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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Rage Against The Machine for UK XMAS No.1!

The people that you describe though are normally the halfwitted braindead people who make up 70% of those who watch the X Factor. They quite literally will buy a record because they like the person who sang it, or because they feel it's their duty to the X Factor. I know from personal experience of my braindead extended family who bought seven fucking copies because they thought that Joe was cute.
...so? That's their personal choice? The whole point of the charts is to catalogue what the public likes, not what some hardcore group thinks everyone else should listen to.

It's not like the Christmas no.1 has any real meaning to your life. You can still go enjoy your ROW ROW FIGHT DA MAN music while everyone else can listen to their pop music.
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