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[Shop] Sparkly Things

Fine by me. How does 10:10 PM sound?
Now this is my first time doing this. I go to the bottom floor of the Pokemon Center (I already put in your friend code) and enter the Wifi room, right?
Yes... but there's a problem. Whenever I enter your friend code it says "Friend code is wrong". I checked multiple times and I know I entered it correctly; are you sure you didn't copy it down wrong when you registered?
Yes, that's right; as long as it didn't give you an error message after you entered it then you got it. (Not that I knew it gave you error messages, huh.)

I'll be on in just a second.

EDIT: wait wait wait crap. You said Stealth Rock? I wanted Stone Edge, not Stealth Rock. Does that still work?
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I don't see you. That's odd. If both of the friend codes are right...?

I can't stay on much longer, so if we don't manage to connect in the next few minutes it'll have to wait until tomorrow.
My WiFi wasnt working. I'll have to wait until my Dad comes back from New York next week to fix it. Will our deal still be valid by then?
This is not the thread to ask that in. There's a general Wi-Fi help thread in the main forum, if you'd actually take the time to look around.

The WEP key is your wireless network's password... if you're using a WEP network.
Big Announcement:
My parent's messed around with the computer and DS and stuff,and they got Wi-Fi to work for both my DS AND our Wii!So I'll be setting up more trades now,after I check GTS to see if Eevee traded for Aipom yet!
Have my earliest trade at one-thirty(1:30),so how about two o'clock(2:00),to be safe?
EDIT:We aren't going after all!How about we trade at 7:00 today?Or if not today,tommorrow at 1:30?
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I wasn't talking to you. You haven't even offered to make any sort of trade. How can I trade with you if, you know, there's nothing to trade? I don't exactly want to just randomly swap Pokémon. And you haven't even posted your friend code or anything.

Let's try to take this one step at a time, hm?

Okay, never mind. I didn't realize that you were the same person as Mewtwo. 7:00 is fine, but you really don't need two accounts and either way you should have posted under the same username so I'd actually know who you are. It's confusing otherwise. Butterfree can do whatever she wants about you having two accounts, but as far as the Wi-Fi League forum goes I'm going to ask you to pick one account and stick to it, please.
Only now did I realize I signed in as Mew...
I'll stick with Mewtwo,but I am Mew now,so...
I'm ready when you are!As soon as I equip the TM to a random Bidoof :P
EDIT:Make that a starly :P
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