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Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

"Sounds like a 'real strength comes from adversity' kind of guy. Must've been a hit at parties." Nova clicked his tongue. "Any other Saints you're familiar with?"
"And do you agree with that?" Koa asked carefully, studying the Zapdos. He wondered what the relationship between this Zapdos and the Stormbringer was like. Maybe he knew something of what happened to him.
"Hm," Leaf said. "Guess that sounds right." She wasn't quite looking at the Cyclone at the moment, instead watching the storm thrash the sky overhead. Did the zapdos she'd seen think like that? Wasn't exactly like they'd talked about it, or been in any state to, or been able to. It hadn't been very interested in talking, anyway.

"Bet he was strong," she said, finally turning back to the saint. "You ever fight him?"
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