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Sojaveña Wilds Silver Riverside

Rodion nodded as he listened to his teammates. "Glad we all feel the same way about it. Let's stay out of this then and do our own thing, something which is possible. It just depends on how openly you're willing to associate yourself with the other Wayfarers."

The Buizel let out a sigh as he shook his head.

"That said, I think if there's something we can take away from all of this is to not put too much stock in these warnings about human supremacists. Or at least, not until any of us have personal experience that would proof otherwise."

Lyle hummed to himself and let his eyes drift to the ground. The idea of humans just lording it over Pokémon entirely on their own was a strange proposition for him, especially since the folklore in his world constantly spoke of them as these awe-inspiring creatures.

At the same time, Forlas wasn't his world, and they had been bluntly informed that humans were just stronger than normal Pokémon here. Or at least they had the chance to be. Maybe there was some story behind the Coven that was deeper than them being "human supremacists", but them being in active conflict with another faction that was trying to preserve the "ways of Pokémon" just stirred thoughts to mind of stories in his world of when Civils and Wilders wound up coming into conflict with one another.

Those stories had a tendency to get ugly in short order, especially when one or the other side dipped into Vow-breaking. And the very fact that he could see the resemblance in this conflict between the Coven and the Vanguards didn't bode well for what it was like.

"Maybe, but at the same time, I can't say that I'd safely rule the conclusion out. Especially since humans do seem to have a bit of a leg up in this world," he said. "Whatever the story behind them really is, I think we're onto something about not wanting to get involved with their problems."
Silver listened keenly to his companions, his head tilted slightly as he took in their words. It still felt weird to hear folks talking about his species as if they were some mystical aliens, and he idly wondered if that's how legendary Pokémon felt like. After all, didn't they have to deal with constant praises and infamy, too? Hm... No wonder they preferred to seclude themselves from the rest of the world. That sounded exhausting!

"Yeah. Humans are a very polarizing topic, huh? Either they're heralded as great heroes that rescue entire planets, or they're a plague that corrupts and conquers." He sighed deeply and rolled his eyes, and his voice lowered to a disgruntled murmur. "Kinda the uncomfortable situation to find yourself in if you're born as one, what with all those wild expectations..."

Without really thinking, Silver walked toward the edge of the river and began staring at his own reflection. The gentle waves distorted his mirrored persona, showing only uneven ripples of crimson and navy blue. Between a blink and another, he saw flashes of his human self in the riverbed's darkness. It was almost as if his past wanted to give him a reminder, and Silver took a hesitant plunge toward it.

"...Still, I can't blame some 'mons for being wary of humans. Not all of them have... noble intentions." Silver exhaled a slow, bitter breath. "I... I've seen what the hunger of power can do and how it can warp the minds of people. How the strong crush the weak in a never-ending quest to become more powerful and influential. And I bet that at least some of those human supremacists have a similar drive. Rumors aren't born outta nothing, after all." He closed his eyes, his shame growing. "...Power is something I used to pursue blindly, too. Stealing stuff and beating up whoever got in the way or on my nerves? Tch, mere trivialities! What were a few hurt strangers if that meant becoming stronger?"

Silver continued facing the river, partially fearful of the reaction of his teammates, and his regret rang loud and clear. "Yeah, I was such an idiot back then... But! I've learned something valuable in all these years. There's more to power than mere raw strength, y'know? What truly matters is how you use it. Even good-hearted humans aren't immune to its alluring nature, but they all learn to use it to influence the world positively."

Feeling a spark of confidence rising, Silver looked again at his teammates. "That's an approach I wanna emulate, too. I wanna learn how to use my talents and prowess in a more responsible way." He shook his head furiously, his eyes narrowed to slits. "And this is the main reason I wanna stay outta the way of those groups! Joining their power struggle will only fuel their respective hatred and deepen the rift between humans and 'mons. So why should we even entertain such a vicious cycle?"
Rodion raised a brow as he stared at Silver with a surprised tilt of his head.

"Didn't expect you to launch into a sudden speech, but I'm glad you changed in that regard then," the Buizel replied. "Not letting power get to your head is a good thing in any situation."

He'd make sure to ask Silver more about his past sometime, since it sounded like the kid already went through quite the journey. But that could wait until another time. There was already more than enough to unpack from the meeting with the others Wayfarers after all.

"Anyway, I'm not saying there definitely aren't any human supremacists, just that we shouldn't blindly believe rumors we hear about either group," Rodion said. "In conflicts like these both sides tend to care more about making the other side look worse than actually convincing people to support them. Best to focus on things that are actually affecting us and we can't get around, like this whole Shadow Pokémon ordeal."
Silver flashed an embarrassed grin, his claw unconsciously scratching his cheek.

“Huh, yeah, err… Sorry about that whole rant! That stuff has been on my mind as of late.” He waved his paw dismissively, wanting to carry on. “Anyway! You’ve got a point, Rodion. I wouldn’t be surprised if those folks resorted to mud-slinging and similar dirty tactics, either. But whatever! Not our concern.”

Silver crossed his arms and gazed at the clouds, contemplating the new topic.

“Now, the Shadow Pokémon. They’re bad news for everyone, regardless of political stance. So yeah, I’m all for focusing on ‘em for now.” He began tapping his chin. “Let’s see… What we know so far is that there’ve been many incidents in Blaguarro. That, and the brutal attack of the wagon directed to Terminal Two. So, it might be worth it to find more info about those incidents and places, at least as a starting point.”
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Rodion shook his head with a quiet sigh.

"What I meant by focusing on these Shadow Pokémon is how best to avoid them and protect ourselves if needed," he said. "If Blaguarro is the source of all of this, then that's a good reason to stay away from it."
Silver stared intently at his companions, unconsciously tapping his claws together and his ears twitching, somewhat conflicted himself.

He understood their apprehension. The whole deal with infective, mindless Shadow Pokémon didn’t sound too different from any regular zombie movie, and going into an obvious hotbed would be the last thing any person with a bit of common sense would do.

But then, vague memories of the attack at the Radio Tower resurfaced, and with them came faint pangs of regret. Hibiki and Kris had risked their lives by challenging Team Rocket directly, while he held off the issue. Grudge and rage might have clouded his better judgment back then, but he couldn’t help but wonder if he could have done more…

Hm. Perhaps they could aim for a compromise?

“We can’t afford to get too complacent, though. If the theory that the Shadow Charmeleon — that Owen guy — had been sent to get rid of us is true, then what’s stopping whoever sent him from trying their luck again?” pointed out Silver, before crossing his arms.

“Just because the problem is currently away from us, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be a problem here in the future. Not saying we should physically check out those places, but investigating the matter further and looking for potential solutions will help us be better prepared in case of another attack. Because, honestly, I’m not exactly looking forward to be shredded to pieces by some brainwashed ‘mon!”
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“Just because the problem is currently away from us, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be a problem here in the future. Not saying we should physically check out those places, but investigating the matter further and looking for potential solutions will help us be better prepared in case of another attack. Because, honestly, I’m not exactly looking forward to be shredded to pieces by some brainwashed ‘mon!”

Lyle quietly breathed out a sigh of relief after hearing Rodion and Silver. Perhaps it was just him being a bit out of the loop of recent events, but a part of him was glad that the two didn't seem eager to charge headfirst into a danger they didn't really seem to understand.

"Yeah, no kidding," Lyle said. "I kinda get the feeling that those Shadow Pokémon are more of a symptom than a cause for what's been going on."

The Cyndaquil trailed off and paused in thought to himself.

"Though... if we didn't go to Blaguarro to start looking around, where would it make sense to start looking around?"
“We can’t afford to get too complacent, though. If the theory that the Shadow Charmeleon — that Owen guy — had been sent to get rid of us is true, then what’s stopping whoever sent him from trying their luck again?” pointed out Silver, before crossing his arms.

“Just because the problem is currently away from us, it doesn’t mean that it won’t be a problem here in the future. Not saying we should physically check out those places, but investigating the matter further and looking for potential solutions will help us be better prepared in case of another attack. Because, honestly, I’m not exactly looking forward to be shredded to pieces by some brainwashed ‘mon!”

"If that Charmeleon was indeed sent by them, then the only reason it happened was because the team decided to go poking around in the first place," Rodion retorted. "I'm sure that visit the others made to Blaguarro only made things worse, so I wouldn't be surprised if that group does try their luck again by sending another Shadow Pokémon after us. It's why I said we should look for ways to protect ourselves from anyone using these Shadow powers, but that doesn't mean we need to make this our problem and march off to Blaguarro to fight this group."

"Though... if we didn't go to Blaguarro to start looking around, where would it make sense to start looking around?"

Rodion said nothing for a moment as he looked between Lyle and Silver, before slowly speaking up.

"... I might have an idea actually."
"If that Charmeleon was indeed sent by them, then the only reason it happened was because the team decided to go poking around in the first place," Rodion retorted. "I'm sure that visit the others made to Blaguarro only made things worse, so I wouldn't be surprised if that group doestry their luck again by sending another Shadow Pokémon after us. It's why I said we should look for ways to protect ourselves from anyone using these Shadow powers, but that doesn't mean we need to make this our problem and march off to Blaguarro to fight this group."

Silver nodded, a soft sigh breezing through his lips. He couldn't refute that statement because that was pretty much his own opinion of the matter. If those idiots hadn't been so reckless and took their time to actually think things through, then perhaps the entire group could have achieved much more, without risking anyone’s life and jeopardizing the lives of the other members of the group.

The simple idea of being watched by and targeted by some group that could create shadowy super soldiers was certainly worrisome. But it’s not like their could travel back in time and fix things, anyway, so there wasn’t really any point in pondering that matter any longer.

“Hmph. Can’t deny that,” he muttered after a while, shrugging. “But hey! At least we can still cover our butts, so let’s use this time wisely.”

"Though... if we didn't go to Blaguarro to start looking around, where would it make sense to start looking around?"
Rodion said nothing for a moment as he looked between Lyle and Silver, before slowly speaking up.

"... I might have an idea actually."

Silver was about to bring up the Escarpa clan, but Rodion interjected before he had the chance to reply. Did the Buizel somehow read his mind or something else?

“Oh?” The now-Sneasel tilted his head, a curious glint shining in his eyes. “Do tell. Whatcha got in mind?”
"When spending time with Sonora during Autumn Crossing, she told me about this place west of the Obstinea range that sounded interesting. It's located near the water and the Pokémon there got ships somewhat similar to the ones in my world." Rodion began. "I've been wanting to leave Frontier Town and see more of Forlas for a while now, and this place seems like as good a place as any to start with."

He stretched himself, as a small smile began to form on his face.

"That monastery that was brought up during the meeting happens to be along the way," the Buizel said. "In fact, Sonora recommended stopping there since travel across the Obstinea range is supposed to be real tough. If we go there, we can learn more about this Radiance, which is supposed to be a counter Shadows. Hell, maybe we'll even find a way to use it."
Lyle wasn't sure how he felt about getting up and out that far into Forlas since he'd already had his share of forced adventures back home. Except, this wouldn't be forced, and he'd be in good company...

He brought a paw to his mouth and mused to himself with a quiet hum.

"I don't know how I feel about seeing those ships, but the monastery doesn't sound like a half-bad idea," he said. "Especially since with a name like 'Radiance', maybe it's just what we need in order to find a way of dealing with those 'Shadow' Pokémon."
The gears of contemplation spun into Silver’s mind, just as he tilted his head in the other direction. Yeah, he remembered that Obstinea place being mentioned at some point, but everyone seemed more eager to throw hands with the Escarpa clan and find the Wandering Light, instead. And while he always enjoyed some good tussle, the more he thought about a journey on a ship, the more interested he became. As long as that journey didn’t turn into a deadly water trap like the cruise ship back home, of course.

A wide grin shone on his face, his claw tapping his chin as a sign of interest.

“Hehe! Sure, why not? I’ve been growing bored of all this dust and gearing up to ditch Frontier Town for some time, so I’m all for some kinda expedition!” His grin stretched further, showing more of his tiny fangs. “If anything, we all could use some breath of new air, too, and I’ve been sparing money and supplies for a potential travel. For all I care, we can leave whenever you’re ready!”
Rodion's smile widened as he listened to his companions.

"Heh, glad to hear you both feel the same way then," the Buizel replied, when he put a reassuring paw on Lyle's shoulder. "And don't worry, being on a ship ain't that bad for a Fire-Type as long as you have the right 'mons looking out for you. Our crew even has a Quilava on it, and he's been happily sailing with us for years."

He took a few steps in the direction they had originally come from, before turning back to Lyle and Silver.

"Anyway, I think we should head back to town. Let's focus for now on earning some extra money, so we can get enough supplies for the trip," Rodion said. "Maybe we can see if some of the other Wayfarers would be interested in coming along, even if it's just up until the monastery."
Rodion's smile widened as he listened to his companions.

"Heh, glad to hear you both feel the same way then," the Buizel replied, when he put a reassuring paw on Lyle's shoulder. "And don't worry, being on a ship ain't that bad for a Fire-Type as long as you have the right 'mons looking out for you. Our crew even has a Quilava on it, and he's been happily sailing with us for years."

Lyle briefly blinked. Or as much as his Cyndaquil eyes would allow him to blink. Had he reminded Rodion of someone that he knew? Maybe it'd explain a few things about how they'd started growing closer so quickly. Thankfully Rodion was nothing like the main 'mon of his species he knew from back in his own world, and there was just something about his personality that felt like he'd be well-suited to stepping into the breach in a bad situation.

He took a few steps in the direction they had originally come from, before turning back to Lyle and Silver.

"Anyway, I think we should head back to town. Let's focus for now on earning some extra money, so we can get enough supplies for the trip," Rodion said. "Maybe we can see if some of the other Wayfarers would be interested in coming along, even if it's just up until the monastery."

"That shouldn't be a problem for me since I still have my apprenticeship in town," Lyle said. "I'll be sure to give them notice when the time comes."
Silver didn't do anything more than place a paw on his hip when Rodion patted Lyle, but he still offered to the Cyndaquil a confident smirk as soon as the Buizel ended his pep talk — an expression that silently said ‘I’ve got your back, too!’, without the need of verbal or physical reassurance.

It truly felt good to have someone who accepted you for whoever you are and who you can rely on, and that was pretty much how Silver felt about Rodion and Lyle. And… he secretly hoped if they felt the same way, too.

"Anyway, I think we should head back to town. Let's focus for now on earning some extra money, so we can get enough supplies for the trip," Rodion said. "Maybe we can see if some of the other Wayfarers would be interested in coming along, even if it's just up until the monastery."

“Ha! Yeah, it shouldn’t be a problem for me, either.” Silver shrugged, totally unbothered. “My boss is a pretty agreeable ‘mon, so I doubt he’ll throw an hissy fit if I ask for a temporary leave of absence. It’s not like there’s much work to do nowadays, so…”

He whistled contentedly to himself, then nodded. “Anyway, yeah, let’s go back. Frontier Town ain’t around the corner, after all.”

And so the trio of mustelids began their trek back to town. After sharing similar opinions and concerns of the situation and with a new goal on the horizon, things were starting to look up. And the best thing was that they knew they could count on each other.

[Ch04] - Training Tussle
Steven was at the training spot early. It was the polite thing to do, but it also afforded him some extra time to train on his own. After all, he'd offered these training sessions to help the others. But after the run-in with the Wolf, (and his rather pathetic showing,) and the impending conflict with Cipher, he knew he needed to hone on his own skills, too.

At the moment, Steven was practicing by levitating rocks high over the muddy bank. The water was low in this area, and dropping them from height meant they'd embed themselves deep in the mud. Once they were good and stuck, the goal was to try and wrench them free with his telekinesis.

When he'd last spoken to Koa and Ridley, both were excited to join the training session. He left a note at the Haus that anyone else interested in training today could join in as well. As he practiced on his own he listened for any sound of anyone arriving.
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Ridley had considered simply not attending the training session. He'd been so enthusiastic about the idea before, so hopeful that it would solve the problems he was having, even if the only solution ended up being a boost to his self-confidence. But considering again now, with a clearer mind, he wasn't sure what he could possibly gain from it.

...but on the other hand, Ridley was the only person he knew had promised for sure to show up to the training session. He knew Steven had invited Koa, and he'd seen Steven's note inviting anyone who was interested to show up, but he didn't know if anyone actually would.

In the time Ridley had spent talking to Steven, the only points at which Steven had seemed happy where the times when he was talking about training and battle tactics and his pokemon. More than happy: he'd lit up about it.

With that in mind, it would've felt cruel to ignore Steven's offer of training. Regardless of however many other people showed up, Ridley had agreed to do so. The least he could fucking do right now was to not disappoint Steven.

And so he'd shown up to the scheduled training session, just in time to see Steven trying to wrench a particularly large rock free from where it was embedded in the mud.

Ridley coughed awkwardly. "So, uh, I'm here."
A familiar voice interrupted Steven's concentration, but he was more than happy to abandon that particular rock. (The exercise proved to be more tiring than he thought.)

"Ridley!" he said, spinning around to face the cleffa-disguised Mimikyu. "I'm so glad you made it!"

He floated closer with a smile, but slowed as the memory resurfaced of that night in Powehi's realm. He hadn't seen Ridley since then...

"How, ah, how are you doing?" he asked gently.
Training with Steven was the best possible way he could think of to take his mind of everything else, and not think about or have to see another trace of Lycanroc for as long as possible. Training. Training was good, and they needed to be ready for whatever Cipher might try.

To his relief, he spotted Ridley as he approached. After what had happened he'd tried to find the Mimikyu, but had been unsuccessful. He'd been somewhat worried something truly terrible had happened, although Betel hadn't aid anything so he'd hoped for the best.

"Ridley!" he called enthusiastically as he trotted up. Relief flowed through him. He nodded his head to greet Steven as well. "I'm glad you're here. A-are you okay? I was looking for you before..." he trailed off awkwardly. Maybe Ridley didn't want to talk about it. Koa wouldn't blame him.
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