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Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Already did. I've started a new thread for the villains and dropped in my own character to help run things if you're away or busy. :D

Name: Karg'Thal Tearshorn
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Species: Orc
Series: Warcraft
Hero or Villain?: Villain
Appearance: As an orc, he stands at around 7 and a half feet, and is averagely built for many of his race, that is, heavy and muscular compared to most humans. His skin is mostly green, but underneath his gray robe with hood, you can see a few small splotches of gray forming. His coarse hair and beard are black, like many of his race. Underneath his robe, he wears a just as worn pair of brown cloth pants, and somewhat matching boots. His eyes are a shiny amber color.
Bio: A fallen orc who gets closer and closer to the Burning Legion, Karg'Thal, much of the time Karg for short, is an orc warlock who has been suddenly thrown across the Twisting Nether into (wherever the villains are...) by demons as a mortal vessel. He kept on the right side of his studies into fel magicks for much of his life, but at some point, fell deeper and deeper into them, eventually beginning to drop into insanity, though he hasn't been consumed yet and is still a just mortal agent, and not quite a tainted orc.
Personality: While he is insane to a point, he manages to straighten this out much of the time and remain much like ordinary Karg'Thar, a simple-minded orc who distrusts humans, dwarves, elves, and gnomes. However, he is also obsessed with the impending arrival of the Burning Legion, and is overall insane from deep studies. Sometimes, a demonic overlord speaks out through him, though not often.
Other: He has learned Eredun, the language of the demons, which causes mortal speakers to drop into insanity. Karg is thusly liable to suddenly start speaking it in an appropriate voice.
Y'know, I know I stopped posting in this RP a while ago, which was due a short time of going around uninspired. Plus the fact I don't like my old Typhlosion character anymore, so can I please get another character? And it's not the character you'd think it is!

Name: Giygas In the original form, which I have a picture of HERE It's the blue guy at the bottom by the way, that guy drew a million of pictures of Giygas, so it's just to look around.
Series: Mother
Hero or Villain?: Villain The villain thread was inactive it made Giygas a good guy.
Personality: PO?
Other: As apart of an eternally long thing I wrote, based on the stuff that happened in the three other games, Giygas is now in a state of permanent amnesia, I can explain if it's wanted, but I'd have to use a wall of text to explain.

Please? D:
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Villains' game has been started over and given their own thread in response to a lot of confusion. We're currently in the "Fight to see who gets in what group" stage. Feel free to pop in at any time.
oh, cool.
EDIT: But I wasn't there when the Teleport happened, to Subspace happened, so should I still just pop out of no where?
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Or I can just appear out of nowhere, Giygas is a alien with PSI abilities after all.
Abilities that are inexplicable!
I'm not sure if his INEXPLICABLE abilities can do that, but whatever, let's just say I was nearby and followed with the teleportion.
I really need to stop that inexplicable thing. -.-
By the way, can I suggest Tanetane islands from Mother 3 as a place to visit? Lucas and co. go there, and eat some mushrooms they find since there's nothing else to eat, and they like, flip out, and begin hallucinating about people they know. That would a cool thing, right?

*Imagines Giygas flipping out*
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I'm not sure if his INEXPLICABLE abilities can do that, but whatever, let's just say I was nearby and followed with the teleportion.
I really need to stop that inexplicable thing. -.-
By the way, can I suggest Tanetane islands from Mother 3 as a place to visit? Lucas and co. go there, and eat some mushrooms they find since there's nothing else to eat, and they like, flip out, and begin hallucinating about people they know. That would a cool thing, right?

*Imagines Giygas flipping out*

Words cannot express how much I love this idea, as that was one of my favorite scenes in Mother 3. But I already have Eagleland listed on the "Worlds" list, and I'm assuming at extends to all the Mother games. I'll just go add a "/Nowhere Islands" to make that more clear.
Words cannot express how much I love this idea, as that was one of my favorite scenes in Mother 3. But I already have Eagleland listed on the "Worlds" list, and I'm assuming at extends to all the Mother games. I'll just go add a "/Nowhere Islands" to make that more clear.

"Everyone's waiting to throw rocks at you, spit at you, make your life hell. Who's everyone? Everyone you love"
That's one damn memorable quote.
As for the matter, you forgot to move me to the "heroes" list.
Wah! >.< I shouldn't have chose Bentley for a second character. Sly can do without him. I should have chose Obi-Wan Kenobi (If anyone tells me they don't who he is, I swear I'll gut them.) . Is it possible to do a little loss/gain (As in Bentley needs to fix something in his wheelchair, and he needs some quiet, so he goes somewhere els, people forget, and Obi-Wan shows up. I'll fill out a form if you say yes.) ?
Okay, I can do that, if you want to be Obi-Wan instead.

But I'd like to discourage anyone from thinking they can do too much character-switching. I'll allow it a few times when conditions allow for it, but please do not abuse this.
Don't worry, I just need a lightsaber. After this, I'm done character switching! Promise. And I have a perfect explanation for Ob-Wan's appearance in the Pokemon World! *Makes form super fast*

Name: OBi-Wan Kenobi
Series: STAR WARS!!!! *Insert music here*
Hero or Villan?: Hero. So totally a hero.
Personality:Same old Obi-Wan Kenobi from Episode three!
Other: Yes, this is him in Episode three. Tell me you don't who Obi-Wan is, and you die.
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