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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Sky City Caverns

Owed: $1; Room #6 (12 from 11)
Inventory: Alakazam (F)

You ignore the Tropius and take the left passage into what appears to be room twelve. You get the feeling you're making no progress. Suddenly, out from behind you flies a Taillow, which seems to be the same one you saw earlier. It lands in front of you and squawks a few times. Suddenly, in comes a Swellow, eager to follow its child's demands. You hear a squeal from a long way away.
If succesful,
[Go back/Back Left/Left/Right/Far right/Stay and search]?

 I'm  Obsessed  with  the  awesomeness  of  Apple  today. 
...It takes me ten minutes to type that and you reply within thirty seconds...No big deal, though.

Owed: $2; Room #6 (12 from 11)
Inventory: Alakazam (F)

You throw a Poké Ball at the Swellow, but after only one shake it comes free. Instead of running away like its child, however, the Swellow starts to attack you. What do you do?
If successful,
[Go back/Back Left/Left/Right/Far right/Stay and search]?
...ju don' wan' da shwellow?

Owed: $2; Room #7 (15 from 12)
Inventory: Alakazam (F)

You call the guy from the Front Desk to deal with the Swellow, and he arrives promptly, telling you to move on. You take the forward right passage out of the room, and end up in room fifteen. Waiting for you there is a
If successful,
[Go back/Far left/Forward left/Forward right/Far right/Stay and search]?
Owed: $2; Room #8 (14 from 15/ Transported to Star room)
Walking into what seems to be room fourteen, you look around. This trek is starting to get boring. You look around–What is that strange presence you feel? Suddenly, a Gengar appears in front of you. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. The seven Gengars suddenly all use their powers to immobilize you. THen one picks you up, and starts moving; the rest follow. You move faster, and faster, and even faster, so fast that you cannot see which rooms you're going through. Soon enough. the Gengar drops you, and they all walk away. Dazed, you examine your surroundings. The room has four exits: One behind you, one to your left, one to your right, and one in the center. The one in the center, straight in front of you, has a wind blowing from it, and light. Strange--You really don't feel anywhere near an exit. What is your desicion?


You rolled 100/100; the luckiest roll of them all!
Owed: $2; Ho-Oh's Egg room
Inventory: Alakazam (F)

You walk into the light...And find yourself in an amazing place. In the center of the room is a hole, maybe 8 meters in diameter, and behind it is a nest. In the nest, are large baby birds–they have rainbow feathers. They're Ho-Oh's babies! You walk up to attempt to catch one; but suddenly, a Bronzong floats in your way. It seems determined to stop you from reaching the chicks.
Owed: $2; Ho-Oh's Egg room
Inventory: Alakazam (F)

You throw a pokéball at the Bronzong, but it breaks out. It starts attacking you agressively, so you send out the Alakazam you caught earlier to fight for you. It happily obliges.
You lurk too much, methinks. Either that, or you're always coincidentally on when I am...

Owed: $2; Ho-Oh's Egg room
Inventory: Alakazam (F)

Your Alakazam deals the final blow; The Bronzong is thrown to the side. You try to exit the room, but some magical force prevents you from doing so. No sooner have you turned around, then you see a Metang guarding the baby Ho-Ohs.
Owed: $4; Ho-Oh's Egg room
Inventory: Alakazam (F)

You throw a Poké Ball at the Metang; It pops out, though, and your Alakazam defeats it with Focus Blast. No sooner has it been thrown aside, though, when a Ninjask flies in; These pokémon are determined to protect those babies, at the cost of their consciousnesses!
Owed: $4; Ho-Oh's Egg room
Inventory: Alakazam (F)

As your Alakazam finishes off the Ninjask, the Metang gets back up–It's ready to fight again. Dang, when will this onslaught end?
Owed: $4; Ho-Oh's Egg room(5-)
Inventory: Alakazam (F)

Your Alakazam finishes the Metang off yet again; It seems to be getting tired. You hear a faint jingle of bells. In flies a Togekiss.
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