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[Shop] Sparkly Things


beep beep coming through
...yes. Sparkly things. I have rather a lot of them. Want some? You know you do... everyone likes sparkly things. preciousssss

Tyrannical dictators don't need no stinkin' proof of registration!

Timezone is GMT-5 (EST); weekends are generally better for me than weekdays.

All Pokémon and items on offer are 100% legit to the best of my knowledge (everything so far has been able to enter PBR without becoming a Bad Egg or causing problems, for example), although many of them will be clones. If you don't want cloned Pokémon then, well, I'm sorry but I don't have much to offer you. In return I ask that all Pokémon and items that you offer me are also 100% legit, although I don't mind if they're cloned. I don't care if you hacked it to have legit stats, hacked it so you could steal a real Pokémon from a trainer, hacked it so that it would appear "naturally" in the wild, etc. If the game didn't generate the encounter/egg/gift without your help then I'm not interested, thanks.

Also, unless otherwise stated I'd really prefer Pokémon that can have their nicknames changed if at all possible.

On Offer

Actual Sparkly Things

Shiny Pokémon. Rather than take up space with a gargantuan list just click here to see them all. Only ask for the ones that are explicitly marked as up for trade. Ask for the others and I will ignore you.

If you really, really love me, you'll only ask for the Vileplume, Bellossom, Marowak, Mightyena (nickname HACHIGATSU), Sharpedo or Butterfree; those are all in my Emerald version and are therefore substantially easier to clone. I can clone using Wi-Fi, but my luck with that is incredibly shaky. If you ask for a shiny that is not one of the six mentioned above, you'll have to be patient so I have time to get it right.

Things that are not as Sparkly but presumably No Less Desirable

They might not sparkle, but that doesn't mean they aren't special! So yeah, basically legendaries and other assorted rare and valuable oddments. I have more details on them but don't remember them all off the top of my head and so if you're curious you'll just have to ask.

Legendaries: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew (MYSTRY), Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi and Deoxys.

I also have Ho-Oh, Celebi and the Sinnoh legendaries barring Darkrai (can't clone the two I have) and obviously Shaymin and Arceus; they're a pain to clone, though, and so I'd rather not have to. I do have some spares occasionally, though, so ask and I'll see what I can do.

(I might have a Platinum Darkrai soon; I haven't bothered activating the event yet, but I have downloaded the member card from Wi-Fi and will soft-reset for a decent Darkrai one of these days.)

Synchronizers: A bunch of Abra and the occasional Natu, Mew or Eeveelution with Synchronize. If you're trying to catch a Pokémon with a specific nature, ask me and see if I have the Synchronizer you need. Wherever possible, the Syncher's nickname is its nature for easy access.

Ditto: Ditto. Obviously. They are all named whatever their nature is. Ask and see if I have the one you're looking for.

Other: Nothing specific that I can remember off the top of my head, but generally things like starters, eggs, extras left over from breeding/chaining runs... just miscellaneous stuff. I also have access to XD and so could probably get you a special-move Pokémon from there. If there's anything specific I want to get rid of or draw your attention to, I'll make special note of it here.

Where possible, I can infect my end of the trade with Pokérus. Some Pokémon, including a lot of the shinies and some legendaries, have already had it and are no longer contagious.

And as a final note ...yes, I know, I know. Lots of my Pokémon have strange names. If you get stuck with one whose name I can't change and you want to know where I got it, just ask. I'm proud of these names, dammit, and I'll friggin' go on about 'em all day! |<

Item Things

Ask and see, generally. TMs 1-50 are generally easy enough for me to get; I tend to be more stingy with TMs 51-92.

I have Enigma Berries from the US Darkrai event, as well as some pinch berries (Salac, Petaya and Liechi, basically).

Heart Scales and most evolution stones are also fairly easy to get.

Other than that, ask and I'll see if I have it/am willing to part with it.


Sparkly Things

Well, make an offer and try me, I suppose. Specifically, I'd like: Chikorita line, Cyndaquil line, Treecko line, Torchic line, Mudkip line, Turtwig line, Meowth line (MUST be male and preferably have no nickname or the ability to remove the nickname), Articuno, Houndour line, Magikarp line, Giratina and Palkia. I'm also always looking for more Gible line, Starly line Buizel line and Poochyena line, as I'm collecting those.

Non-Sparkly Things

Nothing specific or desperately needed at the moment, although on the off chance someone has a nicknameable Mew I'd be interested in it.

Item Things

Explosion, Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Charge Beam, Avalanche, Trick Room, Stone Edge and Grass Knot TMs are always welcome. I don't think I really need anything else.

So, um, that's about it. Any questions, feel free to ask.
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I would like... one shiny eevee and a shiny mightyena. I have A LOT of ho-ohs, which I can nickname(Though it takes some time) and a mew(but it's not nicknameable, and I doubt it's even legit, but hey).

So, maybe a trade? Oh, and here's my ID
I don't really need the Mew if it can't be named, as I already have several of my own. I'd like the Ho-Oh, though. Do you want a specific Eevee or Mightyena?

Would a shiny Swellow instead of Mew work (if you're still offering those)? And could you nickname the Ho-Oh "Akhenaten"?

And no, not any in particular. I don't really care.

I recognise that name. From ancient Egypt, right? All the Ho-ohs are at level seventy just so you know.

I'll be ready in ten minutes.
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Okay. Hopefully it won't take me that long to clone an Eevee >.<

And yes, it was the name of a pharaoh. :)

Oh, and if the Swellow can be nicknamed, could you name it Kijani? If not, it's fine.
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I have Trick Room,willing to trade!
Can I have a Jirachi in return?If that's too much,Shiny Charmander that is,if possible,nicknamed Steel Wing.
Hmm... is there anything else at all you'd want? The Charmander can't be nicknamed, anyway; it says so on the list.

Lita, luckily I was able to clone the Eevee fairly quickly. I'm ready when you are. Are you using Diamond or Pearl?
Really,the Trick Room is all I have that you specified you wanted!So is Jirachi too mch for it?If not,I can dig into my bag,find another item you want,and trade both for it(that is,you send a Bidoof or something for the first and then Jirachi for the second.)or you can say a pokemon you want(I own no shinies at all)and it can be holding the item.
It's not so much that I don't think it's worth it as it is I'm too lazy to clone them; I might have a spare Jirachi, though, so let me check and see.
I was using Diamond, and I can't give you the ho-oh yet; I found out today that I can't migrate for a while. I can get you the Ho-oh tomorrow.

And I can't nickname Swellow, I erased the game it came from... And it's already nicknamed... Shinypal. I know, the name sucks.
I'm available tomorrow!Just not before 2:30-3:00.Then I've set up another trade tomorrow,so I'll work it out.
Thanks, Lita.

Mewtwo, as it turns out I did end up cloning the Jirachi. I know you're having Wi-Fi trouble and are getting ready to leave for a while anyway, but it's here when you come back.
Updated the list of shinies with a Ninetales, Swellow and Rayquaza. I also have a Lugia someone gave me on the GTS; it looks legit, but I have to wonder why they'd hand off a lv100 shiny Lugia when I was asking for any old Lugia unless they were really that desperate for a Mew. I haven't had a chance to check it in PBR yet, so I don't know if it's hacked or most likely legit. If you're willing to take the risk, though, we can talk.
I iz back for today and tommorrow morning!
Still having Wi-Fi trouble,may end up buying a USB Router or whatever it's called.
Mm, well. I don't see much more in your thread that I'm interested in; do you have anything else to offer?
Unfortunately, I have more than enough of both of those. Unless the Deoxys's name can be changed, that is; mine is stuck with a rather irritating nickname because I deleted the file I caught it on.
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