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saying your shitty defense is amusing =/= targeting you

saying you are a target =/= targeting you

saying someone else sees you as a target =/= targeting you

saying that you're making a fool of yourself =/= targeting you

get over it
saying your shitty defense is amusing =/= targeting you

saying you are a target =/= targeting you

saying someone else sees you as a target =/= targeting you

saying that you're making a fool of yourself =/= targeting you

get over it

It's more to do with the fact that they don't like me because I like this game -_-;
It's more to do with the fact that they don't like me because I like this game -_-;

my like or dislike of you has nothing to do with you playing this game. it would be silly of me to randomly hate all the players or ex players of runescape.

my dislike for you stems from your continued idiocy in the face of being told you're wrong
my like or dislike of you has nothing to do with you playing this game. it would be silly of me to randomly hate all the players or ex players of runescape.

my dislike for you stems from your continued idiocy in the face of being told you're wrong

Except I'm not wrong. I'm posting my opinions. You can't dictate my opinions and therefore I'm not wrong >:l
Except I'm not wrong. I'm post my opinions. You can't dictate my opinions and therefore I'm not wrong >:l

Christ, are you fucking silly? Opinions can be completely, infallibly, totally, utterly wrong. Having an opinion does NOT, EVER, grant you immunity to being told your wrong.

It's like saying that in the hexadecimal system, 2 and 2 equals 6, because it;s your opinion. No matter how much it's your opinion that 2 and 2 equals 6, it's still fucking wrong.

Whatever your opinion of the game is is utterly irrelevant to this discussion. You are still incapable of grasping what we're talking about. Stop being an inconsequent whiny brat about the discussion and learn to read our posts before I fucking really piss off.
Christ, are you fucking silly? Opinions can be completely, infallibly, totally, utterly wrong. Having an opinion does NOT, EVER, grant you immunity to being told your wrong.

It's like saying that in the hexadecimal system, 2 and 2 equals 6, because it;s your opinion. No matter how much it's your opinion that 2 and 2 equals 6, it's still fucking wrong.

Whatever your opinion of the game is is utterly irrelevant to this discussion. You are still incapable of grasping what we're talking about. Stop being an inconsequent whiny brat about the discussion and learn to read our posts before I fucking really piss off.

Opinion as in "I like this game" and "why I like this game" -_-


You've missed my point.
my dislike for you stems from your continued idiocy in the face of being told you're wrong
Pretty much all I've said in this thread (relating to Runescape at least) are my opinions.
I was simply refuting this statement

and you missed mine as having an opinion doesn't grant you immunity to being told you're wrong


and you missed mine as having an opinion doesn't grant you immunity to being told you're wrong


Maybe not, but you can't change the fact that I like the game and what I like about it.
If you didn't, then why are we having this argument?

Because I'm telling that you are making yourself look like a fool in front of the rest of the forum because you are desperately trying to cling on to things that are just wrong.

I honestly don't care if everyone plays the game, I used to way before the revamped runescape came on (I was around for classic, bitches.) I don't anymore, it got boring quickly.

Just don't tell other people untruths on the plea that it's your opinion and therefore makes you right, because that's blatant bullshit.
Getting awfully worked up over Runescape, are you?

UM GUYS who cares if Ice the Frosty Cat enjoys a certain (albeit crappy) game? Can't we let him enjoy it in peace? There's no reason to bash him just because he is deciding to defend something he likes. Yes, it would probably be better for him to just stop, but still. I mean, what if someone started insulting Pokemon in front of you? You'd be all "well I enjoy it and there are things to like about it like strategy and stuff" and they'd be all "you just hit A over and over now shut up and stop being stupid". Learn to be tolerant of other people's opinions.

It's like saying that in the hexadecimal system, 2 and 2 equals 6, because it;s your opinion. No matter how much it's your opinion that 2 and 2 equals 6, it's still fucking wrong.
That's not... an opinion. That's a mistaken belief.

so uh

Because I'm telling that you are making yourself look like a fool in front of the rest of the forum because you are desperately trying to cling on to things that are just wrong.

I honestly don't care if everyone plays the game, I used to way before the revamped runescape came on (I was around for classic, bitches.) I don't anymore, it got boring quickly.

Just don't tell other people untruths on the plea that it's your opinion and therefore makes you right, because that's blatant bullshit.

Isn't that what -you're- doing?
Your opinion is that the game sucks. You're trying to force that onto people as a fact.
See where I'm coming from?
No, it isn't my opinion that the game sucks. It's fucking fact.

the whole point is this isn't an opinion
Dude, you can debate the merits of the game, but whether it sucks or not, he enjoys it, and I don't see why you have to flame him for it.

er and I hate to mini-mod BUT

the rules said:
You can also get warned for flaming if you excessively bash a Pokémon, character, movie, TV show, book, band, etc. at a level where fans of said Pokémon/character/movie/TV show/book/band/etc. can feel insulted about it too. So please no "I hate (insert Pokémon here), it's completely useless, only n00bs use it."
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