Indefinite
Snow (Winter): 2 rounds remaining
Rain (Spring): 4 rounds remaining

Ref's Notes
-Seedeth only recovered energy on her first two chills; she was back at 100% after the second.
-Jibakurei was too infatuated to attack on the second action.

-Psymon attacks first next round.
Psymon vs. Ruffledfeathers, Round Nine

Pre-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 2%
Energy: 26%
Status: Special Attack +5, Special Defense +1; Attracted (mild), Poisoned (very severe: 8% last round, 9% this); seeded (1% health/action); no... no... can't black... out... must... see... my... lovemonkey...
Jibakurei's Commands: Attract ~ Chill ~ Chill

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Attracted (mild); aww, he's so cute when he's feeble. Poor baby...
Seedeth's Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Arena : Seasonal Plain

Seasonal Plain is a rather large field with a medium sized pond in the middle, perfect for Pokemon Battles. There is a Laboratory in the distance. The influence of the experiments from said lab have caused a rather strange effect on the field. On each quarter of the field is a different Season. Each season has it's own affects on the pokemon in it.
Spring: 50% chance of Rainy weather coming into effect.
Summer: Sunny effect.
Autumn:20% chance of blowing over a battler each action.
winter 50% chance of snow, making ice types speed increase 1.5, 50% chance of hail. The pond is frozen solid.
Notes: It takes one action for Pokemon to run from one season into another. Ranged attacks can be fired from one season into the other.

Round Nine: Begin

The rain falls steadily over the two lovers, neither of which makes any move to shield themselves or the other. Their intense feelings for one another, and Jibakurei's steadily worsening illness, occupy their every thought. For just a moment the spiritomb considers giving Seedeth one last heartfelt declaration of his love, something to remember him by, but in the end he opts for silence; the aipom appears to be dozing now, anyway. Best not to disturb her.

And so Jibakurei decides to stop fighting against the encroaching darkness and relax as the plants coiled around his base suck the last of his energy away. His final thoughts before succumbing completely are of his darling lovemonkey, and as he sinks back into his keystone for the last time, he feels secure in the knowledge that she is dreaming of him.

Seedeth twitches and blinks when she feels the keystone shudder. The dozy look on her face gives way to one of shock when she realizes that Jibakurei is gone; her dismay fades rather rapidly, however, as she seems to return to her senses. Without the mass of spirits whispering continually in her ear and reinforcing his "feelings" for her, it's actually not that hard to forget him. She sighs, tells herself that the tiny twinge in her chest is not residual affection for him and should be ignored, and resigns herself to waiting in the wait for her next opponent.

Round Nine: Close

Post-Round Stats

Psymon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 0%
Energy: 36%
Status: Knocked out!

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: ...and suddenly I don't really care!

Arena Status: Snow continues to fall over the winter quarter, smothering it with even more frozen water; the snow has almost subsided, however. The spring quarter is wet and muddy, and rain has started to fall over it once again.

Sun (Summer): Indefinite
Snow (Winter): 1 round, 1 action remaining
Rain (Spring): 3 rounds, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-Again, Seedeth gained no energy from her chills (or health from leech seed, etc.).
-Jibakurei was too infatuated to attack on the first action. Not that it would've accomplished anything anyway.
-Jibakurei fainted due to leech seed on the second action.
-Psymon sends out and then Ruffledfeathers attacks first next round.
Psymon vs. Ruffledfeathers, Round Nine

Pre-Round Stats

Psymon (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 2%
Energy: 26%
Status: Special Attack +5, Special Defense +1; Attracted (mild), Poisoned (very severe: 8% last round, 9% this); seeded (1% health/action); no... no... can't black... out... must... see... my... lovemonkey...
Jibakurei's Commands: Attract ~ Chill ~ Chill

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Attracted (mild); aww, he's so cute when he's feeble. Poor baby...
Seedeth's Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Arena : Seasonal Plain

Seasonal Plain is a rather large field with a medium sized pond in the middle, perfect for Pokemon Battles. There is a Laboratory in the distance. The influence of the experiments from said lab have caused a rather strange effect on the field. On each quarter of the field is a different Season. Each season has it's own affects on the pokemon in it.
Spring: 50% chance of Rainy weather coming into effect.
Summer: Sunny effect.
Autumn:20% chance of blowing over a battler each action.
winter 50% chance of snow, making ice types speed increase 1.5, 50% chance of hail. The pond is frozen solid.
Notes: It takes one action for Pokemon to run from one season into another. Ranged attacks can be fired from one season into the other.

Round Nine: Begin

The rain falls steadily over the two lovers, neither of which makes any move to shield themselves or the other. Their intense feelings for one another, and Jibakurei's steadily worsening illness, occupy their every thought. For just a moment the spiritomb considers giving Seedeth one last heartfelt declaration of his love, something to remember him by, but in the end he opts for silence; the aipom appears to be dozing now, anyway. Best not to disturb her.

And so Jibakurei decides to stop fighting against the encroaching darkness and relax as the plants coiled around his base suck the last of his energy away. His final thoughts before succumbing completely are of his darling lovemonkey, and as he sinks back into his keystone for the last time, he feels secure in the knowledge that she is dreaming of him.

Seedeth twitches and blinks when she feels the keystone shudder. The dozy look on her face gives way to one of shock when she realizes that Jibakurei is gone; her dismay fades rather rapidly, however, as she seems to return to her senses. Without the mass of spirits whispering continually in her ear and reinforcing his "feelings" for her, it's actually not that hard to forget him. She sighs, tells herself that the tiny twinge in her chest is not residual affection for him and should be ignored, and resigns herself to waiting in the wait for her next opponent.

Round Nine: Close

Post-Round Stats

Psymon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Jibakurei (M) [Pressure]
Health: 0%
Energy: 36%
Status: Knocked out!

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: ...and suddenly I don't really care!

Arena Status: Snow continues to fall over the winter quarter, smothering it with even more frozen water; the snow has almost subsided, however. The spring quarter is wet and muddy, and rain has started to fall over it once again.

Sun (Summer): Indefinite
Snow (Winter): 1 round, 1 action remaining
Rain (Spring): 3 rounds, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-Again, Seedeth gained no energy from her chills (or health from leech seed, etc.).
-Jibakurei was too infatuated to attack on the first action. Not that it would've accomplished anything anyway.
-Jibakurei fainted due to leech seed on the second action.
-Psymon sends out and then Ruffledfeathers attacks first next round.
Psymon vs. Ruffledfeathers, Round Ten

Pre-Round Stats

Psymon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zoe (F) [Own Tempo]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Hey, a monkey!
Zoe's Commands: Double Team (3 clones) ~ Magic Coat ~ Psychic

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: ...and suddenly I don't really care!
Seedeth's Commands: Faint Attack ~ Toxic ~ Faint Attack

Arena : Seasonal Plain

Seasonal Plain is a rather large field with a medium sized pond in the middle, perfect for Pokemon Battles. There is a Laboratory in the distance. The influence of the experiments from said lab have caused a rather strange effect on the field. On each quarter of the field is a different Season. Each season has it's own affects on the pokemon in it.
Spring: 50% chance of Rainy weather coming into effect.
Summer: Sunny effect.
Autumn:20% chance of blowing over a battler each action.
winter 50% chance of snow, making ice types speed increase 1.5, 50% chance of hail. The pond is frozen solid.
Notes: It takes one action for Pokemon to run from one season into another. Ranged attacks can be fired from one season into the other.

Round Ten: Begin

Jibakurei disappears into his poké ball, free to dream of his beloved Seedeth while he awaits recovery. Psymon chooses a small spoink to take his place, but he doesn't release her near the aipom. In fact, the poké ball's white beam causes Zoe to appear some distance away, well out of the rain in the sunny summer quarter of Seasonal Plain. She gets to springing as soon as her tail touches ground, her pearl bobbing up and down on her head as she goes. Seedeth frowns, getting up when she sees that she's going to have to do some work to get her attack in; the piglet is just too far away for her to land a reasonable hit right now. The aipom sighs and starts running in Zoe's direction, skirting around the pond as she goes. At least it'll be warm and dry over there...

Not one to waste any time given to her, Zoe increases the rate of her bouncing as soon as she sees Seedeth take off. Higher and faster she bounds, up and down and up and down and upanddownandupanddown until she is little more than a purple blur. Three similar purple blurs fall away from her as she springs upward, and when she slows down to bounce at a more reasonable rate she is accompanied by three identical spoink. Seedeth's toothy grimace widens when she finally makes her way out of the rain, not pleased with the increased size of her welcoming committee. Dangit, if she'd been closer earlier she could've done something about that...

The gang of piglets does not wait for Seedeth to get over her irritation, instead increasing their tempo again momentarily and causing their pearls to glow a faint pink. The glow surrounds their bodies within seconds, enveloping them in an insubstantial forcefield. Seedeth, for her part, seems to be spitting with rage—purple spit, in fact. The monkey wretches and hacks for several more seconds before expelling the noxious glob in the direction of the second spoink to the left. The poison causes the doppelganger to disintegrate on contact, neither harming the real Zoe nor triggering the pink field around her.

Already fed up with Zoe and her nuisance clones, Seedeth decides to go back to her original command now that she's closer to her target. A dark aura envelops the aipom's body and she almost seems to melt away, fading out of sight even in the bright sunlight of the summer quarter. The three remaining Zoes blink, startled, and glance around to see where Seedeth might've disappeared to. They don't have to look for long. Seedeth reappears right behind the puzzled spoink and lashes out with her tail, the hand at its end slapping the real Zoe painfully across the back. Zoe squeals and falls forward, her last clones vanishing right as she hits the ground.

Zoe struggles to right herself while keeping her precious pearl balanced atop her head. The healthy dose of dark energy doesn't sit well with her, and it takes her a moment or two to muster the psychic energy needed for her counterattack. But muster it she does, and when she grabs Seedeth, lifts her into the air with her mind and slams her into the earth it is with a vengeance. Seedeth is powerless to stop the psychic assault, unable to do anything other than screech in pain as Zoe swings her around like a ragdoll. The spoink lets her foe drop in a heap after a good thirty seconds of abuse, giving a satisfied snort as she does so. Her earlier plans might've been messed up a little, sure, but damn if that didn't feel great.

Round Ten: Close

Post-Round Stats

Psymon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zoe (F) [Own Tempo]
Health: 85%
Energy: 82%
Status: I don't think that went as planned...

Ruffledfeathers (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Seedeth (F) [Run Away]
Health: 88%
Energy: 88%
Status: I liked it better when Jibakurei was here, just sitting around and not hurting me. >|

Arena Status: Snow continues to fall over the winter quarter, smothering it with even more frozen water; the snow has almost subsided, however. The spring quarter is wet and muddy, and rain has started to fall over it once again. Both battlers are standing in the summer quarter, significantly warmer and drier under the bright sunlight.

Sun (Summer): Indefinite
Snow (Winter): 1 action remaining
Rain (Spring): 2 rounds, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-Seedeth spent the first action moving into the summer section, since she couldn't hit Zoe from where she was standing. The movement cost 2% energy.
-Seedeth's toxic missed and hit a clone instead, so there was nothing for magic coat to reflect.
-The second faint attack destroyed Zoe's remaining clones.
-Psymon attacks first next round.
Use Hypnosis until it works, then use Calm Mind for the rest of the round. If she protects against Hypnosis, use Calm Mind. If she tries to put a status on you, use Magic Coat.

Hypnosis/Calm Mind/Magic Coat ~ Hypnosis/Calm Mind/Magic Coat ~ Hypnosis/Calm Mind/Magic Coat
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