• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

[signup thread] knives alley

the team is finally complete! ^w^ all roles have been randed. rolecards will be rolled out tomorrow and n0 will begin tuesday, february 2nd, 2021, 11 pm UTC in order to better fit quetzalcoatl’s schedule.
the team is finally complete! ^w^ all roles have been randed. rolecards will be rolled out tomorrow and n0 will begin tuesday, february 2nd, 2021, 11 pm UTC in order to better fit quetzalcoatl’s schedule.
small request: if you weren't planning to already, would you also add our non-hydra accounts to the role PMs and to any secret chat(s)? i find it makes it way easier to be able to read on my main account and just use the hydra for posting, because there's no need to remember or note down what part i read up to.

(or if other people would actually find that annoying then nvm, i'll cope.)
small request: if you weren't planning to already, would you also add our non-hydra accounts to the role PMs and to any secret chat(s)? i find it makes it way easier to be able to read on my main account and just use the hydra for posting, because there's no need to remember or note down what part i read up to.

(or if other people would actually find that annoying then nvm, i'll cope.)
i wasn’t going to, but granted.

in order to reduce clutter, if you also want me to include your personal account in all private communications of your hydra, confused-react this post.
by the way, can we get a shortlist of who's in each hydra? would probably make things a lot less confusing, specially for people who weren't around for/paying close attention to games where the current established hydras appeared
by the way, can we get a shortlist of who's in each hydra? would probably make things a lot less confusing, specially for people who weren't around for/paying close attention to games where the current established hydras appeared
rest assured the gamestart/n0 post will include such list ^u^
rolecards will be sent starting now. as soon as all are sent, the game thread will be opened.

good luck to all and thanks for playing! :)
small request: if you weren't planning to already, would you also add our non-hydra accounts to the role PMs and to any secret chat(s)? i find it makes it way easier to be able to read on my main account and just use the hydra for posting, because there's no need to remember or note down what part i read up to.

(or if other people would actually find that annoying then nvm, i'll cope.)
i wasn’t going to, but granted.

in order to reduce clutter, if you also want me to include your personal account in all private communications of your hydra, confused-react this post.
rariiii please add me to hydra communications
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