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I'm not trying to force my interests onto you. If anyone it's you guys who're doing the forcing. All I'm doing is simply defending the game because, guess what? I happen to like it! I'm getting "attacked" in this thread because of this, which is extremely uncalled for, no?


we are discussing how much the game sucks

that's something entirely different, case closed
No, you're not.

also uh I was listing things that suck about runescape earlier
No, you're not.

also uh I was listing things that suck about runescape earlier

surskitty I know you may not want to but can you please keep this up

Ice's defending this is really amusing

This reminds me of something...

Because he sees you as a Target.

that's great but this is a thread to discuss the game, which happens to be awful objectively and you should stop defending it because you are making yourself look increasingly silly

And I responded to you list with reasons as to why they don't make the game suck >_>
Not particularly. Last related thing you said was that grinding is fine because you can watch TV at the same time and I commented that you can't really do that because you need to keep clicking every few seconds.
Not particularly. Last related thing you said was that grinding is fine because you can watch TV at the same time and I commented that you can't really do that because you need to keep clicking every few seconds.

For some skills maybe, but my favourite skills, combat, fishing, woodcutting and farming require little attention which is extremely useful for multitasking. I don't know a single other game that you can do likewise with (except maybe Pokemon >_>)
Just because you don't have to think too much about it doesn't mean you don't have to pay attention. Not paying attention while fishing leads to the damn spot moving every thirty seconds or so; you have to keep clicking while woodcutting; I quit around when farming was introduced; combat requires paying enough attention to not die unless you've been grinding for quite a while....
Just because you don't have to think too much about it doesn't mean you don't have to pay attention. Not paying attention while fishing leads to the damn spot moving every thirty seconds or so; you have to keep clicking while woodcutting; I quit around when farming was introduced; combat requires paying enough attention to not die unless you've been grinding for quite a while....

I said -little- attention. This means just enough to notice things like the spot moving. Changing to another tree only needs a quick glance to make sure you don't get hit by a random event and depending on where you're training, dying isn't likely.
Also I don't care if you don't like farming. I'm just listing my favourite skills >:l
I used to like RuneScape. Then they took away PKing and I kinda got bored with it. But yeah, it's a decent game on a day when you have nothing else to do. But still. :|
I said -little- attention. This means just enough to notice things like the spot moving. Changing to another tree only needs a quick glance to make sure you don't get hit by a random event and depending on where you're training, dying isn't likely.
Also I don't care if you don't like farming. I'm just listing my favourite skills >:l
You still need to keep looking back at the computer screen fairly frequently and can't just mindlessly click, which sucks if you're trying to grind. Which is most of Runescape.

I didn't say I didn't like farming. I said I quit around when it was introduced. Not the same thing at all.
I play because everyone I know either doesn't play online games at all, or gets way too into them. So I can laugh and not do either. And for whatever reason I just find it pretty, the graphics. Just a minor fantasy thing I do to keep a variety of things to do on the computer.

However, I can't honestly beleive that people get so worked up over whether people should or shouldn't play a game. I don't get it.
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Oh, I forgot to mention: if everything you like about the game doesn't require you to pay attention to it, why do you bother? I can't think of anything that you can do in Runescape that actually demands your attention and is interesting. It's just mindless clicking without any real thinking.

Also, I'm saddened that it's taken them this long to implement PVP servers when World of Warcrack's had them for who knows how long.
You still need to keep looking back at the computer screen fairly frequently and can't just mindlessly click, which sucks if you're trying to grind. Which is most of Runescape.

I didn't say I didn't like farming. I said I quit around when it was introduced. Not the same thing at all.

Grinding in Runescape (at least for these skills) is completely different to most methods of grinding. You're still doing so, you're just not clicking as much

Ok, I just misinterpreted what you said =/

Oh, I forgot to mention: if everything you like about the game doesn't require you to pay attention to it, why do you bother? I can't think of anything that you can do in Runescape that actually demands your attention and is interesting. It's just mindless clicking without any real thinking.

Also, I'm saddened that it's taken them this long to implement PVP servers when World of Warcrack's had them for who knows how long.

I didn't say that's everything. I'm just saying the things I like that don't need much attention. I love some of the features that require attention just as much, like quests which are pretty damn awesome.

They had to take the wilderness away without much warning so they couldn't really develop a proper substitute for that in time. Which is why Bounty Hunter and Clan Wars exist, to give players a means to PK while they come up with a way to do it like it's always been :|
Facts? The only facts I see is that you don't like the game and that I'm getting bashed for it.

lol I'd tell you to stop posting but I would get uh banned




you don't want to listen, fine, but please let us continue to discuss our finely tuned ripping apart of your sacred game
lol I'd tell you to stop posting but I would get uh banned




you don't want to listen, fine, but please let us continue to discuss our finely tuned ripping apart of your sacred game

I don't get why you're acting like you're so high and mighty >_>
You may continue to discuss this, but I also may defend it -_-
You mean the removal of Pking? That was a temporary solution. They're working on bringing it back, except the entire world is the same as the wilderness.

The most frequent request we have received over the last few months has been to put more PvP back into the game. We want to let you know that this request hasn't gone unheard, and that we've put a lot of research into how we can introduce new PvP mechanisms. The aim is for PvP content that better replaces the old Wilderness, but without reintroducing RWT.

Hopefully, you’re already aware of the imminent Clan Wars release (see the September Behind the Scenes in a couple of weeks for more information), but there are also plans afoot for the most exciting and "old school" PvP update we have ever considered – unique PvP worlds.

As many of our long term players know, in the old RuneScape Classic days you could actually fight players just outside the gates of Lumbridge, before the days of duelling and even before the days of the old Wilderness itself. Players could hunt each other down, chasing them away from favourite resource points and generally "owning" large areas of the map.

So, in 2008, we will be bringing you special 'PvP worlds', where you can fight other players almost anywhere! In addition to all the usual content you might expect to find in RuneScape, they will also include:

* Optional sign-up – choose between PvP danger or stick to ordinary play by simply switching worlds.
* High danger with items dropped on death.
* High rewards for kills. To avoid any RWT issues the reward for a successful PK will be generated by the game, similar to when you kill a monster at the moment. We're creating generous drop tables based on factors like your levels and the impressiveness of the kill.
* These drop tables will include "PvP world specific" items like XP-modifying gear, lvl 70+ equipment and new, glorious, short-term but hard hitting gear. These will once again make PKing a viable source of income.
* PvP across 99% of the world, including the old Wilderness.
* Attack any player within a certain level of your own. Level range depends on the area, similar to the old Wilderness levels.
* ...And all sorts of other twists on interesting content... Just think of the possibilities when you can PK anywhere!

Okay, one problem solved. Granted, I can find tons of ways this'll turn ugly, and knowing Jagex they'll screw it up some way, but eh.

So, now you just need to show me where they say they'll fix free trading and gift-giving, let people have drop parties that are actually PRIVATE rather than having the bankers all over the damn game telling everyone HEY PRIVATE DROP PARTY GO OVER THAR AND STEAL SOME SHIT FROM THEM, HERE I'LL TElEPORT YOU THERE FOR FREE, the rather poorly-thought-out Bounty Hunter, and of course the whole everything-you-fucking-do-is-grinding issue, and maybe I'll cancel my World of Warcraft membership and try Runescape again.
Okay, one problem solved. Granted, I can find tons of ways this'll turn ugly, and knowing Jagex they'll screw it up some way, but eh.

So, now you just need to show me where they say they'll fix free trading and gift-giving, let people have drop parties that are actually PRIVATE rather than having the bankers all over the damn game telling everyone HEY PRIVATE DROP PARTY GO OVER THAR AND STEAL SOME SHIT FROM THEM, HERE I'LL TElEPORT YOU THERE FOR FREE, the rather poorly-thought-out Bounty Hunter, and of course the whole everything-you-fucking-do-is-grinding issue, and maybe I'll cancel my World of Warcraft membership and try Runescape again.
You forgot one of the world's most retarded communities, not far ahead of Neopets and Youtube.
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