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Shadowstar versus Crowned Clown

Light Mightyena

The Brightest Dark Type
Battle Format: 1 vs. 1

Battle Style: Switch

DQ Time: 1 week.

Damage Cap:50%

Banned and Restricted Moves: One Hit OK moves, Direct healing moves, Status affecting moves(This includes Stat raising/reducing).

Arena Description:Forest

Additional Rules: No regard to special abilitys, No fully evolved pokemon.(i.e:Spiritomb, Rotom, ect.)

Shadowstar's Active Squad:

Item: None

Crowned Clown's Active Squad:

[Flame Tempest] Cyndaquil (Male)
Item: None

[Unabara no Hoshi] Chinchou (Male)
Item: None

Shadowstar releases her pokemon.
Crowned Clown releases his pokemon and gives orders.
Shadowstar gives orders.
I referee.
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yay! first ASB on the new forums! I'll send out Flame Tempest!

..alright, so since this is our first battle, let's use a Lava Plume to set things off. If Moonshine uses Protect at any time use Double-Edge the next action before she can react. If she doesn't, then use Mud-slap both times, as there seems to be plenty of mud and dirt in a forest.

Lava Plume ~ Mud-Slap / Double-Edge ~ Mud-Slap / Double-Edge

hooray for crappy strategies!~
(Moonshine doesn't know protect)

Okay, Moonshine, fist battle, so let's climb a tree to dodge and use Tackle twice.

Climb tree~Tackle~Tackle
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Er.. you have to have 3 actions per round, right? And you do know that you're not limited to beginner moves? [oh, Eevee can learn Protect.]
"Welcome, one and all, to this match between pokemon trainers Shadowstar and Crowned Clown!" the referee exclaims, looking and acting as if she's about to burst with excitement. This particular referee is a blond-haired young woman with a set of white mightyena ears on her head that one would assume were fake. It's obvious she's decided to dress up to match the battlefield, as her badge, reading 'Light Mightyena, Offical TCoD Referee,' is pinned to a chocolate brown west that she's currently wearing over a green dress with a distinct leaf motif with the shape of the skirt, compounded by the patterns all over it in gold that imitate leaf veins.

She blends right in with the surrounding forest. Trees dot the battlefield, making it difficult to tell exactly where the field begins and ends, with only a few folding chairs for a handful of fans to sit on. The rest plant themselves on various tree stumps, rocks, and the like as they wait for the trainers to make their appearance. They don't have to wait for very long; Shadowstar is soon seen making her way to one side of the vaguely-defined battlefield, an eevee bouncing around her heels with untold enthusiasm. From the other end comes Crowned Clown, two pokeballs hanging from his belt.

"This will be a one-on-one match," Light Mightyena explains, as one of her wolfish ears seems to give a twitch, quite obviously due to the wind, "Shadowstar issued the challenge, so she will be the first to choose her pokemon. Understood?"

Both trainers give a nod and Shadowstar excitedly tells her eevee to take the field, who bounces forward and tries to look seriously at the opposing trainer. Crowned Clown tosses one of his pokeballs onto the field that opens to reveal a cyndaquil. One of the audience members gives an appreciative whistle at this particular cyndaquil's grey and white pelt and the blue-hot flames that roar into life as the fire type eyes his fluffy opponent.

"Shadowstar chooses her female eevee by the name of Moonshine, and Crowned Clown answers with his male cyndaquil named Flame Tempest!" Light Mightyena raises a flag as she speaks the name of each pokemon, a dark blue one with an eevee head and a cresent moon on it for Moonshine, and a red one with a cyndaquil head and fireball for Flame Tempest that, oddly enough, have the same colouration as Flame Tempest himself and his unique flames. She then holds both flags in the air and bellows, "Let the battle begin!"

Shadowstar's Pokemon:
[Moonshine] Eevee (Female)
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Eager to get things started.

Crowned Clown's Pokemon:
[Flame Tempest]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Confident and determined.

Flame Tempest's body takes on a red glow as he summons a deep inner power, stretching his conciousness into the depths of the earth in a search for magma. Sensing the approach of something painful, Moonshine takes off toward one of the trees, scurrying up it frantically. Unfortunately, eevee aren't built for fast or efficient climbing, and Flame Tempest quickly finds his magma. He grasps it in his will and forces it to surge up unnaturally toward the surface. The little cyndaquil throws with stubby arms upward dramatically as the earth opens up in front of him and lava comes gushing from it. Despite her best efforts to get out of range, some of the lava strikes Moonshine, scorching her fur and burning at her skin. She shrieks and scrambles a little higher, the lava falling back down to earth as her jerking movements dislodge it from her coat.

As the last of the lava from Flame Tempest's attack either cools and hardens or retreats back into the fissure, the cyndaquil turns his attention to the mass of brown and white fur clinging to a branch of one of the trees. Walking over until he stands right under the tree, he looks up and grins craftily at his opponent. Flame Tempest then leans over and digs his paw into the earth. He scoops up a clod of dirt and tries his hardest to aim carefully. One eye squeezed shut and his tongue sticking out, he swings back his arm and hurls the mud at Moonshine. It strikes true, and Moonshine just barely manages to cling to her branch as the mud hits her face.

Her eyesight compromised, Moonshine can only grip to her branch for a moment until she remembers her next order. She starts to climb down slowly, blinking furiously to try to clear her vision. Unfortunately, about halfway down, she missteps and goes tumbling to the ground. Flame Tempest bursts into laughter as Moonshine hits the ground with a dull thud, and is very startled when she gets up and throws herself at him. Able to follow the sound of his laughter, she slams into his side, sending him tumbling back.

Flame Tempest grinds his teeth as he scoops up another pawful of dirt and throws it at Moonshine, giving a small 'hmph' of satisfaction as it hits its target. With her face so thoroughly caked in mud, he assures himself, there's no way she'll be able to aim. Indeed, Moonshine can hardly tell a rock from her opponent by now, and decides to simply take a wild guess at which grey shape is Flame Tempest. Much to the cyndaquil's surprise and anger, she picks correctly, and once again he finds himself knocked back by Moonshine's attack. He growls, his flames burning a little brighter. Of all the dumb luck...


Shadowstar's Pokemon:
[Moonshine] Eevee (Female)
Health: 93%
Energy: 96%
Status: Face covered in mud and slightly clumsy due to lack of vision. Some of her fur is scorched from the lava. Accuracy -2

Crowned Clown's Pokemon:
[Flame Tempest]
Health: 93%
Energy: 84%
Status: Amused by his opponent's disorientation, but frustrated with her amount of good luck.


Arena: There is now a moderately-size crack in the earth roughly in the middle of the arena, and a few bits of rapidly-hardening lava nearby it that is still scorching hot to the touch.

--Moonshine only took half damage from the Lava Plume
--Flame Tempest needed 1% more energy to hurl the mud with enough force to hit Moonshine when she was in the tree
--Moonshine took 1% falling damage due to her misstep
--Shadowstar gives orders first for round two.
Okay, Moonshine, good job! Let's do this:

Tackle~Climb tree as fast as you can if possible~Tackle while jumping down from tree, use your speed to hit fast and hard.
If you want you can just call him Tempest :P

Anyway. As Moonshine's blinded she probably won't hit you; just take a sidestep to dodge her Tackle. Also, we've seen that eevees aren't exactly meant for climbing trees; take this time to chillax a little. Now, as Moonshine comes down from the tree use a Quick Attack to get out of the way and slam into her side!

Dodge ~ Chillax ~ Quick Attack (dodge and hit from side)
Shadowstar's Pokemon:
[Moonshine] Eevee (Female)
Health: 93%
Energy: 96%
Status: Face covered in mud and slightly clumsy due to lack of vision. Some of her fur is scorched from the lava. Accuracy -2

Crowned Clown's Pokemon:
[Flame Tempest]
Health: 93%
Energy: 84%
Status: Amused by his opponent's disorientation, but frustrated with her amount of good luck.

Moonshine is eager to obey her trainer's command, confident that her next attack will be another direct hit. She paws the ground, locking her less-than-satisfactory vision on the blob she remembers being Flame Tempest, and then charges. He tenses up, ready to dodge the incoming attack...

...Only to have Moonshine speed right past him, having misremembered. She continues to charge for a short while, until she realizes that the blob she's approaching is much larger than she remembers Flame Tempest being and she quickly skids to a stop. The eevee places her paws on the object in front of her and feels tree bark. Good. At least there won't be any trouble completing her next order.

Flame Tempest gives a small yawn; he isn't all that tired, but a quick rest would probably do him some good. He calmly walks over to the tree his blinded opponent is rapidly scrambling up (and having a hard time of doing it; he counts about three times that she barely manages to stop herself from falling) and curls up under it, letting his flames die down and his breathing slow.

Finally finding a steady branch to stand on, Moonshine looks down at Flame Tempest, or at least what she thinks is him. It's really hard to tell, especially up here where she can't feel the heat of his fire, or hear him laughing at her. Well, she'll give him something to laugh about, she decides, and hurls herself off of the treebranch, rocketing toward the cyndaquil's resting form, but while she desends, her target simply isn't there anymore, and she hits the ground for the second time.

Flame Tempest grins as he races away; she probably would have hit her mark if it weren't for his superior speed. The cyndaquil whips around, ramming full force into Moonshine's side and sending her skidding along the ground. Face-first in the dirt, the eevee's sharp ears pick up the faint laughter of her opponent. If only there was some way to shut him up.

Shadowstar's Pokemon:
[Moonshine] Eevee (Female)
Health: 88%
Energy: 91%
Status: Lying on the ground grumbling cursewords into the dirt. Face is still muddy. Accuracy -2

Crowned Clown's Pokemon:
[Flame Tempest]
Health: 93%
Energy: 85%
Status: Satisfied with himself. Chuckling.

Arena: There is a roughly eevee-shaped dent in the ground under one of the trees. Otherwise, no changes.

--I honestly don't mind typing Flame Tempest, but thanks for giving me the option.
--Climbing the tree quickly cost more energy than normal.
--Changing direction while using Quick Attack cost extra energy.
--Moonshine took more falling damage than last time because she fell farther.
--Crowned Clown gives orders first for round three.
Well, aren't we having fun, Tempest? >:D

Use an Ember attack on Moonshine. Even tho she's blinded for the most part she could still dodge, so don't make it too showy. Then if she uses a physical attack [ie Tackle] use Double-Edge head-on; it might hurt but I'm sure it's worth it. If she doesn't use a physical attack and climbs up a tree then use a Body Slam to knock her out of the tree. If that does happen then try to then use Double-Edge as soon as she hits the ground; if she climbs a tree this round then use a Howl.

Ember ~ Double-Edge [for physical] / Body Slam [if she climbs tree] ~ Double-Edge [if knocked out of tree] / Howl
Okay, Moonshine, you did good. Let's do this:

Try to get the mud off your face and throw it as a projectile towards Tempest~Climb tree~Chill
Shadowstar's Pokemon:
[Moonshine] Eevee (Female)
Health: 88%
Energy: 91%
Status: Lying on the ground grumbling cursewords into the dirt. Face is still muddy. Accuracy -2

Crowned Clown's Pokemon:
[Flame Tempest]
Health: 93%
Energy: 85%
Status: Satisfied with himself. Chuckling.

Flame Tempest's chuckles finally fade as he looks at his blinded opponent and his back flares. Time to get serious and start really dishing out the hurt. He aims carefully at his swearing opponent, who seems to have started making up words in her quest to colourfully insult the law of gravity in all ways possible, and fires off a stream of small fireballs that strike Moonshine in the side. Yelping at the sudden, to her, heat and pain, she jolts to feet, whipping her head around furiously to try to locate the source of the attack.

Scorched, muddy, and obviously losing a war with gravity, Moonshine is very happy to get rid of at least one of those problems. Wiping a paw across her face, the mud slowly clears, giving her a better view of the surroundings and, more importantly, of Flame Tempest. She tosses the clod of dirt covering her forepaw upward and then gives it a smack with her tail, sending it sailing over to splatter onto the cyndaquil's back. Flame Tempest glances over his shoulder in amusement and then flares up his back, causing the mud to dry and flake off with him little different from before.

Moonshine gives her opponent a dirty look for his nonchalance and turns her attention to her next command. She looks up at the tall tree beside her and makes the closest thing to a 'oh no, not again' groan an eevee can manage. She then begins to climb up again, with distinctly less enthusisasm than previously. As soon as she finds a comfortable place on a branch that seems good enough for a bit of relaxation, the entire tree suddenly jerks and quivers. Down on the ground, Flame Tempest had thrown himself at the tree, slamming into it with all the force he could muster.

Moonshine lets out a shriek as she loses her grip and is, once more, send plummeting to the ground. Flame Tempest calmly sidesteps and allows the eevee to land in an undignified heap next to him. Moonshine gets up, grumbling and wobbling slightly (She's almost positive she's gotten a concussion that time, she tells herself sourly.), only to be sent flying as Flame Tempest hurls himself at her. The little eevee doesn't even bother to get back up this time; she's been ordered to chill, and chill she will do. She closes her eyes and lets her mind drift away from the battle as her muscles start to relax.

Flame Tempest smiles. That little wimp isn't even fighting back! The smile turns to a wince as he feels his shoulder. That attack left its mark on him too, but it was more than worth it.
Shadowstar's Pokemon:
[Moonshine] Eevee (Female)
Health: 71%
Energy: 89%
Status: "I swear, if I fall out that *bleep* thing one more time..." Face still slightly muddy, but mostly clear. Accuracy -1

Crowned Clown's Pokemon:
[Flame Tempest]
Health: 89%
Energy: 69%
Status: "This furball's a pushover!"

Arena: No changes.

--Moonshine's first action wasn't a proper Mud Slap, and a target wasn't specified, so it hit Flame Tempest in the body instead of the face.
--Shadowstar gives orders first for round four.
Okay, good job, no more climbing trees...

Climb on a sturdy rock~chill~scrape off the rest of the mud and throw it in Tempest's mouth if he laghs and if he doesn't, in his face.
Seeing as Moonshine's going to throw mud in your mouth..


anyway. Rocks are fun. The eevee's going to chill; you do the same for two actions. Why? Because we're going to expend a little more energy- after you get a little closer to her on the second chill use a Flare Blitz on Moonshine, hard as you can without hurting yourself too bad.

Chill ~ Chill [and get closer] ~ Flare Blitz [and don't you dare laugh or you'll get a fistful of mud down your throat]
Arena: Forest
Seriously there are no other details.

Shadowstar (O)
Moonshine (f)
Health: 71%
Energy: 89%
Status: "I swear, if I fall out that *bleep* thing one more time..." Face still slightly muddy, but mostly clear. Accuracy -1

Crowned Clown (O)
Flame Tempest (m)
Health: 89%
Energy: 69%
Status: "This furball's a pushover!"

After all this time without a ref, Flame Tempest finds it quite easy to relax; he simply lays on the ground and stares at his opponent through squinted eyes. He isn’t that tired to begin with, but what kind of Pokémon would object to a break? A crazy one, that’s what Tempest thinks. He yawns widely and stretches; this feels good.

With a rather annoyed humph, Moonshine glances about for a suitably high rock. Once she spots one she wastes no time in pouncing on it, her small paws managing a firm grip. She turns to face her lazy opponent resentfully, her muddy face making it somewhat hard for her to spot him. At least he isn’t throwing about any more mud.

Instead he simply begins to crawl slightly towards the eevee, rather slowly and lazily what with his momentarily calm demeanor. He goes no-where fast, but with time he might actually reach her.

Perhaps Moonshine was warming to the idea of a break, as she curled up into a tight furry ball on her rocky perch, intent on regaining some energy of her own. She was even less tired than Tempest, but she had no objections to a nice break, aside from her desire to beat the stupid fire-type up. Instead she sighed and closed her eyes, relaxing and letting her anger cool.

She couldn’t have chosen a worse time. With one last yawn, Flame Tempest finally rose from the ground, rejuvenated. He spotted his opponent and smirked as his back burst into flames. This will be… fun. With some focus, the flames upon his back spread, circling his small body – and the cyndaquil was off.

He ran towards the eevee and the rock she sat on, gaining speed with each time he kicked off the ground. With one final jump he slammed into Moonshine, knocking her off the rock and onto the ground with the burning cyndaquil atop her. Moonshine yelped in shock and pain from the sheer force of the attack; she struggled to get out from under the cyndaquil, who quickly jumped off of the eevee, letting his back-flames die out. Panting, Moonshine got to her paws, patting the embers that remained on her fur off before glaring at Tempest.

The cyndaquil wasn’t unharmed, though. The impact was so strong that he felt it himself – not so much that it would really bother him, but it rather stung. He shook his head, trying to clear the minor ache.

Hissing in annoyance and pain, Moonshine scrapes the last of the dirt off her face – which is now a tad charred, making it easier to wipe off. She tosses it towards Tempest, who’s nowhere near laughing, instead rubbing his head slowly. The dirt hits him without much of an impact, and he mostly ignores it, only pausing to glance at Moonshine before he continues to rub his head. The eevee hisses again before she continues to scrape the rest of the mud off her face.

Shadowstar (O)
Moonshine (f)
Health: 56%
Energy: 97%
Status: Really annoyed and aching.

Crowned Clown (O)
Flame Tempest (m)
Health: 85%
Energy: 81%
Status: A little stunned, but rather proud overall.

- Moonshine was knocked off the rock by the force of the Flare Blitz.
- There’s no more mud on Moonshine’s face.
- Crowned Clown attacks first.
Crowned Clown is DQ'd. Shadowstar gets $8, Crowned Clown receives $3 and I get $5. Both Moonshine and Flame Tempest receive 1exp.
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