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Ridous vs Lucas755

Round 5

Ridous (OOO)
Ein (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 8% (capped)
Energy: 58%
Chills: 0/5
Status: “…lucky… chant… yeah… right…

Serene (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 58%
Energy: 48%
Chills: 0/5
Status: A little annoyed at being burned, but pleased otherwise. +1 Sp. Attack, +1 Sp. Defense. Burned (-1 Attack, 1 damage/action)

StarLight (F) <Adaptability>
Health: 58%
Energy: 67%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Worried about Ein. Paralyzed (moderate)

Lucas755 (OOO)
Bulbasaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 32%
Energy: 49%
Chills: 0/5
Status: “Oh come on. That all you got?” +3 Sp. Attack. Overgrow active. Toxic Imprisoned (1 more round)

Ralts (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 62%
Energy: 51%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Unhappy, and trying to focus on something other than StarLight. -1 Sp. Attack. Burned (-1 Attack, 1 damage/action). Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Toxic, and Shadow Ball Imprisoned (1 more round)

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 83%
Energy: 57%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Waiting to see what will happen next. Toxic Imprisoned (1 more round)​

A small grin comes to Ein’s face as he receives his new order regarding Bulbasaur. This should be entertaining, he thinks vindictively as he prepares to grab her with his psychic power… But then, with no warning save for a brief tremor, the ground explodes from under his feet.

The ralts is thrown into the air, battered mercilessly by earth and rocks, and slams painfully to the ground, right in the middle of all the other pokemon. Everyone on the battlefield stops what they were doing, watching Ein as he struggles to move. With a huge effort, he manages to lift his head, and stares around blearily, looking for whoever hit him… His eyes finally settle on Diglett, and he stares blankly at the pleased-looking mole pokemon for a tense moment… Then thinks, Whatever, and lets his head drop to the ground, barely even feeling it as everything goes dark.

As Ein dissolves into red energy and returns to his pokéball, Serene looks on, appearing shocked. That wasn’t supposed to happen. She wonders if Ein’ll be okay… Then shakes her head sharply, telling herself to focus on the battle, and worry about him later. Not that she is worried. Nope. She’s just concerned that her team is outnumbered now. That’s all. Strategic concern. Nothing else.

Satisfied with her thought process, she turns to the one remaining male ralts on the field. She focuses her psychic power on him, and Ralts suddenly stiffens up, his body surrounded by a bluish glow. With a push from her mind, Serene levitates Ralts into the air, then slams him violently back into the earth. She repeats this a few times, until her mind begins to feel strained; Ralts is released in midair and falls a few feet to the ground.

Pushing himself back up, Ralts ignores Serene and looks around for StarLight, feeling his heart beat a little faster as he catches sight of her… No! No, no, no, no, no! Focus! Ralts closes his eyes, and his horn begins to glow with a shimmering, ghostly light… StarLight, who had been focusing on Diglett, gives a startled cry as the light from the horn suddenly explodes in front of her eyes, creating a dazzling light show that temporarily blinds her. As the eevee blinks rapidly, the light subsides somewhat, but leaves behind several of what look like glittering balls of the same ghostly light, floating around erratically in her vision. She shakes her head, disoriented… the lights seem almost to be taunting her, dancing around in front of her face and daring her to catch them…

Frustrated, StarLight tries to focus past the lights, staring around for Bulbasaur and Diglett, who she sees as the two biggest threats. Bulbasaur isn’t attacking – as the eevee watches, she undergoes another spontaneous growth spurt, her body now almost a full four inches larger than normal. Diglett, on the other hand… well, StarLight can’t protect Ein from him anymore, but she can get some revenge for her fallen teammate. Ignoring the insistent bobbing of the lights, she suddenly explodes forward, her tiny claws ripping up grass as she charges full-tilt at Diglett. The mole pokemon has no time to react before StarLight rams into him with all her strength, smashing his head back into his hole. The recoil from the force she used sends StarLight tripping over backwards, but she grins as Diglett’s pained squeaks issue from the tiny hole in the ground.

Head popping back up, Diglett glares at the eevee, but notices that she seems to be having trouble standing, her leg messing up again after that exertion. Taking full advantage, Diglett back up a bit, then unleashes the same attack that had just taken out StarLight’s teammate on her this time. The force of the earth exploding sends StarLight flying back several feet, landing with a whimper close to Serene. Serene looks over at her remaining teammate, and scowls. She is not going to be taking on all three of these guys by herself. The air around the ralts begins to hum and crackle as electricity builds up…

Stepping in front of StarLight so that the eevee won’t get caught in the attack, Serene unleashes a wave of electricity from her body, erratic bolts of lightning snapping out in random directions, making them impossible to evade. Diglett easily shrugs off the electricity, while Bulbasaur only twitches a little as the attack hits her. Ralts yelps in surprise, but the attack really isn’t as strong as it could be, not coming from an electric pokemon, and he recovers quickly.

Not wasting any time, Ralts immediately fires off another Confuse Ray, this one hitting Serene, who stumbles back with her hands over her eyes, almost tripping over StarLight. When she opens her eyes again, her vision is swarmed with bobbing, glittering lights… She reaches out curiously to touch one, but it drifts away, almost seeming to giggle tauntingly, and the ralts frowns… Thus distracted, she doesn’t notice that Bulbasaur’s bulb has been steadily building up a familiar glow over the past several seconds; but she is brought sharply back to reality when a great beam of solar energy sears into her back. Screaming, she drops to her knees, breathing sharply as she tries to get a hold on the pain…

…And then is thrown into the air by yet another explosion of Earth Power courtesy of Diglett. The ralts falls to the ground face-first and just stays there, unable to move. StarLight, however, not interested in losing another teammate, forces herself back to her feet, the paralysis in her leg having lessened by now and the lights completely absent from her vision. Again, she turns and charges at Diglett, who winces in anticipation of the impact…

With a loud crash and a very painful-sounding CRACK!, the two pokemon collide. Diglett’s head snaps back from the blow and twists his neck badly, while StarLight practically bounces off of him from the force of her attack, falling to the ground with a pained grunt. She remains laying motionless in the grass, Diglett whimpering a bit a few feet away.

Bulbasaur takes advantage of this interlude to position herself so that her next attack won’t hit Diglett, and begins absorbing solar energy again, giggling a little as it builds up. She’s feeling unusually giddy from all the extra power she’s gotten – first all the Growth she’d done, and plus she’s been injured enough that her body’s natural ability is feeding even more power into her attacks! Nothing can stop her now! With a very happy cry of “Bulba-SAUR!,” she releases another massive solarbeam, which practically engulfs its eevee target. When the beam runs its course, StarLight is left lying in the middle of a circle of charred and blackened grass, her fur smoking and patches completely burnt off.

Serene, hearing her trainer’s call, pushes herself up and shakily gets to her feet. The lights are still dancing in front of her eyes, tempting her, but she manages to ignore them; instead, she takes aim at Ralts. Wisps of purplish-black ectoplasm begin to gather in her hand, swirling together into a ball that keeps growing larger and larger, getting to be almost as big as the ralts herself. Looking quite impressed with herself, Serene throws the shadow ball at Ralts, catching him right in the chest; he falls backward, gritting his teeth as he tries not to cry out from the horrible burning of the ghostly cloud.

Standing back up, Ralts looks at first as though he’s going to strike back at Serene… but then his eyes turn blank as they begin to glow again, as he looks into the future to find a nice time to attack. He returns to normal after a few seconds, and looks around wearily at all the other pokemon, wishing for a little break.

Ridous (XOO)
Ein (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 0%
Energy: 58%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Knocked out!

Serene (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 28% (capped)
Energy: 28%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Shocked and disoriented. +1 Sp. Attack, +1 Sp. Defense. Burned (-1 Attack, 1 damage/action). Confused (severe).

StarLight (F) <Adaptability>
Health: 20% (capped)
Energy: 57%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Determined to avenge Ein. Paralyzed (mild)

Lucas755 (OOO)
Bulbasaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 30%
Energy: 32%
Chills: 0/5
Status: “Muahaha! Feel my POWER!” +4 Sp. Attack. Overgrow active.

Ralts (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 32% (capped)
Energy: 37%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Hoping that things will be less chaotic now. -1 Sp. Attack. Burned (-1 Attack, 1 damage/action).

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 53% (capped)
Energy: 39%
Chills: 0/5
Status: …ow…​

Battle notes:
StarLight was paralyzed on the second action.
StarLight snapped out of confusion on the third action.
Ein’s Lucky Chant wore off after the second action.
The second Take Down was a critical hit.
Shadow Ball was a critical hit.

Field notes:
There are two small tunnels leading down to a small hollowed-out area about five feet underground. The area is large enough for something the size of a diglett to move around in, but not much else will fit. A third tunnel about two feet underground connects to one of the smaller tunnels.

A lot of the ground has been ripped up by multiple applications of Earth Power and Solarbeam – basically, a large part of the area where most of them have been battling is scared by deep furrows devoid of grass.

Next round:
Lucas755 attacks first.

I am very very very very very sorry that this took so long. If you can both get your next attacks in quickly, I'll make every effort to get the next round done before I have to leave for a bit on the 28th.
Nice job, guys! If we're lucky, we can finish the game in this next round!

Bulbasaur, I think you're powerful enough. Just fire off Solarbeams, one at StarLight and two at Serene. If the one aimed at StarLight misses somehow, then try again.

Solarbeam(StarLight) ~ Solarbeam(Serene) / Solarbeam(StarLight) ~ Solarbeam(Serene) / Solarbeam(StarLight)

Now Diglett, I want you to attack Serene with Earth Power three times.

Earth Power(Serene) ~ Earth Power(Serene) ~ Earth Power(Serene)

And finally Ralts. Ralts, you just use Shadow Ball on Serene three times.

Shadow Ball (Serene) ~ Shadow Ball (Serene) ~ Shadow Ball (Serene)

And it's okay about how long it took, I'm really in no rush.
A month overdue...meh xD

This will be tough...Okay Serene I want you to use Calm Mind and then if you recover from confusion with it, use Psych Up on Bulbasuar and finally use Light Screen on both you and Starlight if you can muster up the power. StarLight, Fake Tear that Ralts and then Shadow Ball him and last but not least Trump Card Bulbasuar

Serene: Calm Mind~Psych Up@Bulbasuar~Light Screen(If possible on StarLight also)
StarLight: Fake Tear@Ralts~Shadow Ball@Ralts~Trump Card@Bulbasuar
Round 6

Ridous (XOO)
Serene (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 28% (capped)
Energy: 28%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Shocked and disoriented. +1 Sp. Attack, +1 Sp. Defense. Burned (-1 Attack, 1 damage/action). Confused (severe).

StarLight (F) <Adaptability>
Health: 20% (capped)
Energy: 57%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Determined to avenge Ein. Paralyzed (mild)

Lucas755 (OOO)
Bulbasaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 30%
Energy: 32%
Chills: 0/5
Status: “Muahaha! Feel my POWER!” +4 Sp. Attack. Overgrow active.

Ralts (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 32% (capped)
Energy: 37%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Hoping that things will be less chaotic now. -1 Sp. Attack. Burned (-1 Attack, 1 damage/action).

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 53% (capped)
Energy: 39%
Chills: 0/5
Status: …ow…

Moving gingerly so as not to put too much strain on his injured neck, Diglett takes aim at Serene, once again gathering up the power of the earth surrounding him and sending it rumbling toward the ralts. Quite used to this routine by now, Serene recognizes the tremor under her feet but can do little to dodge the attack she knows is coming… And sure enough, the ground shortly explodes beneath her, sending her flying for the…she doesn’t even remember how many times this has happened now. Doesn’t this guy know any other attacks? she thinks irritably as the ground rushes up to met her; having been prepared for the attack this time, though, she actually manages to land on her feet, stumbling badly but catching her balance before falling.

Feeling quite pleased with herself, Serene sits down to meditate again, closing her eyes and ignoring the bobbing lights still dancing around her vision, as well as the pain from her badly injured body. She focuses internally instead, freeing up pathways in her mind to allow for greater power, and building up her mental defenses.

The other ralts on the field, meanwhile, begins to gather wisps of ghostly energy in his hands; they swirl together chaotically, forming a ball of dark purple, pulsing energy. Remembering Serene throwing a shadow ball at him while he was meditating, Ralts smirks, happy at how their positions have been reversed. Feeling perfectly justified, he releases his attack. Serene’s eyes open just as the shadow ball reaches her; her cry of surprise turns to one of pain as the ghostly energies burn into her. Her heightened defenses manage to negate some of the attack, however, and when the shadow ball disperses and Serene regains her bearings, she notes with satisfaction that the glittering lights are nowhere to be seen.

As Ralts wonders just how much longer Serene is going to last - despite her confident stance, her body is covered in bruises, cuts, and blood - he is suddenly distracted by a horrible wail off to the side. Turning, he sees StarLight staring at him plaintively, her long ears drooped and thick tears streaming down her face, looking utterly miserable. How could you do that? her eyes seem to accuse, why would you hurt my friend like that? Her sobbing cuts deep into Ralts’s heart; the eevee looks so sad and pathetic that he can’t help but lower his mental defenses, feeling incredibly sorry for her, not to mention horribly guilty for influencing this breakdown.

Hiccupping a few times for effect, StarLight brings her performance to a close, wiping away her tears with a paw, and smiling inwardly. Ralts is now looking at her with deep sympathy, not paying attention to much else, and she’s hopeful that she and Serene can get the drop on him now. Suddenly, from the corner of her eye she notices a familiar glow becoming brighter and brighter, and turns with a sense of trepidation… to see Bulbasaur facing her, grinning widely, the top of her bulb shining with the sunlight she’d been absorbing while everyone else was busy.

Oh, crap.

As StarLight braces herself, Bulbasaur releases yet another tremendous solarbeam, its brilliance forcing everyone else to look away; a cry is heard from the eevee, but is abruptly cut short. The light vanishes, and everyone, human and pokemon, cautiously looks to see the result. A line of dead, burnt grass leads to StarLight, who is swaying precariously on her feet, clearly struggling to stay standing; even more patches of fur have been burnt away, revealing equally burned skin underneath. Finally, the eevee’s injuries prove too much for her, and she falls to her side, gratefully letting unconsciousness take her.

The battle pauses for a moment a Ridous recalls StarLight to her pokeball. Serene seems almost in shock, staring back and forth at all three of her opponents, who somehow seem much more intimidating now… Diglett, Bulbasaur, and Ralts all stare at Serene, then at each other, then at Serene again, then their trainer, then back to Serene… apparently uncertain how to progress now that they don’t have to split their attentions between three foes. The silence stretches out, neither side making a move…

…Finally, Diglett breaks the standoff, unleashing the power of the earth against Serene once more. Serene flies through the air, battered and bruised by stone and earth, and slams face-first into the ground with a muffled yelp. Groaning, the ralts slowly pushes herself back to her feet, wincing at every movement. Swaying slightly, she stumbles her way over to Bulbasaur, whose bulb is already beginning to glow again. The beaten-up ralts glares at her, sends her a telepathic message to Just try it (Bulbasaur puts on a fake look of fear), and reaches out into her mind, detecting the changes in Bulbasaur’s physical and mental states.

She senses the greatly increased power that Bulbasaur has built up within herself, and focuses on what that feels like, willing the power to be duplicated in her own body. Serene suddenly feels as though she has grown several inches - particularly in her brain. She feels a greatly increased amount of power now available to her which, combined with the meditations she’d already done, serve to greatly boost her confidence in the face of the overwhelming odds. So what if she’s outnumbered? With the power now at her disposal, she can take them all out at once! She’s invincible! She…

The familiar ghostly burning feeling of a shadow ball abruptly distracts her from this thought process. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she tries to push herself to keep going, but her body has finally taken too much punishment. Before the last wisp of spectral energy disperses into the air, Serene’s eyes roll back, and she drops to the ground, unmoving and unconscious.

Behind her, the source of the shadow ball slowly lowers his arms. Ralts cautiously remains on guard, just in case Serene isn’t quite as down for the count as she looks; after a few seconds, however, it becomes obvious that the female ralts isn’t getting back up. Relaxing his stance, Ralts turns to his teammates and gives them a tired but exulted grin. We won! We won! Bulbasaur happily extends a vine to Ralts, and they exchange a high-five; Diglett just settles down in the dirt and watches them celebrate.

The two trainers, meanwhile, step across the now blasted and scarred field, Ridous recalling Serene on the way; they shake hands and congratulate each other on their performance. Lucas755 then recalls his celebrating pokemon, not wanting them to have to exert themselves too much on the walk to the pokemon center – victorious though they are, all three are still quite beaten up – and he and Ridous head off for the ASB League building to receive their rewards.

(A few minutes after they depart, a burst of rainbow-colored psychic energy appears out of nowhere above the deserted field. It blasts another hole in the ground, then dissipates, leaving the place in silence save for the gentle breeze blowing through what remains of the grass.)

Ridous (XXX)
Serene (F) <Synchronize>
Health: 0%
Energy: 23%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Knocked out!

StarLight (F) <Adaptability>
Health: 0%
Energy: 54%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Knocked out!

Lucas755 (OOO)
Bulbasaur (F) <Overgrow>
Health: 30%
Energy: 22%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Gleeful. +4 Sp. Attack. Overgrow active.

Ralts (M) <Synchronize>
Health: 30%
Energy: 23%
Chills: 0/5
Status: “Yay!” -1 Sp. Attack, -2 Sp. Defense. Burned (-1 Attack, 1 damage/action).

Diglett (M) <Sand Veil>
Health: 53%
Energy: 27%
Chills: 0/5
Status: Hopefully my next battle will be a bit less confusing…

Battle notes:
Calm Mind helped snap Serene out of confusion.

Congratulations, Lucas755! For winning, you receive $24. Bulbasaur, Ralts, and Diglett gain 2 experience points each.

And good battle, Ridous! You receive $9, and Ein, Serene, and StarLight each gain 1 experience point.

And I get $15.
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