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Rarity vs. Phantom


rage against the dying of the light
DISCLAIMER- Luxcario is Rarity now. (to avoid any confusion.)

Luxcario said:
After dropping vs. Aethelstan, I have vs. Cubone (in progress) and vs. ILS (awaiting a ref) so I have a slot for this.

3vs3 single
Style: set
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 5%
Banned moves: OHKOs, Flying-type moves, Ground-type moves
Arena: Distortion World
At the Spear Pillar of Mt. Coronet, a great portal floats around in the air. This leads to the Distortion World, a messed up alternate dimension where the platforms you can stand on are all over the place. Gravity goes...well, everywhere, so Flying-type moves cannot be used. Also, the platforms float about, banning Ground moves.
Other: Despite the Banned Moves, Bounce can be used.

Luxcario Rarity's Active Squad:

Mudkipper [M] Mudkip <Torrent> @ nothing

Creeper [M] Spiritomb <Pressure> @ nothing

Dopey [M] Slowpoke <Oblivious> @ nothing

Spiky [M] Zigzagoon <Pickup> @ nothing

Moo [M] Woobat <Unaware> @ nothing

Phantom's Active Squad:

Kadan [M] Charmeleon <Blaze> @ Razor Claw

My Dark Soul [M] Haunter <Levitate> @ Reaper Cloth

Blitz [F] Manectric <Lightningrod> @ Dawn Stone

Fenris [M] Riolu <Steadfast> @ nothing

Fl'hight [M] Aerodactyl <Rock Head> @ nothing

Saur [M] Bulbasaur <Overgrow> @ Shiny Stone

Coin Toss says:
-Luxcario sends out
-Phantom sends out and attacks
-Luxcario attacks
-I ref
How did I not see this???

Kadan, time to play!

Ok, if at any time they try to put you to sleep through hypnosis, use protect, cause we can't have that happening can we? If not, then use smokescreen, aim it towards your opponent to try occupy them while you use double team (Max clones), after all that hit them with a nice hot flamethrower.

Smokescreen/Protect~Double Team/Protect~Flamethrower/Protect
A Fire-type...hmm...
(goes to Marriland)

Let's start off with a good ol' Rain Dance (fire-type) and then, maybe, a Dark Pulse? Um, so, accuracy. That's good, right? Accuracy...Double Team. Four, to be exact.

Rain Dance~Dark Pulse~Double Team (4 copies)
Rarity vs. Phantom- Round One

Battles take place everywhere in the world of Asber. No arena is too outlandish, too physically impossible, or too unreachable. However, some arena choices are more dangerous than others. Exemplifying this is the choice to have a battle in one of the strangest places known to man, the Distortion World. Created by Giratina, lord of ghosts and feared by the living, the Distortion World is a disturbing and ominous place. The call of the departed resonates throughout the area. It seems desolate enough, but none have ever been able to truly tell what is hidden in its depths.

Though normally inaccessible, myths exist that Negrek has a portal stowed away somewhere in ASB central to dispose of those not inclined to obeying rules. They’re just myths, of course. The ref and two parties find their way into the Distortion World through Mt. Coronet instead. After drifting for some time, the ref is finally able to secure a flat land-surface-like-thing for battling on. After some formal pleasantries (some of which are more sarcastic than others), both trainers send out their Pokémon. Two Pokéballs fly through the air, land, and open. On Phantom’s side, an orange Lizard with a flaming tail and sharp claws. And on Rarity’s side, a rock.

Well, what looks like a rock at first.

Out of the rock pops a gaseous, snickering face. Both Pokémon try to take in their surroundings- dismal trees growing in various directions, water flowing up and down at the same time, strange levitating platforms circling everywhere, screams and cries carried along some nonexistent wind. A creepy place, indeed. The ref then raises his flags, signaling for the match to begin. Almost immediately, commands are spoken and attacks begun.

Team Rarity {OOO}

[Creeper] Spiritomb (M)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Normal
Mood: Feels right at home.

Team Phantom {OOO}

[Kadan] Charmeleon (M)
@ Razor Claw
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Normal
Mood: A bit hesitant.

Round One, Begin!

Deciding to start off with defense, Kadan quickly unleashes some smoke from his internal flame until a large cloud of it covers the area. The thick, black, billowing smoke all but blinds Creeper's view of anything. Creeper, though, doesn't seem to be worried about the sudden blindness, or at least not at the moment. Kadan, expecting at least an outburst of annoyance, hears Creeper chanting an arcane and fairly disturbing chant from inside the cloud. The smoke moves a bit, as if Creeper was dancing inside it. Then, thunder rumbles from somwhere in the Disortion world, and a heavy downpour begins to fall. Only, it doesn't fall down. It falls everywhere. Because of the utter lack of uniform gravity, water falls in every which direction. As it happens, it proves to be less effective in quelling Kadan's fire.

Continuing with his defensive, Kadan runs as fast as he possibly can around the smoke, forming a circle around the unfortunate Spiritomb caught in the cloud. When Creeper prepares to attack, he tries to find a target to aim at. Through the smoke, he can hazily see an outline of six Charmeleons... wait, six? Creeper takes aim at one, or so he thinks. Muttering more arcane and dark spells, a slew of nasty energy builds up around Creeper. The energy reaches a critical point, and then Creeper sends it flying towards a hazy outline with a terrifying shriek. The Dark Pulse exits the cloud and harmlessley flies between two of Kadan's clones and continues into the space of the Distortion World, perhaps never to be seen again.

Snickering, Kadan slowly circles around the cloud. He has a rough estimate of where Creeper is. Though the rain impedes him slightly, Kadan Opens his mouth and releases an intensely hot jet of flame into the cloud. By the sound of a yelp and the clattering of a stone, Kadan knows his Flamethrower struck true. Creeper, irritated by the intense heat and damage to his keystone, decides to set up some defensive measures of his own. After saying another set of ancient murmurings, Creeper splits into four. To Kadan, the four faint outlines appear to come and go in the smoke. Annoyed slightly, Kadan contiues to circle the smoke cloud, waiting for an oppurtunity.

Round One, End!

Team Rarity {OOO}

[Creeper] Spiritomb (M)
Health: 93%
Energy: 86%
Status: -2 Acc. 4 clones remaining.
Mood: Angered. Also somewhat paranoid.

Team Phantom {OOO}

[Kadan] Charmeleon (M)
@ Razor Claw
Health: 100%
Energy: 85%
Status: -1 Acc. 6 clones remaining.
Mood: Enjoying how this is going.​

Arena Notes:
There is a thick cloud of smoke surrounding Creeper about 4 feet in diameter. The smoke will dissapate in 2 actions. It is raining wildly, and droplets are flying in every direction. It will continue to do so for 5 more actions.

Ref's notes:
-The way I ref smokescreen, the user recieves -1 Acc. because they are somewhat restricting their view of their target, yet they have a basic idea of where theirtarget is. The reipient recieves -2 Acc. because they lose a sense of surroundings, plus they don't really know where their attacker is.
-Because of the Distortion World's screwy gravity, Rain Dance worked less effectively. It weakened the power of fire-type moves to 3/4 rather than 2/3.
-The Dark Pulse missed Kadan completely.

Next Round:
-Rarity attacks
-Phantom attacks
-I ref.
Oh God, this battle doesn't seem to be going very well at the moment.

Creeper, let's try to blow that smoke away with Ominous Wind, then let's get you ready for your next attack with a Nasty Plot. Finish off with a Toxic.

Ominous Wind~Nasty Plot~Toxic
Hmm, Ominous Wind might be a problem... Create a sub.. go with 10%. And Nasty Plot? Let's interupt that with Flame Burst, to get rid of those clones, hopefully they are nearby. Then use Dragon Claw, let that toxic hit your sub.

Sub 10%~Flame Burst~Dragon Claw
Rarity vs. Phantom Round 2

Team Rarity {OOO}

[Creeper] Spiritomb (M)
Health: 93%
Energy: 86%
Status: -2 Acc. 4 clones remaining.
Mood: Angered. Also somewhat paranoid.

Team Phantom {OOO}

[Kadan] Charmeleon (M)
@ Razor Claw
Health: 100%
Energy: 85%
Status: -1 Acc. 6 clones remaining.
Mood: Enjoying how this is going.​

Arena Notes:
There is a thick cloud of smoke surrounding Creeper about 4 feet in diameter. The smoke will dissapate in 2 actions. It is raining wildly, and droplets are flying in every direction. It will continue to do so for 5 more actions.

Round Two, Begin!

As he circles the smoke cloud, Kadan decides it would be safest to barricade himself behind more body doubles rather than waiting for his opening. Kadan releases a small cloud of smoke and a small flame from his internal flame sack. A green light washes from Kadan onto the smoldering ground. In a few moments the light fades, and a living Charmeleon made out of smoke and fire stands in front of Kadan and his 6 clones. Kadan's timing is oppurtune, as well. Right as Kadan finishes, a fell wind washes over the area, carrying evil spirits and the sounds of screams from across the distortion world. The smoke cloud is blown away, removing any sight barrier from between the two battlers. The smoke double takes the brunt of the attack, evil will tearing at it's seams and nearly dissipating it. The wind also manages to catch and destroy two of Kadan's clones. Creeper examines the damge he's dealt and snickers, liking how the match is going.

Seconds later, Creeper's smile vanishes. Kadan is hiding behind his self-army, and seems to be nearly doubled over in pain. Curiously, Creeper tries to get a look at Kadan more closely. Seconds later, Kadan whips around from behind his substitute, his mouth full of fire. Kadan opens his mouth and launches a ball of fire at the nearest Spiritomb. Unfortunately for Creeper, that Spiritomb happens to be real. The fireball lands straight in front of Creeper and explodes in a violent release of energy and smoke. The rain does little to dampen the fireball. His four clones are vaporized by the shockwave, and Creeper bareley manages to escape a sudden loss by hiding in his keystone. As he slowly peeks out, he sees the ground has been around him, and his keystone has been blackened. Glaring at Kadan, Creeper readies himself for a counterassault. Muttering to himself, Creeper slowly formulates several plans in the hope that one will ultimately end in his victory. To Kadan, a slightly unsettling glimpse of Creeper glowing with purple energy and whispering is enough to spur him into ending Creeper's thoughts.

Kadan outstretches his claws and roars loudly. Bluish-purple flames wash over and course through his claws, making them hard enough to cut through almost anything (except steel) and leaving them awash with a burning heat. Creeper finishes his schemes and looks up just in time to see Kadan charging at him with flaming claws. Yelping in surprise, Creeper tries to retreat into his keystone as quick as he can, but Kadan manages to outspeed him. He rips his claws straight through Creeper's essence and continues down to his keystone, chipping it and leaving it burning with the purple flames. Kadan then runs back behind his substitute. Creeper screams in pain and tries best he can to extinguish the flames. As he puts them out, he gives Kadan a glance filled with hatred and then retreats into his keystone once more. Immmediately, the cracks in it begin bubbling with a thick purple liquid. Creeper pops out and spits a wad of toxic poison at Kadan. The poison sails through the air, and hits the ground harmlessly in front of Kadan's substitute. Angered even more, Creeper rages about for a few seconds, then regains his composure and continues to glare at the snickering fire lizard.

Round Two, End!

Team Rarity {OOO}

[Creeper] Spiritomb (M)
Health: 78%
Energy: 74%
Status: +2 Sp. Atk.

Team Phantom {OOO}

[Kadan] Charmeleon (M)
@ Razor Claw
Health: 90%
Energy: 70%
Status: 4 clones remaining, 2% substitute remaining.
Mood: "wut." Laughing to himself a bit.​

Arena Notes:
The ground around Creeper is charred in a 3 foot radius from the explosion. It is raining wildly, and droplets are flying in every direction. It will continue to do so for 2 more actions.

Ref's Notes:
-Ominous Wind blew away the smoke cloud. Kadan's sub took the brunt of the attack, but it was wide enough to destroy two clones.
-Flame Burst had a 1 in 4 chance of hitting Creeper directly. It did, and the clones were destroyed via splash damage. If it han't, Creeper would've recieved splash damage rather than the full force of the attack.

Next Round
-Phantom attacks
-Rarity attacks
-I ref
Hahaha you're doing great Kadan, keep it up.

Use flamethrower, then another dragon claw followed by fire blast. If they protect at any time just chill and wait it out. Don't be afraid to lose your substitute or clones, that's what they're there for.

Flamethrower/Chill~Dragon Claw/Chill~Fire Blast/Chill
Probably does, since it's swearing at everything and anything it sees. Is there a psychologist in Asber?
No idea. :P

If it comes down to it you may have to have it sent to Negrek's lab and have it's memory axed, remove those nasty words from existence.

Rarity vs. Phantom Round 3

Team Rarity {OOO}

[Creeper] Spiritomb (M)
Health: 78%
Energy: 74%
Status: +2 Sp. Atk.

Team Phantom {OOO}

[Kadan] Charmeleon (M)
@ Razor Claw
Health: 90%
Energy: 70%
Status: 4 clones remaining, 2% substitute remaining.
Mood: "wut." Laughing to himself a bit.​

Arena Notes:
The ground around Creeper is charred in a 3 foot radius from the explosion. It is raining wildly, and droplets are flying in every direction. It will continue to do so for 2 more actions.

Round 3, Begin!

As Creeper continues yelling profanities, Kadan silently approaches from around his substitute and begins inhaling air so as to increase the power of his internal flame. While doing so, a small flame grows in Kadan's throat. Creeper, finally noticing his opponent and slightly registering the magnitude of the next attack, tries to duck back into his keystone. He’s too late. Much like the weapon it takes its name from, Kadan’s Flamethrower reaches blistering temperatures as a sears a hole straight through Creeper’s essence and chars his keystone. Creeper, seething with rage and powered up from last round, directs a slew of ancient spirits towards Kadan’s general direction. The spirit-wind completely evaporates Kadan’s substitute with a cackling laugh, while two of Kadan’s clones are also recklessly torn apart by the vengeful gust. Creeper still remains enraged throughout, cussing like a sailor.

Slightly put off by the swearing Spiritomb, Kadan tries a more direct approach. His claws glow with more of the arcane purple-blue fire he attacked the Spiritomb with earlier, and he charges towards Creeper. Better prepared, Creeper ducks inside his keystone. However, at seeing this, Something inside Kadan snaps, and the fires on his claws double in size and intensity. Kadan pummels the rock until it nearly is a foot deep in the ground, leaving what looks like an explosion crater with blue flames in his wake. A lot of the fire seeps inside the crack in Kadan’s keystone, effectively damaging and irritating Creeper. Creeper’s rage is not quelled in the slightest, and the raging Spiritomb pops out and unleashes another blast of otherworldly wind. Kadan smiles, expecting the blast to miss him, but then notices the purple-ish mass heading straight for him. The wind envelops Kadan (the real one) and evil spirits attack and pelt him with all their force. After the attack, Kadan whirls around, and notices that for the first time in the battle, he has no defenses between him and Creeper. He also feels a strange sense of foreboding. Creeper, on the other hand, feels on top of the world, as if he’s just been invigorated by a boost of energy from the same spirits that attacked Kadan.
Finally, the strange otherworldly rain stops, much to the irritation of Creeper and relief of Kadan. Creeper takes the advantage of his newfound power and quickly enacts a green shield protecting him from any upcoming threats.

Kadan, glad the rain has stopped, follows his orders in the most amusing way possible. He simply raises his arms and shrugs his shoulders in an “eh, what are you going to do?” gesture, and then sits on the ground and takes a short rest in front of Creeper. Creeper, always being the better person and a sensible battler, continues uttering profanities, somewhat muffled by his protect, while Kadan just sits and laughs.

Round 3, End!

Team Rarity {OOO}

[Creeper] Spiritomb (M)
Health: 57%
Energy: 56%
Status: +1 atk, +3 sp. atk, +1 def, +1 sp. def, +1 spd.
Mood: “-UUUUUUUCCCKK.” D:<. Not feeling too well.

Team Phantom {OOO}

[Kadan] Charmeleon (M)
@ Razor Claw
Health: 78%
Energy: 69%
Status: Normal
Mood: "Haha." Feeling a bit tired, but enjoying himself nonetheless.​

Arena Notes:
The ground around Creeper is charred in a 3 foot radius from the explosion. In the middle is a 9-inch deep hole where Creeper was pounded into the ground. A few small blue-purple draconic fires are still burning. The ground is damp from the recently-ended rainstorm.

Ref’s notes:
-The first Flamethrower was diluted due to rain.
-Ominous Wind 1 destroyed Kadan's sub and two clones. The second destroyed Kadan's remaining clones, hit Kadan directly, and raised all of Creeper's stats. Talk about luck.
-On the other hand, Kadan's Dragon Claw was a Critical Hit.
-Protect used up 4% energy to hold up the barrier. Not that it did anything but muffle Creeper's profanities.
-Chill restored 10% energy.
-Rarity, I recommend taking that Spiritomb to the Lacuna Memory Modification Labs after this battle ends. I heard things one should not hear coming out of a gaseous face that lives in a rock.

Next Round
-Rarity attacks
-Phantom attacks
-I ref.
Going with the only thing that worked huh?

Kadan use dig before that weird little ghost thingy can call forth those spirits. While down in your hole chill for one action. Then wait for them to use that last Ominous Wind then I want you to attack from below and use dragon claw.

Dig (down)~ Chill underground~Wait+Dig (up)+Dragon Claw
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