Thanks for All the Fish
so long~ and...
in which typh talks abpout a trivial thingy
SO we had science today. And for quite a bit everyone in class was psyched up about the latest experiment. We made a rocket from a bottle, and launched them today.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF there was so much water spurting everywhere, so everyone came back soaked 8D
Omly downside was that it was cold and everyone kinda forgot ajacket :| BUT SEVERAL ROCKETS MINE INCLUDED ARE ON THE ROOF which after the initial experiment, our science teacher let us just lauch a crapload of them
tl;dr: Bottle rockets + pressurized airpumps = fuck yeah
SO we had science today. And for quite a bit everyone in class was psyched up about the latest experiment. We made a rocket from a bottle, and launched them today.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF there was so much water spurting everywhere, so everyone came back soaked 8D
Omly downside was that it was cold and everyone kinda forgot ajacket :| BUT SEVERAL ROCKETS MINE INCLUDED ARE ON THE ROOF which after the initial experiment, our science teacher let us just lauch a crapload of them
tl;dr: Bottle rockets + pressurized airpumps = fuck yeah