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HG/SS RMT---Restart


New member
So, due to my current team being boring, I have decided to restart my SS game after I trade over and such. I have a new team set up, but I want to get a few opinions before I make the team final. Here it is:

(I'm not sure about the last slot. I did have Gengar, but decided to change.)

I don't have movesets yet, but I will soon. Any help would be great, thanks.
No, what I meant was that I wasn't sure if I should pick Magneton or Ampharos. I know that there are only six slots. ;D
I'd go with Magneton. Sure, it has a 4x weakness to ground-type moves, but with a decently-trained Poliwrath on the team as well, you'll have no problem.
Okay, Thanks. I should be restarting today or tomorrow. I need my Ds to transfer. ;P
But other than that yeah.....haha.

Any tips or suggestions are welcome.
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