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Ausyenne pulled out the ink bottle and quills, setting them aside. She flipped through the pages of the book, wondering what could be written in it. Then again, she probably wouldn't read it, as she didn't like reading anyway. Throwing the book down next to the writing utensils, she dug deeper into the satchel, finding the pouch - which, again, probably contained money and she wasn't interested in - and continued to explore the leather bag.

The necklace confounded her. It was hanging by a silver chair, and what hung from it was her name, in sterling caligraphed letters.


"What," she murmered, a little creeped out. Still, she put it on, and liked how it fit perfected in the hollow of her neck.

That was when the rabbit came in. And this rabbit talked. Of course, she screamed, though it was more of a surprised squack then a bloodcurtling shriek. "It's a rabbit!" She cried, quite obviously.
(I love your long posts. It amuses me so~)

The rabbit looks back at the man, giving him a once over, before pushing the door fully open and taking a step inside. The rabbit was wearing a simple green tunic and pale brown pants cut above the knee to allow his legs room to move. He folds his arms and looks at the children there, his eyes when looked at properly is a radiant green colour. His fur is a light red-brown, with a white fur belly and neck.

"I have no clue how you got in, but if you are as lost as I am then we have quite the pickle...er...Isaac Walters. As for a phone, we have one at the front desk, you can't miss it. One of the others should be at the desk anyways...curious. You don't know how you got here...oh bother..."

The rabbit glances around a bit, bitting his lower lip a bit. One of his ears suddenly sticks straight up in the air, turning a bit as if he heard a sound. He rolls his eyes and presses the heel of his palm to his forehead.

"Oh sweet merciful..."

"What'cha doing!" a loud, almost whimsical voice echoes in the room, followed by a smaller being. This one looks to be a child of sort, no more than about sixteen in age.

They also seem to be a red fox with their hair pulled back into a braid.
Emlyn flipped through the pages of the book. He set it carefully down on the bed beside him. Emlyn pulls out a quill and thoroughly inspects it. He glances around quickly and slips the quill in his pocket, thinking it may be useful later. The ink he put down atop the book rather quickly, not bothering to inspect it.

He then pulled out the small pouch. Fiddling with the cord, he places it in his other pocket. Lastly, he took out the pin. It was a metallic silver ring with the number eleven welded carefully on top, connected to the ring by the numbers' tips. He pinned it to his jacket.

"What the heck is going on here..." he murmured.
Chris quickly did a commando-roll over the bed, landing in a crouch on th other side. Suddenly, the door opened and a rabbit with earings walked in. Chris went back to his bag. Wait...a rabbit.....with earings? He peered over the bed. The rabbit was talking to that Isaac guy. Chris crouched down again and looked in the bag. Some ink, quills, a blank notebook, a small bag tied with string and a necklace. It had a 91, or was it 16, on a small pendant. He looked between the mark on his wrist and the mark on the pendant, then shrugged and put it on. He set the ink, quills and book aside and took out the pouch. It made a clinging sound, like coins bumping against coins. He tried to undo the knot, but it was beyond his experience. He let out a resigned sigh and stood, facing the rabbit. "Who the hell are you?"
Salene woke up to the sound of voiced. "Wha...? HOLY CRAP!" she yelled when she saw the anthromorphic ((I think I used that right...)) rabbit and fox. She fell out of bed, hitting the floor with a loud THUMP! She quickly uprighted herself, finding a bag with all sorts of items inside it underneath her bed. Momentarily forgetting about the humanoid animals, she opened the bag to find a corked bottle of ink, along with two pitch-black quills, assumed to be from a raven, but... weren't raven quills smaller? She also found a book with blank pages. She dug deeper, and found a small pouch, that made a clinging noise when she picked it up. The knot was too complicated for even her unchallenged knot untying skills. She found one more item in the bag... it was a mockingjay pin small, silver hairpin, yeilding the number 42 on it. She pinned up her hair, hoping she put it in right, as she had no mirror. She turned her attention back to the strange creatures at the door, waiting for them to say something.
The rabbit turns to yet another loud human, folding his arms and giving him a look-over as well. "I'm one of the Inn keepers here. And I'd like to know why there are people here that haven't checked i8n last night."

"Chill out man! Maybe they came here by magic~!" piped the younger fox, tail swishing behind them. The rabbit just rolls his eyes and smooths down his sleeve. "Magic. Pah. I doubt it was magic that got them here in the first place you little brat. Now...shouldn't you be somewhere else doing your job?"

The fox rolls their eyes and waves to the people in the room, walking out. They grab the side of the door and poke their head back in, grinning. "Hey, if you're hungry. Come down to the dinner room. Breakfast will be up soon"

The rabbit sighs and looks back at the group. "My name is Yves by the way. That brat before is Gwen."
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