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[Shop] Sparkly Things

I iz back!*goes and gets DS and checks Wi-Fi*
Wait...Cant find DS...Will check tommorrow,as I want to be a lazy butt today(night)!
I can provide a Avalanche TM.... I'm interested in a shiny charmander or a shiny absol.

The name "Oliphaunt" (your phanphy) came from Lord of the rings? AMIRITE?! *shot*
Tolkien wasn't the first to use the term, but yeah. ;)

I think I already have a cloned shiny Charmander for a trade that fell through, so is that all right?
Is that meant for me?If so,Sure!Otherwise,it's still Jirachi,right?(I want to get all the Pokemon that's why I am trading Eevee on GTS for an Aipom)
When are you going to be available to trade, then, and more importantly what's your friend code?
Name: Aisu

FC: 1590 6345 8715

I might be able to get on at 7:00am or 8:00am any day (except Sundays) my time.... -__-
I'll see if I can catch you tomorrow, then. And for future reference, your ingame name really doesn't matter when you're on Wi-Fi.
Sorry I couldn't llink up with you the past few days >.> Parents managed to find some reason or other to keep me off my DS in the mornings -___-
Thorn: Sorry I keep missing you. >.< I was busy all weekend and didn't have much time to come online

pikachu629: You mean "how" do you give me a TM? Attach it to another Pokémon and trade me the Pokémon. Although really I've decided that I'd like at least two TMs for shinies/rare stuff. Thorn and Mewtwo are okay because I already made deals with them, but in the future I'm going to ask for more.

In other news, the shiny Lugia I mentioned appears to be kosher, so I'll add that to the list as soon as I get around to it.
Sorry for late reply; distracted.

pikachu629: Hm, well, let's see. I'm too lazy to bother trying to clone Celebi right now, but I have plenty of spare Deoxys. How about Grass Knot and Stone Edge, then?

Friend code and time zone, please.

Renteura: All right (asdfghj finally explosion). Its current name is OCEANUS (ugh lame); do you want me to change it? Friend code, time zone?
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