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Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

Nova seemed bothered about something, but Koa decided not to press it. "Yeah. Something about mach punch feels easier, but it can't hurt to try. I don't think all the... 'rules' I'm used to back home seem to apply here." Could he adapt some kind of thunder punch? Normally Electrike couldn't punch at all, but then, he shouldn't be able to pick up cups of water so...

Pushing the thought aside he gave Nova a grin of appreciation. "Thanks for that last attack there, thanks to you we broke that shield."

He dipped his head, then went to check on the rest of the team.
Nidoran beamed at them from the sidelines. It was hard to tell if he'd done anything at all, but perhaps being the Rangers' mascot was very literal, or something. He hopped to them and nodded in congratulations to them, as usual saying not a word.
And that was that. They'd done it! Leaf allowed herself a little celebratory spin on the ice, laughing in spite of the ache threatening to set in now the fight was over. There'd never been any doubt that they'd put on a good show, but Ayda and Razael had been tough, and skilled in... whatever that was like nobody's business. But they'd done it, and hopefully that meant they'd have a few more allies. At the very least. At the most...

"That was incredible," she told Nova, offering him a smile. "I really appreciate you going along with all this—you didn't need to jump in and help us out with this if it wasn't what you came out here for. If you still need to take care of something out here, now or maybe after we've had time to rest up, I'd be happy to help! Least I can do for you."

Once it looked like everyone was okay, she turned back to Ayda and the other rangers, giving Nidoran a big smile as she passed. "Thanks! You were great opponents. I'm used to working with a team back home, and I think at least some of the others are, too, but seems like every new battle here in Forlas I'm seeing something I've never seen before. If you could teach us how to do the kind of stuff you and Razael can do, that'd be amazing!"

She had to stop and think for a sec when Ayda noticed their connection, but ultimately just shrugged. No harm in sharing at least a little bit. They'd already explained a bunch of it to Nico the last time they were here, after all. "Being in sync like that really is something else, though. It's kind of hard to explain, but I guess it's an 'offworlder' thing? We're here to help together, and the one who brought us here... helps us do that, I guess!"
Nova flinched. Oh, so Leaf was just, like, softly alluding to the voice's helpfulness. He was tempted to rat out their existence entirely -- it had to be the one running this purgatory, right? -- but then he realized she'd been addressing him.

"That was incredible," she told Nova, offering him a smile. "I really appreciate you going along with all this—you didn't need to jump in and help us out with this if it wasn't what you came out here for. If you still need to take care of something out here, now or maybe after we've had time to rest up, I'd be happy to help! Least I can do for you."
"ᴵᵗ ʷᵃˢⁿ'ᵗ." Nova hunched over, rubbing the chitinous spikes on his foreleg against his mask. "Can't fight... how I want to. I just... stand there uselessly. This mask shouldn't be here." More scratching. "Have to break this thing. I can't... be controlled anymore.

"ᴵᵗ ʰᵘʳᵗˢ ˢᵒ ᵐᵘᶜʰ."
The Oshawott let out a sigh of relief as the Dewott collapsed. They’d just managed it, and while it wasn’t the cleanest of victories, it was a victory nonetheless. He returned his scalchop to its place on his belly… And then winced. As the adrenaline started to drain from his body, it was replaced by pain. He’d probably be feeling this fight in the morning, Oran Berries or not. Still, he gladly shook Ayda’s paw when it was offered, and shot her another – if weak – grin.

“Promise I’m more serious in less friendly match ups,” he chuckled, before grabbing the two Oran berries from his bag and offering one to the Dewott. Sparing a glance at the rest of the group, it seemed Koa had just seen to the chimera, who was standing a little more naturally again, his limbs no longer seizing up. That was good, Archie still wasn’t sure how best to approach the strange Pokemon, himself.

Only, it didn’t seem like the chimera was doing so great. He’d seemed listless before, and apparently the battle hadn’t done anything to help matters. In fact, it might have made them worse. Leaf had come over to speak to Ayda, and Koa had gone off to check on the others, so, now it was Archie’s turn to approach Nova. He looked at the berry in his paw, and then over at the chimera, currently trying to cut at his mask with his spiked forelimbs.

“Hey, uh… Here,” the Oshawott said, awkwardly, holding the Oran berry out for Nova, “I thought I heard you say you were hurting?”

He tried to give the other Pokemon a reassuring smile, but honestly just felt kind of lame. It was quite obvious the chimera was still struggling with its helmet, but Archie didn’t even know where to begin when it came to helping the Pokemon remove it. He still wasn’t even sure what kind of Pokemon this even was, it was like nothing he’d ever seen before.

“Sorry, I know this isn’t really what you need the most, but...” the Oshawott said, his expression faltering.
Nova shook his head. Forced himself to stand up straight. "You need that more than I do. I have my own." His beady gray eyes blinked slowly. "Thanks for offering, though."
“No worries about me, I’m doing great!” The Oshawott lied. He flexed, for emphasis, but immediately winced at the pain the movement ended up shooting into his shoulder. So, maybe not the most convincing display. So, instead, he rolled up his left sleeve, to expose the ribbon tied around his bicep. “Really though, this’ll be enough to patch me up. It’s just a little slow.”

Actually, Archie had no idea if his Heal Ribbon worked constantly or if it required some kind of bizarre energy that only existed while Pokemon were in combat. That would be just his luck! Actually, he hadn’t even noticed if it had been working during the fight. He’d probably just been getting smacked around too hard for it to matter… Hopefully that was it, and it wasn’t that he’d gotten scammed. Regardless, though, he pushed his sleeve back down, and held out the berry for the chimera again.

“So please, I insist.”
Nidoran's ears twitched a little as he hop, hop, hopped his way to Nova and tilted his head curiously. He craned his head far up to look at the mask he was wearing with vague interest. It was hard to tell what was going through that head of his... but he seemed a little concerned.
Nova tensed up further. All of this attention... why? Why are they being so nice to me? He'd been more of a liability than an asset.

So many eyes on him. And the mask made it hard to think. But the kid was watching. He couldn't frighten a kid.

Nova forced himself to lean over and accept the oran berry. Though the movements were stiff and awkward and easily could've made an oshawott pancake if Nova didn't pull his head back in time. Like the lum, it vanished into the mask.

"Thanks," he mumbled.
The rain was finally petering out. Prim let her hat hang behind her shoulders and bunched up her leafy hair, wringing it out onto the saturated sand.

"Good fight," she said at last, bombarding the ground with a glob of bloody spit. With a tousle, she redonned her cap and then tipped its brim to her allies, flashing a gap-toothed grin—seems like one got knocked loose in the fighting. Plants regrew branches so they probably regrew teeth, right? "It's an honor to fight along such spirited warriors. It's been a while. You especially," she added, gesturing at Koa. "I'll be honest. When we met up with these rangers first, I saw your enthusiasm and took you for an overzealous squirt whose fists moved faster than his brain. Nothing personal—I think most of us who crave the fight start out that way. But today I saw something different. You can back your bark up. I respect that."

She hadn't felt it before, but there was something remarkable about this coordination, wasn't there? Over the years Prim had come to expect disappointment from teamwork. She could trust her own abilities, and knew her own limits. Other people were unknown quantities. Liabilities in a world where failure could mean death. The tactical and logistical overhead of managing others—of placing trust in them—just wasn't worth it. But here, with these people... things were just different.

Perhaps it was true that she was a fish out of its metaphysical water on this world. But, somehow—in defiance of all reason—she thought she understood for the first time what it meant to belong.

She turned her attention to the rangers. "You weren't half bad either." The dewott, so swift and frenzied with her scalchops, and the haxorus, slow and plodding but with a hide of steel and strikes that could shatter granite. "Seems like there's a lot we can learn from you," she said. About being pokémon, she didn't. "I hope we've proved our grit well enough. A deal's a deal, right? I'd like to join your ranks. Tell me what I need to do."
You especially," she added, gesturing at Koa. "I'll be honest. When we met up with these rangers first, I saw your enthusiasm and took you for an overzealous squirt whose fists moved faster than his brain. Nothing personal—I think most of us who crave the fight start out that way. But today I saw something different. You can back your bark up. I respect that."
Koa's eyes widened slightly in surprise at Prim's compliment, a rush of pride filling him. He dipped his head in acknowledge, unable to keep a slight grin from his face. It was nice to know that others felt confident in him, saw something more capable than a stupid kid. Too bad Wes wasn't here so he could rub it in.

"Thank you," he said earnestly. "Couldn't have done it without you either, those grass-attacks really made the difference." He hadn't known Prim long, all things considered, but he appreciated her in battle, at least. She'd more than proved how well she could fight on a team.

He followed after Prim as she approached the rangers."Prim is right. I'm ready to learn whatever I can to help. I can't speak for everyone but I think we're all here for similar reasons, if you'll have us." He kept his head high, hoping he sounded professional.
Nidoran tilted his head again and hopped until he was on Nova's back in a single bound. He was so light that Nova would hardly be able to feel a thing. Then, he hopped to the helmet, not really pausing or hesitating, and gently patted it. For some reason, Nova had the knowledge that Nidoran had done that, even if he couldn't feel it--but even more curiously...

There was a strange, soothing feeling that came from that touch. The helmet didn't feel as heavy. The rasping, constricting, horrible claustrophobia of that great mask was a little lighter. Could he feel the breeze again? Was it just a trick of the mind? Nothing physical had changed, and yet...

Either way, the feeling seemed to be only a fleeting relief. But that respite lingered anyway, faintly, from whatever Nidoran did.
"Hey, wait, what are you—"

Nova didn't have long fur, but it could bristle enough to show the scaly hide underneath. His hind legs twitched. He shook his head. The mask jostled a lot more than it usually did.

"You sure you came across this little fella by pure chance?" Nova asked the rangers.
Still, he gladly shook Ayda’s paw when it was offered, and shot her another – if weak – grin.

“Promise I’m more serious in less friendly match ups,” he chuckled, before grabbing the two Oran berries from his bag and offering one to the Dewott.

Ayda took the berry with a grin and a nod. "Thank y'kindly, fella. I'd care to take a look at yer form when you're serious, if that was you havin' a laugh. Rest up, though."

"You weren't half bad either." [...] "I hope we've proved our grit well enough. A deal's a deal, right? I'd like to join your ranks. Tell me what I need to do."
"Prim is right. I'm ready to learn whatever I can to help. I can't speak for everyone but I think we're all here for similar reasons, if you'll have us." He kept his head high, hoping he sounded professional.

Ayda nodded appraisingly at the two prospective recruits.

"Well, normally I'd tell a bright young spark to prove theirself in their community, get an affidavit from a community leader, an' all that. But since I've read 'bout y'all in the papers, I've already spoken to Lucien, and I've seen what you can do fer m'self? Well. I might just have to let ya skip a step or two."

Razael turned to her and made a questioning sort of rumble.

She wiped her muzzle with the back of her paw. "Heh. If anyone else wants to follow the precedent, all they gotta do is be a goddamn offworlder. We don't gotta worry 'bout changin' precedent."

She offered a paw to Prim and Koa.

"Come find us at Ranger HQ any time in early Winds," she told them. "We'll get the paperwork sorted out and put you through basic trainin'. 'Course, since you two are part of this... band of heroes, or whatever the waves call ya, I'll understand if your appointment needs to be some kinda part-time, so t'speak."

"You sure you came across this little fella by pure chance?"

Razael shrugged. The gesture looked deliberate rather than automatic, as if he'd rehearsed it.

"Little Purple just wandered into Headquarters one morning. We never saw a reason to remove him, and many rangers have become fond of him. He does as he pleases."

Nova couldn't exactly look over his shoulder. "Maybe we oughta go sightseeing at that shrine some day, Purps."
"Purple," as his name apparently was, grinned, showing his big front teeth even more prominently, and hopped off of Nova to rejoin the Rangers. Nova seemed to have earned Purple's approval. It was hard to tell if he knew what Nova meant by sightseeing a shrine.
"You've, uh, got good dental hygiene?"

Wait, what was Nova saying? It wasn't like the nidoran would understand that...
“Of course!”

Thankfully, the berry did seem to help, at least a little. And the chimera was soon distracted by the intrusion of the strange semi-feral Nidoran, so Archie figured he’d leave the Pokemon to it. He didn’t want to overstay his welcome. And not to mention he was still feeling fairly worn out, himself. In the meantime, it seemed Koa and the Petilil – Prim – were very much interested in parlaying their victory into entry into the ranks of the Rangers proper. And, Ayda seemed receptive to the idea, so, Archie was happy for the pair! Still, he wasn’t too sure the Rangers were the right place for him.

For now, Archie stuffed his paws in his coat pockets, and just let himself relax. Ayda was right, he needed some good rest right about now. Some food wouldn’t hurt, too.
"We'll make the time," Leaf said, nodding at the rangers and stomping a front hoof with conviction. "Like we said before, we're here to help. You're the ones who are familiar with the people, the region, the dungeons, all the everything that's going on—or you know how to track it down if you don't. You're exactly the people we've gotta be working together with for this!"

Everything was so weird and confusing and scattered and they still didn't know what they needed to be doing or where or anything other than that it sounded huge and complicated and maybe all over the place. But this? This Leaf could understand just fine. This was something solid. Something she could do.

Poor Nova still seemed to be struggling, though. Healed up a little more by now, sure, but decidedly unhappy aside from Nidoran trying to keep his spirits up. She had no idea what exactly the little guy had attempted to do, but it was sweet that he was trying.

The strange pokémon still hadn't actually answered her question; maybe it was worth trying one more time? "Did you come all the way out here to try and find a way to get the helmet off? I don't know anything about, uh, graydian, but if it's not supposed to be there, I can help you look for a way to deal with it. Seriously. You shouldn't have to put up with that by yourself."
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