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Frontier Town Sanctum of Wishes

Jade brightened a bit. "Yeah, I'd like that. And I don't mind getting more people in on it--honestly I pretty much never did single battles back home, so multi battles feel a lot more more natural. Maybe Leaf, or Laura, or someone?" she mused.
"Oh yeah that would be good! Leaf is cool and Laura is good at battling, I've fought with her before. She's got some good strategies."

He grinned. "I'm used to a lot of single battles actually, so maybe you could give me some tips on multi battles. I'm still getting used to it, so you're probably more experienced than me."

It was nice to get his mind off everything for awhile and talk about battle strategy. "Like, how do you decide who to target..."

The time slipped by as they exchanged friendly banter and battle strategies in soft amicable murmurs. Even if he didn't have answer to everything it, was nice to talk with a fellow teammate.

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