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10/10 only becuase I got the entire class to do a project in first grade by finding a moth cacoon and we spent time at school learning about butterflies and moths and stuff. It was the same time as the sixth grade did a butterfly thing too so they got realeased together. From that moment on, I liked moths as much as butterflies. Yes, they can be very very pretty.
Well, I'm more tolerable and understanding of love now.
What is in the egg?
(and before anyone says it: No, my usertitle is not racist.)
Sounds like something from Lord of the Rings or a similar fantasy. Did the city get possessed by darkness?
That's how it usually is.

Sounds like something from Lord of the Rings or a similar fantasy. Did the city get possessed by darkness?
Kinda. My imagination created a city out of angst. It is typically grey. It changes with my emotions and, at church camp, I felt to loved by God that my mind showed me the city as it changed to the purist shade of white.
It is a line from the second best song on my favorite band's newest album.
I'm not sure if it religious or what (the guy is a Jewish-christian who would prefer to be agnostic/atheist because it would agree more with his view of what anarchy is so it could be philosophical, religious, or just metaphorical as sheep are commonly referenced to as being followers and not equal to the Shepard (the next line says "Now you find yourself away from me" and he shows general distaste for this person throughout the song.)
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