• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



Holy shit batman~
Yo. I'm new here n stuff, and my username is Shock, which I'd like you to call me, but anything else (too lazy to write the ck out? xP) is fine. You wouldn't believe how surprised I was that the username I picked wasn't taken, and I actually didn't intend to use it, but I accidentally hit Enter and I got stuck with it. I'll just keep it for now.

I am female kthnx

I come from nowhere, I am your basic, all too hyper, cookie-eating internet freak, and I like writing, drawing, spriting, watching TV, playing video games (Harvest Moon, Pokemon, and LoZ, 'k?), and all of that other shizzle.

So wazzup?
Wazzup mah homie, Shellshocked? I am Arylett. Or Miss Dawnsborough. Or Queen Arylett of Arylettopia.

Fo shizzle mah nizzle, fo shizzle. Yo, you be jippin' man, you be jippin'. Awesomenocity.

But yes, welcome, welcome, welcome Shickety shockety, give me the zoppety! (You get three welcomes~ Also, Shockety is your new nickname! Wear it, wear it with pride! Mmm'yes.)

May you have a most scintillating filled with most scintillating hot fudge brownies~
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Fo shizzle ma nizzle! :D

Okay, I've been looking for an excuse to say that ever since I found out what it meant from the Urban Dictionary:

"fo shizzle ma nizzle" is a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah nigga" which is a bastdardization of "I concur with you whole heartedly my African american brother".


In other news; hi! Welcome to the forums! :D
^ I didn't know you liked Harvest Moon, Ketsu!

Anyway, welcome! I'm Flora, and a big fan of about everything you said. ^^
Hey! Welcome to TCoD! I hope you enjoy your st-
Wait. I say that too much. NEW WELCOME THING TIME!

EDIT: A few seconds after posting that I just noticed that I am really lame and have no life.
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