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Sangfroidish vs pathos

Round Eleven

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Floating mysteriously.
Commands: Rain Dance ~ Weather Ball/Shadow Ball/Minimise x2

pathos (xOo)
Akra (F) Sniper
Health: 38%
Energy: 32%
Status: Trumpeting. SpA +1, Spe +2, Acc -2.
Commands: Confide ~ Protect ~ Odor Sleuth

In quick flashes of light, Queen Anne is exchanged for an eerie purple balloon, who calmly surveys the scene. Hindenburg isn’t sure what to make of the odd energy that permeates the very air that jostles his strings, but he’s sure he can figure out something. He exhales a dense cloud of moisture, which condenses quickly into a heavy set of rainclouds. With a crackle like thunder, they begin their relentless downpour, drenching both battlers in the deluge. Akra, with shifty eyes, waves him over, glad for any opportunity to use her new trunk. Skeptical, Hindenburg leans in, and she whispers in his imaginary ear. Whatever is said is a mystery, but Hindenburg comes away blushing far more than is normal for a balloon, and he quivers a little as he tries to keep his composure.

With a grin, Akra tosses up a protective shield. Hindenburg, pulling himself together, blinks once, and he focuses on making himself smaller, less noticeable. He quickly does so, becoming a miniature of himself. Knowing that she’s squinting as she drops her shield, trying to see him through the rain, he decides to really give her something to look at. Between his tassels, he shapes a near-invisible ball that quickly absorbs the rain around it, making it grow to twice its original size. He bats it around for a second, testing out its usability, before sending it rushing at his foe. With a mighty splash, the Weather Ball sends Akra reeling, and she trumpets in pain as she tries to get a hold of herself. Then she pauses, sniffing. Her trunk waves vaguely in the air for a moment, then suddenly points in Hindenburg’s direction. Realizing he’s been found out, Hindenburg hisses to himself, a sound that comes out as more of an adorable whistle.

Suddenly, glowing, Hindenburg experiences the joy of evolution. His size practically explodes, and while his size still isn’t quite impressive, it’s nevertheless enough for the trainers to appreciate his spiky new body even from a distance. Akra, much to her display, becomes a spindly little thing, and her bell-shaped head bobs a little on a stick-thin neck as she regains her balance.

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 100%
Energy: 87%
Status: Rumbling with power. Minimized. Odor Sleuth’d. SpA -1.
Actions: Rain Dance ~ Minimize ~ Weather Ball

pathos (xOo)
Akra (F) Sniper
Health: 22%
Energy: 24%
Status: Waving uncertainly. SpA +1, Spe +2, Acc -2.
Actions: Confide ~ Protect ~ Odor Sleuth

Arena Notes:
- It is raining (6 more actions).
- The wall on pathos’s side is splattered with gunk.
- An Eviolite is lying in a pile of discarded stones.
- A Moon Stone is resting next to some old equipment.

- Hindenburg’s health: 100%
- Hindenburg’s energy: 100% - 5% (Rain Dance) - 2% (Minimize) - 6% (Weather Ball) = 87%
- Akra’s health: 38% - 16% (Weather Ball) = 22%
- Akra’s energy: 32% - 1% (Confide) - 2% (Protect) - 5% (Odor Sleuth) = 24%

Other Notes:
- Hindenburg outspeeds Akra (142 > 60).
- This round, Hindenburg evolved into a Tyranitar, and Akra evolved into a Bellsprout.
- Evolution stone bonus totals: $2 for Sangfroidish, $1 for pathos.
- Questions or concerns? Let me know.

Next Round:
- pathos commands
- Sangfroidish commands
Odor Sleuth should reset evasion, so I'm assuming the minimize in Hindenberg's stats is just to note that it's... small...?

Also, accuracy drops from Flash usually wear off pretty quickly - how long until you think they will drop?
It's just showing that he's small. If he still had the evasion boost, it would show next to the special attack drop.

And Flash should wear off in the next action or so.
Okie... let's see then...

Akra, we haven't got much time to play here, unfortunately... But one thing we've got is perfect-accuracy Toxic, so let's go with that while we can. If your opponent has a sub up or you can't hit it due to other reasons (protect or it's not there somehow), Ingrain yourself. If you didn't use Toxic before, do so now, with the same clauses as before - but instead of Ingrain just Chill. Start using Giga Drain once Toxic hits, again if you can't hit your target, Chill. If you're taunted from the start, just Giga Drain all the way.

Toxic / Ingrain / Giga Drain ~ Toxic / Chill / Giga Drain x2
finally i start getting cool things ;u;

Subbing up sounds pretty good, so put up a 20% Substitute and Kill It With Ice. Even with your SpAtk down and her healing up from Ingrain, a couple of Ice Beams should be just barely enough.

Substitute (20%) ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam
Round Twelve

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 100%
Energy: 87%
Status: Rumbling with power. Minimized. Odor Sleuth’d. SpA -1.
Commands: Substitute (20%) ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam

pathos (xOo)
Akra (F) Sniper
Health: 22%
Energy: 24%
Status: Waving uncertainly. SpA +1, Spe +2, Acc -2.
Commands: Toxic / Ingrain / Giga Drain ~ Toxic / Chill / Giga Drain x2

Hindenburg decides to take advantage of moving far faster than a Tyranitar has any right to, and quickly pulls together a ragged construct out of random stuff laying around. Although he’s a little woozy from having drained himself of that much health at once, he nevertheless looks at the thing with a measure of pride. A huge Tyranitar-like creation, fairly pulsing with life force, stomps forward, ready to intercept a wayward blob of yuck. But Akra doesn’t take the bait; instead, she lets her roots dig in through the cracks in the floor, deep enough to tap the earth and draw in its nutrients. Unfortunately, this prevents her from making much movement, but at this point she’ll be happy to pull in health for herself.

Hindenburg just smirks at her, then opens his mouth to gather icy energy. A ball of cold blue light forms there, and, whether from residual energy of Substitute-making or just by random chance, the energy swells to an unusual size even despite Hindenberg’s uncertainty. He fires it right in her face, and for a moment all she knows is cold, sinking into her skin. Eventually she manages to get her breath back, but even though the afterimages have cleared by now, her vision still swims. Maybe if she takes a break, she’ll feel better? Shivering, she settles down even as the rain pours on, and takes a quick catnap. The energy is flowing back into her limbs … and then another Ice Beam makes her shake, and she blacks out right away, reverting immediately to her usual spindly scorpion self. At least she put up a good fight!

Hindenburg, though momentarily distracted by the discovery of an evolution stone, roars in triumph, only to stop in confusion as he starts to evolve once more. While he shrinks just a little, his size (even Minimized) is still impressive. Gray fins burst out from his head and tail, and his skin becomes a deep, damp blue. When it’s complete, he lets out another roar, which is more like a croak but no less deep than a Tyranitar’s.

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 80%
Energy: 67%
Status: Still rumbling with power. Has a Substitute with 20% health. Minimized. Odor Sleuth'd. SpA -1.
Actions: Substitute (20%) ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam

pathos (xXo)
Akra (F) Sniper
Health: 0%
Energy: 31%
Status: Knocked out!
Actions: Ingrain ~ Chill

Arena Notes:
- It is raining (3 more actions).
- The wall on pathos’s side is splattered with gunk.
- An Eviolite is lying in a pile of discarded stones.
- A Moon Stone is resting next to some old equipment.

- Hindenburg’s health: 100% - 20% (Substitute) = 80%
- Hindenburg’s energy: 87% - 10% (Substitute) - 5% (Ice Beam) - 5% (Ice Beam) = 67%
- Hindenburg’s Substitute: 20%
- Akra’s health: 22% + 1% (Ingrain) - 16% (Ice Beam) + 1% (Ingrain) - 12% (Ice Beam) = 0%
- Akra’s energy: 24% - 5% (Ingrain) + 10% (Chill) = 31%

Other Notes:
- The first Ice Beam was a critical hit.
- This round, Hindenburg evolved into a Swampert.
- Since Minimize is only temporary, the effects will wear off in the next action.
- Odor Sleuth will fade in 2 actions.
- Hindenburg is no longer under the effects of Odor Sleuth, since the Pokemon who used it is no longer in play.
- Evolution stone bonus totals: $3 for Sangfroidish, $1 for pathos.
- Questions or concerns? Let me know.

Next Round:
- pathos sends out
- Sangfroidish commands
- pathos commands
Last edited:
Uhhmm, having a sub does not count as being unable to hit your target? I'm guessing that's why Akra chilled instead of using Giga Drain...?

EDIT: Also, odor sleuth isn't dependent on the pokemon who used it, it lasts six actions. Also, it permanently resets evasiveness, so you would not gain it back even after it fades.
For Giga Drain/Chill, I was looking at this part:
If your opponent has a sub up or you can't hit it due to other reasons (protect or it's not there somehow), Ingrain yourself. If you didn't use Toxic before, do so now, with the same clauses as before - but instead of Ingrain just Chill.
which pretty much says use Chill instead of Giga Drain in this case.

I've fixed Odor Sleuth, though.
I don't think I'm overlooking any nasty tricks a Poliwhirl could pull on us, so let's just pound him with Earthquakes; it's about time we started wrecking this rickety old place up! We'll resist any ceiling that falls on us, so it's not that risky on our part. Chill if he Protects, Detects, or is otherwise insusceptible to Earthquakes, and Snore if he manages to put you to sleep.

Earthquake/Chill/Snore x3
omg sorry I forgot I was in this ;_; OKAY let's see...

This is a simple enough round. Counter twice, then Scald.

Counter x2 ~ Scald
Round Thirteen

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 80%
Energy: 67%
Status: Still rumbling with power. Has a Substitute with 20% health. Minimized. Odor Sleuth’d. SpA -1.
Commands: Earthquake/Chill/Snore x3

pathos (xxO)
Dwight (M) Water Absorb
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Preparing himself.
Commands: Counter x2 ~ Scald

Akra’s replacement appears in a flash, quickly taking stock of the scene. Noting the odd energy permeating the air, the mess of junk littering the floor, and the unusually small Swampert hulking behind a brooding Sub, Dwight prepares himself for the onslaught to come. Hindenburg flashes him a grin, plants his webbed hands on the floor, reaches down into the foundation of the building, and wills it to move. In response, the floor shakes rapidly, and while it’s somewhat less than it would ordinarily be, it’s nevertheless enough to make Dwight bounce uncomfortably as he tries to keep his footing. To add insult to injury, the instability the Earthquake causes dislodges part of the ceiling, and it conks him on the head. He manages to ignore this, though, focusing on the pain the ground attack has caused. With a vengeance, he bounces back with surprising force. The Sub jumps in the way just in time, catching the blow and immediately bursting into a layer of scraps that clatters to the ground. When Dwight looks at the remains, he takes a good measure of pride in it, barely noticing as Hindenburg swells to a more impressive size.

Not quite happy about his creation’s demise, Hindenburg reaches down again to summon another Earthquake. This time, his power isn’t hindered by small size, and the entire building shakes with the primal power of the earth. Dwight manages to keep it together, though, and as soon as the tremors cease he jumps forward again, channeling the pain he’s just felt into an even more powerful strike. Hindenburg reels, stunned at the force of the full-body slam, and it takes him more than a few seconds to get up. Not to be deterred, he shakes the warehouse a third time, and Dwight croaks in disapproval as his body accumulates even more bruises. When he regains his bearings, he decides to shake up his tactics a little, and heats the water within him to near-boiling. A high-pressure jet of the water spews from his mouth, splattering all over Hindenburg with an angry hiss. Hindenburg grumbles as the steam billows off him, not liking how the water seeps into his skin.

As the round ends and the raincloud disperses into thin air, both Pokemon are enveloped in the glow of evolution. The trainers find some familiarity in Hindenburg’s new form, which flutters just off the ground with his bat-like wings as his stinger tail sways in readiness. Then he notices Dwight’s new form, an icy two-headed cone, and shivers. Instinct tells him to stay far, far away from this thing ...

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 46% (capped)
Energy: 55%
Status: Shivering, though not entirely sure why. Odor Sleuth’d. SpA -1.
Actions: Earthquake ~ Earthquake ~ Earthquake

pathos (xxO)
Dwight (M) Water Absorb
Health: 63% (capped)
Energy: 76%
Status: Pretty chill.
Actions: Counter ~ Counter ~ Scald

Arena Notes:
- The wall on pathos’s side is splattered with gunk.
- An Eviolite is lying in a pile of discarded stones.
- A Moon Stone is resting next to some old equipment.
- Deep cracks are running across the floor.

- Hindenburg’s health: 80% - 24% (Counter) - 12% (Scald) = 47% (capped)
- Hindenburg’s energy: 67% - 4% (Earthquake) - 4% (Earthquake) - 4% (Earthquake) = 55%
- Hindenburg’s Substitute: 20% - 20% (Counter) = 0%
- Dwight’s health: 100% - 8% (Earthquake) - 5% (falling rocks) - 12% (Earthquake) - 12% (Earthquake) = 66% (capped)
- Dwight’s energy: 100% - 8% (Counter) - 12% (Counter) - 4% (Scald) = 76%

Other Notes:
- Hindenburg outspeeds Dwight (190 > 79).
- I ref Minimized Pokemon as taking 1.25x final damage from contact moves, and dealing 0.75x final damage with physical moves.
- This round, Hindenburg evolved into a Gliscor, and Dwight evolved into a Vanilluxe. (Hey, I just roll the thing.)
- Evolution stone bonus totals: $3 for Sangfroidish, $1 for pathos.
- Questions or concerns? Let me know.

Next Round:
- pathos commands
- Sangfroidish commands
Oy vey... well, we've got STAB ice moves, sure, but being an ice-type is pretty sucky, generally, ah... I don't think there's anything too bad a gliscor can do... but we'll probably see >_>

Let's go for Icy Wind, Icicle Spear, and Icy Wind. Spread them out if there are clones. If you can't hit your target, due to protect or what-not, Iron Defense up.

Icy Wind / Iron Defense ~ Icicle Spear / Iron Defense ~ Icy Wind / Iron Defense
Gliscor is my tiger Skrek.

Okay, let's be super risky and play with direct healing again. Start with a Roost so we can ditch that Flying type and make those Ice moves less sore, and get some health back into the bargain. Chill on the ground for an action to hopefully extend that, then fling a Stone Edge in its face.

Roost ~ Chill ~ Stone Edge
Round Fourteen

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 47%
Energy: 55%
Status: Shivering, though not entirely sure why. Odor Sleuth’d. SpA -1.
Commands: Roost ~ Chill ~ Stone Edge

pathos (xxO)
Dwight (M) Water Absorb
Health: 66%
Energy: 76%
Status: Pretty chill.
Commands: Icy Wind / Iron Defense ~ Icicle Spear / Iron Defense ~ Icy Wind / Iron Defense

Hindenburg, having no desire for things to be ogre so soon, flaps his way over to a table, where he hunkers down, clinging to it tightly, and focuses on refreshing himself. Healing energy, not something expected from a Gliscor, washes over his whole body, fixing cuts and mending bruises. Dwight isn’t impressed, though. Just sitting down and undoing all that great damage he dealt? Lame. Deciding to show him how a real guy battles, he exhales deeply, releasing a gust of chilly air from his frozen lungs. The Icy Wind drifts over to settle on Hindenburg, and the cold seeps uncomfortably into his limbs. He shivers, though part of him knows it isn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Small mercies and all that. Though he feels much healthier now, he remains tucked against the table, this time relaxing in hopes of regaining some energy. Even more disapproving, Dwight swiftly plucks a few icicles of of his body, twirls them in the air to give them some momentum, and shoots them at Hindenburg, one-two-three-four. Hindenburg screeches as the third one strikes a nerve, and Dwight allows himself to feel a measure of satisfaction.

Snarling, Hindenburg takes to the air again, unfurling his wings. That’s enough, he decides. His claws swing in an arc before embedding themselves in a fragmented section of the floor. With muscles bulging, he heaves the cement slab into the air, struggling not to drop its immense weight, and brings it down hard on Dwight’s head. A mighty crack resounds through Dwight’s icy body as he screams, struggling not to break in half. He trembles from the effort, and eventually stabilizes himself. In a rage, he expels another Icy Wind at the cackling Gliscor, almost missing but nevertheless inflicting his foe’s limbs with deeper, more uncomfortable sluggishness. Hindenburg hisses to himself, massaging his arms in hopes of restoring the circulation.

Twin glows signal yet another pair of evolutions. Hindenburg’s wings grow more expansive and sprout feathers, and a long, pointed beak juts beneath an array of reddish-pink plumage. Dwight shrinks down into an insect’s white-carapaced form, and his antennae twitch as he considers his next move.

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 64% (capped)
Energy: 34%
Status: Enjoying his broad wingspan. Odor Sleuth’d. SpA -1, Spd -2.
Actions: Roost ~ Chill ~ Stone Edge

pathos (xxO)
Dwight (M) Water Absorb
Health: 44%
Energy: 64%
Status: Tapping the floor with his claws.
Actions: Icy Wind ~ Icicle Spear ~ Icy Wind

Arena Notes:
- The wall on pathos’s side is splattered with gunk.
- An Eviolite is lying in a pile of discarded stones.
- A Moon Stone is resting next to some old equipment.
- Deep cracks are running across the floor.

- Hindenburg’s health: 47% + 50% (Roost) - 9% (Icy Wind) - 21% (Icicle Spear) - 12% (Icy Wind) = 64% (capped)
- Hindenburg’s energy: 55% - 25% (Roost) + 10% (Chill) - 6% (Stone Edge) = 34%
- Dwight’s health: 66% - 22% (Stone Edge) = 44%
- Dwight’s energy: 76% - 3% (Icy Wind) - 6% (Icicle Spear) - 3% (Icy Wind) = 64%

Other Notes:
- Hindenburg outspeeds Dwight (180 > 40).
- Icicle Spear hit 4 times. The third strike was a critical hit.
- Stone Edge was also a critical hit.
- This round, Hindenburg evolved into a Fearow, and Dwight evolved into a Nincada.
- Evolution stone bonus totals: $3 for Sangfroidish, $1 for pathos.
- Questions or concerns? Let me know.

Next Round:
- Sangfroidish commands
- pathos commands
We're doing good, Hindy! We might turn this one around yet.

There's not much a Nincada can really threaten us with, so just Drill Peck until you've landed two of them and then Chill. Also Chill if it protects, digs out of reach, or otherwise can't be hit. Take out any clones with Air Cutter.

Drill Peck/Chill/Air Cutter x3
How you ref so fast...

Welp, Dwight, our luck has turned. >_> We really don't have many options unfortunately, so we'll just Bide our time and hope your next evo has something good.

Bide x3
Round Fifteen

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 64%
Energy: 34%
Status: Enjoying his broad wingspan. Odor Sleuth’d. SpA -1, Spd -2.
Commands: Drill Peck/Chill/Air Cutter x3

pathos (xxO)
Dwight (M) Water Absorb
Health: 44%
Energy: 64%
Status: Tapping the floor with his claws.
Commands: Bide x3

Hindenburg caws impressively, or at least as impressively as a vulture can. A flying-type against a bug-type? This’ll be a snap! With a flap of his wings, he ascends toward the ceiling, hangs there for a second, and then dives back down, spinning as he descends. His beak, drilling hungrily, puts a dent in Dwight’s exoskeleton, and Hindenburg floats away, pleased with the result and idly picking up an evolution stone that catches his eye. Dwight, glowing red, otherwise does nothing. Chuckling to himself, Hindenburg lifts into the air again, then executes another spinning dive that nearly pins Dwight to the floor. He doesn’t seem to notice that Dwight’s glowing brighter now, the red deep and vivid.

Satisfied, Hindenburg lets himself take a breather, floating there as he catches his breath … and then Dwight bursts into action, leaping forward in unleashed fury as he rains an intense series of blows on his foe, bolstered by the angry red energy. The Fearow squawks, or rather squeaks, as every strike lands on his body, bruising him severely. Only the ref’s nervous intervention prevents the all-out assault from doing worse damage, but even then it’s clear that Hindenburg’s not happy with this turn of events. He shakily dusts himself off, giving Dwight the stinkeye without noticing that the Nincada is hissing rhythmically as he pants for air.

With that explosion of damage out of the way, the battlers evolve again. Hindenburg turns into something not unlike Dwight’s Nincada form, though his bug shape is better equipped to flying with its reddish-orange wings. Dwight’s new vulpine form is similarly colored, though it’s offset by a bushy, creamy-yellow tail, which whips back and forth as he resolutely readies himself.

Sangfroidish (xxO)
Hindenburg (M) Unburden
Health: 31%
Energy: 38%
Status: Buzzing uncertainly. Odor Sleuth’d. SpA -1, Spd -2.
Actions: Drill Peck ~ Drill Peck ~ Chill

pathos (xxO)
Dwight (M) Water Absorb
Health: 14%
Energy: 34%
Status: Nose twitching.
Actions: Bide ~ Bide ~ Bide

Arena Notes:
- The wall on pathos’s side is splattered with gunk.
- An Eviolite is lying in a pile of discarded stones.
- A Moon Stone is resting next to some old equipment.
- Deep cracks are running across the floor.

- Hindenburg’s health: 64% - 60% (Bide) = 31% (capped)
- Hindenburg’s energy: 34% - 3% (Drill Peck) - 3% (Drill Peck) + 10% (Chill) = 38%
- Dwight’s health: 44% - 15% (Drill Peck) - 15% (Drill Peck) = 14%
- Dwight’s energy: 64% - 30% (Bide) = 34%

Other Notes:
- Hindenburg outspeeds Dwight (90 > 65).
- This round, Hindenburg evolved into a Ledyba, and Dwight evolved into a Flareon.
- Evolution stone bonus totals: $4 for Sangfroidish, $1 for pathos.
- Questions or concerns? Let me know.

Next Round:
- pathos commands
- Sangfroidish commands
Hoo boy, pretty good rolls for us, but we're... kinda outta time here, Dwight... least we can do is try to take our opponent down with us. Let's go for an Overheat + Lava Plume, spread out if there are clones. Delay it by one action if they protect and Chill instead. If you're still alive on the final action, just Quick Attack.

Overheat + Lava Plume / Chill / Quick Attack x3
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