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Tyrrier Reven Hollow


A Murder of 'Krows
Heartache staff
The trees of Cornèbre Forest thinned and cleared as the simple dirt pathway that guided travellers through the forest shifted to cobblestone pavement, leading them down into a sweeping valley circled by rocky hills and sheer cliffs. Heavy clouds and a freezing fog, unimpeded by foliage, clung to their stony faces and cascaded down into the valley's heart. Towards the citadel known as Reven Hollow.

The sight was unmistakable. Quaint stonework and thatched rooftops clashed with towering spires, facades detailed with stained glass and realistic sculptures of gargoyle-like pokémon such as gliscor and druddigon. The further in the buildings went, the more ornate they became. Most extravagant of all was the manor that towered well above its surrounding – it resembled a castle more than a manor – that cast a long, deep shadow over the citadel's residents. Simple inquiry would reveal its name to be Nona Manor and that such opulence was the least that could be expected from Revenia's capital and its lord's living quarters.

Lantern light illuminated the few buildings that sat on the outskirts, welcoming in any traveller that had braved the harsh trials to reach this place. The first of many being a small tavern that had begun sinking into the ground. Just outside, local minstrels played humble instruments and sang and the smell of baked bread and meaty stews could be smelt from several paces away. In a place so cold and harsh, only a spirit so warm could thrive.

Ch08: The Light of Tyrrier Part 2 – A Silver Tongue New
It had been another two hours before any civilisation was reached. Dusk had fully settled over region before Reven Hollow was even a pinprick on the horizon. The remainder of the journey through the forest was uneventful however, with the Wayfarer's new canine company, there was hardly a dull moment. Looker was more than happy to fill them in on everything he knew, corroborating much of what the Wayfarers had heard, while also dismissing a few more superfluous rumours. However, there were also several things – such as the glyphs or Saints messing with signs – that the Arcanine had little idea of what to make of, to which he encouraged the group to discuss such matters with the region's locals.

A simple tavern awaited them at the end of their journey. Warm firelight within beckoned the Wayfarers to get out of the cold, now a bitter chill with no sunlight. Before they could approach, the Dog Squad bid their farewells, as they seemed to have their own accommodations and things were already crowded as they were, promising to meet on the morrow to help investigate the Radiant dungeon further. There was just enough spare rooms to accommodate the Wayfarers alongside their Covenant escorts.

With nothing better to do, Bellatrix walked inside and found most of the tavern's patrons gathered around a table, listening to something intently. And, sitting at that table, commanding everyone's attention with his words like a siren's song was Seir, the silver ninetales the Wayfarers had rescued from Team Miror back in Novelux.

His pale eyes flashed upon noticing the newcomers.
Mhynt offered a simple nod at the glance before taking a moment to study the patrons. Even if this wasn't necessarily going to be an act of infiltration or espionage, it was the strategy set she was most comfortable with. She checked for dispositions, attitudes, and who would be more open to talk.
For a second there, charging through the woods with the Dog Squad felt almost like home. Like running in the evenings with Rey bounding by her side and ahead and behind and back again, yipping and chattering because he'd found yet another weird shiny thing just off the trail. (Or an enticing new path they probably weren't allowed down). Almost. If there'd been twenty Reys bouncing off the trees back home, even Leaf would've lost it ages ago. But it was energizing enough, and they were moving forward again, and anyway it was miles better than dealing with the entire deli's worth of beef between the Covenant and the Vanguard.

There was a ninetales sitting in the tavern when they got there, funny enough. Wrong color, unfortunately. Definitely not someone familiar who'd fallen through, like that Borker guy apparently was. Not unfamiliar, though...

"Oh, hi, Seir!" She stuffed down the pang of loneliness and nodded at him. "All done with Novelux? Hope there wasn't any more trouble on the way back." He... was in the middle of talking, wasn't he. Whoops. Oh, well. She smiled sheepishly and made a quick "keep going" gesture.
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Seir? Dave had vaguely gathered something about a Ninetales by that name from Tyrrier from some of the others, but hell if he remembered any details.

He did hope the guy would continue whatever tale had everyone at the tavern so enraptured, though, rather than get distracted exchanging pleasantries. He kept it to a nod.
Seir. Koa was only mildly surprised to see the strange Ninetales, given the region they were in. He waved in greeting but decided not to interrupt whatever he was saying, as much as he wanted to ask questions.

His paw went up to the scarf he'd worn for the trip, wrapped around his neck and tucked into his jacket. He supposed he technically still owed Seir thanks for it. He shifted to move closer to the table to hear what the Ninetales was saying.
Ghaspius offered a wave to Seir. While he himself had no involvement with the battle, it was good to see someone the others recognized. Still, his gaze had been always wandering, and to the decor all around did his eyes decide to start trailing. After all, one could learn a lot about a culture by seeing what sorts of signs or trinkets folks hung up on their walls.
Seir? Someone they knew? Come to think of it, the name did sound vaguely familiar... he must have been mentioned before.

Andre was rather tired after the walk and ready to turn in, but maybe this was important. He could hold on for a bit longer.
The decorum of the place was simple. Basic wooden furnishings, bulbs of garlic, and the stuffed heads of wild cervid pokémon (hopefully Andre wouldn't take too much offence to that) was the most the tavern had to offer. Although, looking closer, Ghaspius would notice small effigies of Darkrai and Cresselia hung up on every door frame. Bellatrix eyed them closely. The region's patron Saints, she assumed.

As the Wayfarers listened in, they would realise that Seir was speaking of the Radiant dungeon that had erupted, how the light inspired images of a brighter future within him and encouraging him to protect the citadel even more. It was so easy to be lost in his words and tales. It was very evident that the ninetales was quite the charismatic fellow.

"...But I must apologise for interrupting myself, as we have some new company," Seir said, voice smooth as silk. It had made a splendid recovery from the hoarse cough it was back in Realgar Springs, it was almost unrecognisable. His garb was a far cry from the tattered rags he wore after being rescued from Miror B. and his goons' clutches, now the Wayfarers could see his fine black waistcoat, trimmed with metallic thread and crimson four-pointed stars. A long, red scarf completed the look.

With a polite nod, he greeted the Wayfarers, raising a paw and slowly moving it across the room, inviting them to sit down.

"None whatsoever," he said in reply to Leaf. "It seems that you have been rather busy since our last, rather unfortunate, encounter but I am glad to meet again in more favourable circumstances." He tilted his head to the side, his gaze knowing as he asked, "Although, if you would indulge my curiosity, what brings you to Reven Hollow?"
He sure looked like he hadn't had any more trouble. Didn't see a lot of kidnap victims with perfectly crisp suits. "Glad to hear it!"

How much were they allowed to tell people about what they were doing again? The dang rules kept changing all the time. "We were hoping to figure out what's going on with some of the weird stuff that's been going on around here," Leaf said. "The scratched trees and weird lights and aliens and all that. And, y'know, the murkrow, like you mentioned before. These guys are some of the other Wayfarers—" she indicated the rest of the group "—and we've been looking into that kinda thing. Oh, and, uh, they're also helping, sure." She gestured briefly at Garnet and Ralsen and almost managed not to look annoyed.

"I didn't mean to interrupt you, though, sorry!" she added quickly. "What was the story you were telling?"
For the time being, Mhynt only listened quietly. It seemed this person would be their main person of interest for now. She glanced at her shadow; idly, perhaps if only to keep him occupied, Owen crept along the crevices of the room in search of anything interesting.
Ghaspius turned around and gave a quick tip of the hat at Leaf's introduction. "Mismagius Ghaspius, pleasure to meet ya," he said with a polite smile. "That 'bout sums up why we're here, but I do gotta ask, and hopin' this isn't offensive, but ya mind tellin' us a lil' bit 'bout your two Saints there when ya get the chance?" He gestured to the posters.
Owen wouldn't find much of interest. It was a simple tavern, through and through.

"Ah yes, the rumours," Seir mused. He looked into the lantern light, as it sparked and flickered against his eyes. "I'm afraid to disappoint but much of them are just that. Rumours. Nothing worth investigating whatsoever."

"Even the glyphs in the trees?" Garnet asked with a raised brow.

Seir paused for just a moment. Was he hesitating? Thinking of something? But then, he shook his head again. "It's not of concern," he replied mildly, his eyes flashing again and Garnet... looked entirely convinced.

"Well don't mind me then!" giggled the scizor. "You can't blame a girl for being curious."

Bellatrix's eyes narrowed, though she said nothing for now.

Seir's ears perked at Ghaspius' inquiry. "Yes, Cresselia and Darkrai, Revenia's patron Saints. I was just speaking of them before you arrived, in fact, how I believe that the light that erupted here was a blessing from them. The ninetales looked back at Leaf. "The murkrow nest here, undoubtedly you saw them as you trekked through the forest on the way here? Have you noted anything more odd about them?"
Mhynt kept her arms crossed in skepticism and shared a glance with Bellatrix. This was certainly a subject to return to once they'd asked some other innocuous questions. They needed to get a baseline off of this guy first before they could tell if he was lying...

"The others may know more," Mhynt said, allowing the subject to pass for now, "but the most abnormal thing about him that's blatant is how they seem to crowd in places they shouldn't usually, according to prior migration patterns."
Basic wooden furnishings, bulbs of garlic, and the stuffed heads of wild cervid pokémon (hopefully Andre wouldn't take too much offence to that) was the most the tavern had to offer.

Andre only now noticed the mounted cervid heads, and he froze. They're wild, I'm sure they're wild, none of them have glasses like me, he thought to himself.

"Ah yes, the rumours," Seir mused. He looked into the lantern light, as it sparked and flickered against his eyes. "I'm afraid to disappoint but much of them are just that. Rumours. Nothing worth investigating whatsoever."

"Even the glyphs in the trees?" Garnet asked with a raised brow.

Seir paused for just a moment. Was he hesitating? Thinking of something? But then, he shook his head again. "It's not of concern," he replied mildly, his eyes flashing again and Garnet... looked entirely convinced.

"Well don't mind me then!" giggled the scizor. "You can't blame a girl for being curious."

Andre suppressed the raising of a brow. He shouldn't let this ninetales know he was suspicious of him.
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